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Data Wise Introduction Module Ebony Cross, Felice N. DeSouza, Donna Drakeford, Rotunda Floyd-Cooper, Tasheka Green, Paula Harris, Rhonda Hawkins, Trina.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Wise Introduction Module Ebony Cross, Felice N. DeSouza, Donna Drakeford, Rotunda Floyd-Cooper, Tasheka Green, Paula Harris, Rhonda Hawkins, Trina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Wise Introduction Module Ebony Cross, Felice N. DeSouza, Donna Drakeford, Rotunda Floyd-Cooper, Tasheka Green, Paula Harris, Rhonda Hawkins, Trina Hayes, David Rease, Jr., Anthony Sims

2 Provide an overview of the Data Wise Improvement Process Provide an overview of the foundational thinking that drives the Data Wise process: ACE Habits of Mind Ladder of Inference Norms Protocols Objectives

3 Agenda Data Wise Improvement Process Ace Habits of Mind Norms Protocols Plus/Deltas Ladder of Inference

4 Data Wise is… A school improvement PROCESS that organizes and brings coherence to the work of improvement. A specific PROCESS that facilitates intentional thinking and utilizing a more disciplined way of looking at data as a collaborative group. A PROCESS that helps all educators in all positions to learn how to analyze data in a manner that contributes to improved instruction and increased student learning. What is Data Wise?.

5 . What Data Wise ISWhat Data Wise IS NOT Inquiry - questions drive learning and next steps Declarative - stating what has to be done Collaborative - all staff have a voice in determining what actions to take and what questions to explore Directive - one person decides what happens in isolation Designed to create spaces for learning about instruction, assessment, and practice for everyone A process that assumes skill and knowledge exist without having evidence of intentional knowledge and skill development. Is... Is Not

6 What Data Wise ISWhat Data Wise IS NOT Means of organizing and bringing coherence to staff members’ collective efforts at improvement A program to implement A means to help school leaders organize the work of school improvement around a process that has specific, manageable steps A compliance measure or a checklist to be completed Cyclical; recursiveA linear process that doesn’t allow for assessment and adjustment A series of yearlong coherent inquiry meetings A singular meeting (collaborative planning, data utilization, analyzing student work, etc.) Is... Is Not

7 Agenda Data Wise Improvement Process Ace Habits of Mind Norms Protocols Plus/Deltas Ladder of Inference

8 . The ACE Habits of Mind

9 . As you watch the video of the ACE Habits of Mind, write: How each habit is defined What resonates with you How the video adds to your understanding

10 . Action, Assessment, & Adjustment Clear objectives and action steps for meetings Continuous assessment of progress No shame in adjustment Analysis paralysis Forging blindly ahead Jumping into action too quickly Complete abandonment

11 . Intentional Collaboration Deliberate choices about how/when to engage people with the work Structuring conversations to leverage collective wisdom Assuming teams = improvement Grouping people in the same room = productive interaction

12 . Relentless Focus on Evidence Adhere to norm of grounding statements in evidence Make decisions based on specific and descriptive statements about a wide range of data sources Culture of nice Complimenting with several adjectives Passing judgment on others Offering your opinion when it is not asked Jumping to conclusions

13 Agenda Data Wise Improvement Process Ace Habits of Mind Norms Protocols Plus/Deltas Ladder of Inference

14 . The Ladder of Inference

15 . All Data I take: actions I draw: conclusions I add: interpretation I select: some data

16 Agenda Data Wise Improvement Process Ace Habits of Mind Norms Protocols Plus/Deltas Ladder of Inference

17 . Norms NORMS

18 Data Wise Norms. 1.Take an inquiry stance 2.Assume positive intentions 3.Ground statements in evidence 4.Stick to protocol 5.Be here now 6.Start and end on time

19 Agenda Data Wise Improvement Process Ace Habits of Mind Norms Protocols Plus/Deltas Ladder of Inference

20 .

21 . Constructing an Improvement Process Purpose: Construct the actual Data Wise School Improvement Process Step 1: Create an Improvement Process (3 phases and 8 steps) Step 2: Introduction to Data Wise VideoIntroduction to Data Wise Video

22 . The Stoplight Protocol Really happening Sort of happening Not happening

23 . The Coherence Protocol

24 . Hopes and Fears Protocol

25 Agenda Data Wise Improvement Process Ace Habits of Mind Norms Protocols Plus/Deltas Ladder of Inference

26 Plus /Delta Protocol What helped me to learn/interact with today’s meeting objectives? What changes are needed to help me to better learn/interact with today’s meeting objectives?

27 . Supporting teams of educators in using data to improve learning and teaching Data Wise Improvement Process

28 Segun C. Eubanks, Ed.D., Chair Carolyn M. Boston, Vice Chair, District 6 Zabrina Epps, M.P.M., District 1 Peggy Higgins, LCSW-C, District 2 Amber Waller, District 3 Patricia Eubanks, District 4 Verjeana M. Jacobs, Esq., District 5 Lyn J. Mundey, MBA, CIPP/G, District 7 Edward Burroughs III, District 8 Sonya Williams, District 9 Beverly Anderson, Ph.D. Daniel Kaufman, Ph.D. Curtis Valentine, M.P.P. Jeffrey Taylor, Student Board Member Kevin M. Maxwell, Ph.D., Secretary Treasurer and Chief Executive Officer PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION

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