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What, why and how history? Modern World History Mrs. Sagraves 2014-15.

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Presentation on theme: "What, why and how history? Modern World History Mrs. Sagraves 2014-15."— Presentation transcript:

1 What, why and how history? Modern World History Mrs. Sagraves 2014-15

2 Agenda 8/27/14 Introductions Activities to accomplish 1. Attendance 2. What does it mean for this class to be a safe zone? 3. Partner pair-up 4. Activity: Artifact introductions HOMEWORK: Student Information Sheet due tomorrow Objectives By the end of this lesson, you should: 1. Understand how we will work together to create a safe zone. 2. Be able to introduce one classmate, and learn things you didn’t know about other classmates.

3 Agenda 8/28/14: Introductions Activities to accomplishObjectives 1. Seating Chart 2. Course Expectations 3. Website 4. Study Buddies 5. Finish Student Introductions Homework: Read over course expectations for VERY SHORT quiz tomorrow. By the end of this lesson, you should: 1. Know where your seat for this quarter is. 2. Know what my expectations for you are for this course. 3. Know how to use our class website. 4. Know your study buddies for this unit.

4 What is History History is an account of the past. These accounts are limited by: 1.The evidence or artifacts that we have. 2. The reliability of that evidence – How much we can trust it. 3. The perspective of the person writing or doing the history of a subject..

5 Agenda 8/29/14: What, why, how History? Activities to accomplishObjectives 1. Quiz 2. Daily Question 3. How History? 5. Sourcing, Corroboration, Contextualization 6. Sourcing Exercise HOMEWORK: Relax, and spend some quality time with friends and family By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: 1. Describe what sources we use to tell/write history, and answer historical questions. 2. Describe how we go about evaluating these sources.

6 Daily Question 1.What is History? 2.What do historians use to reconstruct history?

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