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Penélope Mena Program Supervisor 360-725-6069 1 PARENT INVOLVEMENT

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3 Key Requirements  Accessibility  Communication in General Provide information to parents of students participating in Title I, Part A programs in an easy to understand format and in a language they can understand.  Other Languages Written translations of printed information must be provided to parents with limited English proficiency or orally in a language the parent can understand.  Parent with Disabilities Districts must take the necessary steps to ensure that communication with parents with disabilities are as effective as with other parents. 3 PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN TITLE I, PART A

4  Funding  Districts receiving $500,000 or more in Title I, Part A funds must set aside, at minimum, one percent for parent involvement purposes. Ninety five percent of the district set-aside must be allocated to Title I, Part A buildings for building-level parent involvement.  Districts with less than $500,000 must also provide parent involvement opportunities at the district and building levels.  Districts must involve the parents in the allocation of funds the district has reserved for parent involvement activities, including promotion of parent literacy and developing parenting skills. [ESEA Section 1118(a)(3), Parent Involvement Guidance C-14] 4 PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN TITLE I, PART A

5  District Level Parent Involvement Policy  A written document (school board approved).  Jointly developed and agreed upon with parents.  Distributed to all parents of participating students, if applicable, in a format and language that parents can understand. Describes elements of parent involvement activities that will be implemented at Title I, Part A schools. Includes strategies on using parent input. ** If the district already has a parent policy, it may be amended to meet the requirements of Title I, Part A. 5 PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN TITLE I, PART A

6  School Level Parent Involvement Policy  Written policy.  Agreed upon by parents.  Distributed to parents, and the local community, in a format and language, to the extent practicable, that parents can understand. Describes the means for carrying out parent involvement activities at the building level. Includes strategies in using parent input. **If the school has a parental involvement policy that applies to all parents, it may be amended to meet the requirements of Title I, Part A. 6 PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN TITLE I, PART A

7 School Policy Requirements Continued…  Provide timely information about programs.  Involve parents in on-going, timely planning, review, and improvement of the school parental involvement policy and the joint development of the schoolwide program plan.  Include a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet. 7 PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN TITLE I, PART A

8 School-Parent Compact  Each Title I, Part A school shall jointly develop with parents, for all children served, a school-parent compact that outlines:  How parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement.  The means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high standards. 8 PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN TITLE I, PART A

9 2014 Parent Involvement Bulletin– Coming soon Included in this bulletin:  District level Required Allocation  District and School Level Written Policy Requirements  Attachment A provides district and school side-by-side required policy components.  District and School Requirements and Responsibilities for Building Capacity  Key Parent Notice Requirements  Attachment B contains a list of the key Title I, Part A required parent notifications. Includes Steps 1-5 parent notifications.  Federal Programs Citizen Complaint Procedures for districts and schools  Attachment C contains Federal Programs Citizen Complaint Procedures. 9 PARENT INVOLVEMENT IN TITLE I, PART A

10 Allowable Parent Involvement Activities and Associated Costs under Title I, Part A  Pursuant to the mandates of Title I, Part A, Sec. 1118(e), districts shall provide a broad range of services to parents to help them more effectively support and assist their students to succeed in school.  These services are reasonably broad in scope, but are generally linked to parent education and training, parent participation in school-related meetings, and parent inclusion in the education of their student(s). 10 ALLOWABLE TITLE I, PART A ACTIVITIES IN PARENT INVOLVEMENT

11  The following list of allowable parent involvement activities (costs) is not complete, but is typical. These may be charged to Title I, Part A funds provided they have been determined to be reasonable, necessary, and allocable to Title I, Part A and do not supplant other funds.  Transportation and child care costs, as needed, to facilitate parent attendance at meetings and training sessions.  Meals or refreshments to accommodate parent attendance at parent involvement meetings and trainings that interrupt or conflict with family meals/schedules.  Snacks may be provided as a means to encourage attendance at parent involvement events, but are only allowable to the extent that they are shown to increase participation. 11 ALLOWABLE TITLE I, PART A ACTIVITIES IN PARENT INVOLVEMENT

12 Continued…  Registration and travel costs for parent representatives or committee members to attend in-state workshops and conferences that support parent education and involvement strategies to be shared with other parents.  Translation and interpretation services for parents to have access to school related information in a format and language they can understand.  Unavoidable facilities cost associated with the conduct of parent involvement activities. ** Note: Gifts and incentives are not allowable costs under Title I, Part A. (WA State Constitution: Article 8, Section 5 and 7) 12 ALLOWABLE TITLE I, PART A ACTIVITIES IN PARENT INVOLVEMENT

13 1.District Parent Involvement Policy 2.Building Parent Involvement Policy 3.School/Parent Compact Read the three documents.  Identify the key elements.  Share any other notable details from your reading.  How does it relate to your job/duties? 13 PARENT INVOLVEMENT ACTIVITY

14  Parent Involvement Non-Regulatory Guidance Parent Involvement Non-Regulatory Guidance  A Toolkit for Title I, Part A Parental Involvement A Toolkit for Title I, Part A Parental Involvement  Resources for Family & Community Engagement Resources for Family & Community Engagement  Parent Guides: Supplemental Educational Services │ Public School ChoiceSupplemental Educational Services Public School Choice 14 PARENT INVOLVEMENT RESOURCES

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