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The Electromagnetic Spectrum By: [Your Name Here] Period [your period]

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Presentation on theme: "The Electromagnetic Spectrum By: [Your Name Here] Period [your period]"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum By: [Your Name Here] Period [your period]

2 What are electromagnetic waves? [paste a picture here that represents electromagnetic waves] URL:

3 The largest wavelengths: [your answer] The smallest wavelengths: [your answer] Which waves have the highest energy? [your answer]

4 Which of the following waves have you experienced in your life? [answer here]

5 Radio Waves What information can radio waves give us about objects in space? How do we use radio waves in everyday life? [Insert answer here]

6 Microwave Microwaves heat our food by [insert answer here]

7 Infrared Waves How do astronomers use infrared waves to study space? [Type your answer here] URL:

8 Visible Light Waves Q: How do we see color? A: Q: What structures in our eyes detect color? A:

9 Ultraviolet Waves Interesting Facts: 1. 2. 3.

10 X-Ray Waves What objects in space produce X-rays that astronomers study? Can X-rays travel better through skin or bones? Answer:

11 Gamma Rays

12 What I learned about EM Waves

13 Stop right here and have the teacher look over your work.

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