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Exploration - Permutation Suppose that a manager of a softball team is filling out her team’s lineup card before the game, the order in which the names.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploration - Permutation Suppose that a manager of a softball team is filling out her team’s lineup card before the game, the order in which the names."— Presentation transcript:


2 Exploration - Permutation Suppose that a manager of a softball team is filling out her team’s lineup card before the game, the order in which the names are filled out is important as it determines the order which the players will bat. Suppose that she has 7 possible players in mind for the top 4 spots in the lineup. How many different ways can the manager fill in the line up?

3 Exploration - Permutation Suppose that a manager of a softball team is filling out her team’s lineup card before the game, the order in which the names are filled out is important as it determines the order which the players will bat. Suppose that she has 7 possible players in mind for the top 4 spots in the lineup. How many different ways can the manager fill in the line up? __________________________________ First Second Third FourthTotal

4 Exploration - Permutation Suppose that a manager of a softball team is filling out her team’s lineup card before the game, the order in which the names are filled out is important as it determines the order which the players will bat. Suppose that she has 7 possible players in mind for the top 4 spots in the lineup. How many different ways can the manager fill in the line up? __________________________________ First Second Third FourthTotal 7 6 5 4 840

5 Permutations – Definition





10 Permutations







17 Example – Figure Skating There are 7 finalist for the world championship of skating. How many ways can gold, silver and bronze medals be awarded?

18 Example – Figure Skating There are 7 finalist for the world championship of skating. How many ways can gold, silver and bronze medals be awarded? Does order matter?

19 Example – Figure Skating There are 7 finalist for the world championship of skating. How many ways can gold, silver and bronze medals be awarded? Does order matter? YES!!! This is a permutation.

20 Example – Figure Skating



23 Permutations with Repetition

24 # of P # of O # of Y

25 Permutations with Repetition # of P # of O # of Y

26 Permutations with Repetition # of P # of O # of Y

27 Permutations with Repetition # of P # of O # of Y

28 Permutations with Repetition How many distinct permutations of the word MAMA exist? Of the word MISSISSIPPI?

29 Permutations with Repetition


31 CW 12.2 – Permutations

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