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How was British Society Changed, ?

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1 How was British Society Changed, 1939-1975?
Past Paper Questions Jan 2010 Immigration to Britain


3 Study Source A What can you learn from this source about emigration to Britain? Use details from the source and your own knowledge to explain your answer (6 Marks)


5 Study Source B and C Which of these two sources is more useful as evidence about immigration to Britain? Use details of the sources and your own knowledge to explain your answer (8 Marks)


7 Study sources D What is the message of this source
Study sources D What is the message of this source? Use details of the sources and your knowledge to explain the answer (7 Marks)


9 Study source E Why do you think the British government published this source in 1958? Use details from the source and your own knowledge to explain your answer ( Marks)


11 Study Sources F and G How similar are these two sources
Study Sources F and G How similar are these two sources? Use details from the source and your own knowledge to explain your answer (9 Marks)

12 Source G was removed because of copyright reasons

13 Study All the sources A-G ‘Immigrants came to Britain in the period to find work.’ How far do the sources in this paper support this statement? Use details from the source and your own knowledge to explain your answer. Remember to identify the sources you use. (12 Marks)

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