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Find your Spiral 1 st : Make a new Title Page: TEXAS IN THE CIVIL WAR 2 nd : Make a new Table of Contents 1.Causes of the Civil War 2.Vocabulary 3.Vocabulary,

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Presentation on theme: "Find your Spiral 1 st : Make a new Title Page: TEXAS IN THE CIVIL WAR 2 nd : Make a new Table of Contents 1.Causes of the Civil War 2.Vocabulary 3.Vocabulary,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Find your Spiral 1 st : Make a new Title Page: TEXAS IN THE CIVIL WAR 2 nd : Make a new Table of Contents 1.Causes of the Civil War 2.Vocabulary 3.Vocabulary, continued

2 Causes of the Civil War Confederate – South Gray Uniforms Union – North Blue Uniforms

3 What was the Civil War about? If you ask a Southerner, they’d say it was all about STATES’ RIGHTS! It depends on who you ask!! If you asked a Northerner, they’d say it was all about SLAVERY!!

4 Quick Overview: TISSUETISSUE We will use the acronym “TISSUE” throughout this unit – write it on your title page somewhere and we’ll briefly talk about what each letter represents.

5 TISSUETISSUE TARIFFS = taxes on importe d goods INDUSTR Y vs AGRICUL TURE Facto ries in NORTH Slaver y (for farms) Agricu lture in SOUTH States Rights (Feder alism) Uncle Tom’s Cabin (a book about slavery) Electi on of 1860 (Abe Lincol n)

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