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Weimar Republic: The Golden Years Week 9, November 25.

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Presentation on theme: "Weimar Republic: The Golden Years Week 9, November 25."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weimar Republic: The Golden Years Week 9, November 25

2 Weimar periodization 1)Inflation, 1918-1923 2)Normalization, 1923-1928/29 3)Depression, 1928/29-1933

3 Gustav Stresemann, 1878-1929 (with his friend W. von Rheinhaben)

4 Weimar foreign politics Rapallo 1922 Dawes plan 1924 –> organized the post WW1 reparations in a new, non- punitive way –> replaced by Young plan in 1929 Locarno 1925 Entry to the League of Nations 1926

5 Wandervogel movement (youth hiking groups)

6 Youth and Weimar Conflicts with authority Many grew up without fathers or with absent parents New offers of spare time -> Hiking groups; sports; movies “Comradely love” Often moving towards more radical parties

7 The New Woman

8 Gay bar in Berlin (Eldorado)

9 New housing settlements The White City, Bln- Reinickendorf

10 Hufeisensiedlung, Bruno Taut (1925-30)

11 Various inhabitants… in front of the house where Eichmann lived 34- 39 Erich Mühsam, the anarchist

12 The White City, 1929-31, Martin Salvisberg

13 Berlin: A Symphony of a Metropolis

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