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Module Microsoft ® Virtual Academy Active Directory and Migrating Hyper-V with PowerShell 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Module Microsoft ® Virtual Academy Active Directory and Migrating Hyper-V with PowerShell 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module Microsoft ® Virtual Academy Active Directory and Migrating Hyper-V with PowerShell 6

2 Active Directory in VM

3 3 Why discuss this topic? Distributed database aspects DNS set up Cannot use Azure internal DNS servers for AD Use a DIP (Dynamic IP address) for a Domain Controller? Disk caching setting for AD database ? Active Directory in VM

4 Migrating VHDs from Hyper-V

5 5 Disks in Azure VMs C:\ - Windows OS disk (on blob storage) D:\ - Local disk (on local server) - for temp files, such as pagefile.sys E:\, F:\, etc - Data disks (on blob storage) Each data disk can be max 1 TB in size Max number of data disks depends on VM size - up to 16 data disks Disks in VMs

6 6 Format Only vhd-files (not vhdx-files) Only fixed size vhd-files No differencing vhd-files Can convert any vhdx to vhd Can convert any vhd to fixed size Can resize vhd to smaller size VHD files

7 7 Portal access Uses Live ID (Microsoft Account) Go to Role: Service Administrator or Co-Administrator Uses special REST API without providing certificate Management certificate Certificate can be self-signed Does not check certificate expiration Used by PowerShell Used by REST API Storage access Uses secret key Or anonymous share access RDP VM access Uses username/password Authentication and Access (4x)

8 8 Use PowerShell command (Add-AzureVHD) to upload vhd-file Prepare vhd-file in Hyper-V Allow RDP access Don't worry about IP network settings (optional) Pagefile on D:\ Do not use older csupload.exe The upload PowerShell command is "smart" Converts dynamic vhd-file to static vhd-file Uploads "sparse" (= skips empty parts) Add-AzureDisk en Add-AzureImage is something else Upload your own VHD-file

9 9 Can use Portal to download vhd-file Use PowerShell command (Save-AzureVHD) to download vhd-file What can you do with download vhd-file? VHD-file is fixed size - can convert to dynamically expanding Load in Hyper-V What about networking? Configure running VM Download VHD-file to Hyper-V

10 Thank you for watching!

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