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Published byBuck Owens Modified over 9 years ago
Agricultural Sciences for Global Development, SLU Global
Welcome to this brief introduction to SLU. The presentation shows SLU's overall goals and visions, along with some key figures from our annual report for SLU is a university with a unique profile, engaged in education, R&D and environmental monitoring and assessment. SLU's knowledge is central to several of the major challenges we face, for example efficient and sustainable supply of food, animal feed, fibres, energy and materials for the growing world population. Carolyn Glynn, 29 June 2015 on the occasion of the visit by ILRI’s Appolinaire Djikeng
SLU’s Mission: SLU develops the understanding and sustainable use and management of biological natural resources. This is achieved by research, education and environmental monitoring and assessment, in collaboration with the surrounding community. (molecule, organism, ecosystem, landscape, ”cityscape”, global)
SLU nationwide SLU has a nationwide presence, its largest campuses being at Alnarp, Skara, Umeå and Uppsala. SLU has a focused profile, unique in Sweden in areas of strategic importance to society, nationally and globally. Staff and laboratories were transferred from the National Board of Fisheries in SLU is now Sweden's main centre of expertise in both soil biology and aquatic biology. SLU develops knowledge on agriculture, forestry and horticulture from Skåne in the south of Sweden to Norrbotten in the far north. This geographical distribution also provides a unique opportunity for regional collaboration. SLU conducts activities of varying scope at just over 30 locations in the country, including all experimental parks and experimental stations.
Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science (based in Alnarp)
2013 Professor 241 University lecturer 122 Assistant professor 68 Researcher incl. PhD students 526 Lecturer 82 PhD student 376 Administrative 565 Laboratory personel 203 Technical personel 725 Consultant 50 Total 2958 Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences (based in Uppsala) Faculty of Forest Sciences (based in Umeå) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (based in Uppsala)
SLU Uppsala new campus 2011-2015
BioCenter Chemistry, Microbiology Plant science, Food science 2014 Veterinary medicine and Animal sciences University Animal Hospital 2011 Soil, Water, Environment Center 2015 Economics, Landscape architecture Central administration
Lövsta Research and Education Center for farm animals 2011
(> 500 MSEK) Research and Education Center for farm animals 2011 Cows (meat, milk), pigs, poultry (meat, eggs) Slaughter house Bioenergy (wood chips, biogas plant manure)
Our strengths are… Agriculture and horticulture Landscape planning Food production Nature conservation Forestry and wood processing Fisheries and aquaculture Veterinary medicine and livestock husbandry “The combination of basic research, education and societal activities makes up SLU's unique strength.” SLU’s strategy 2013–2016 The SLU of today is a modern university, conducting work of high quality in fields of great relevance to society, nationally as well as globally. SLU's knowledge is central to several of the major global challenges: food supply, productivity development in agriculture and forestry, water shortage and water quality, pandemics and zoonoses, climate change, impoverishment of genetic and aquatic resources, non-renewable raw materials, urbanisation and lifestyle changes.
Education programmes 2014 24 first-cycle programmes 15 second-cycle programmes, mostly in English Over 300 courses 3,838 full-time students (2014) 3.6 students per teacher Good exchange agreements and international collaboration Contract education is provided in the fields of veterinary medicine, food, agriculture and agrarian history, animal husbandry, ethology, game and fisheries, forestry and biofuels, parks, landscape and gardens, economics and business enterprise. SLU consistently achieves a top-three placing in the Swedish university rankings. One key factor is a high teacher-student ratio. SLU also has more teachers holding a doctorate than any other university in Sweden.
Environmental monitoring and assessment
Forest Agricultural landscape Lakes, rivers and streams Coasts and seas Built environment Climate Biodiversity Eutrophication Acidification Non-toxic environment Environmental monitoring and assessment is organised into ten programmes, related to the national environmental objectives and international environmental cooperation. Operations cross administrative divisions to gather SLU's expertise in a wide variety of research fields. They are evolving to meet the needs of the outside world, with an increasingly pronounced international focus. The transfer to SLU of the R&D operations formerly conducted by the National Board of Fisheries has seen the inception of a new programme: “Coasts and seas”. The existing “Lakes, rivers and streams” programme has also been expanded to incorporate freshwater-related activities taken over from the former National Board of Fisheries.
Research Schools -Bioenergy -Cefo, Cemus Research Forum
-Domestic Animals in a Changing World -Ecology – its basics and applications -Focus on Soils and Water -Food in Focus at SLU -Forest Genetics and Breeding -Forest Management -Genetic Resources and Breeding -Global Natural Resource Management and Livelihoods -Integrated Peri-urban development -Landscape Architecture -Microbial Horticulture -Northern Ruralities in Transition -Organism Biology -Sensys – Sensory Systems -Translational and Comparative Medicine -Trees and Crops for the Future
Source: SLU's Annual Report 2014
Breakdown of income Total turnover SEK 3,348 million Financial >0% Fees 22% Direct government funding were SEK 40 million lower in 2012 than in External grants and fee revenues were SEK 136 million higher in 2012 than in 2011. External grants 29% Direct government funding 49% Source: SLU's Annual Report 2014
SLU publications
SLU’s areas of science with highest publication and citation rates 2014
Field of science Nr articles Field normalized average citation % of Swedish publications from SLU Ecology 160 1,39 30 % Environmental Sciencs 157 1,29 18 % Plant biology 133 1,57 39 % Forestry 114 1,10 66 % Veterinary sciences 106 1,71 74 % Plant production 55 1,46 76 % Agri. Sciences, milk and animal sciences 53 1,33 88 % Biochemistry, molecular biology 45 1,04 7 % Biotechnology, applied mikrobiologi 43 1,01 13 % Food Sciences 42 1,31 35 %
Sweden allocates 1% of GNP to developmental aid; 4 billion €
Sverige når under 2012 upp till sitt biståndsmål på en procent av den beräknade bruttonationalinkomsten, BNI. Det svenska biståndet för 2012 är 35,8 miljarder kronor. Center for Global Development (CGD)) mäter hur världens rikaste länder bidrar till utveckling i utvecklingsländerna. Från CGD menar man att utveckling handlar om mer än bistånd, och man mäter sju faktorer; bistånd, handel, investeringar, migration, miljö, säkerhet och teknologi. Sedan år 2009 ligger Sverige i topp av indexet . De sex globala utmaningarna är: Förtryck Ekonomiskt utanförskap Migrationsströmmar Klimatförändringar och miljöpåverkan Konflikter och sviktande situationer Smittsamma sjukdomar och andra hälsohot Från Gunnila Carlsson 25 Oktober 2012: Sverige är världsledande på utbetalning av bistånd mätt i bruttonationalinkomst (BNI) per invånare, genom att ge en procent av BNI vilket med råge överskrider FN:s mål om 0,7 procent. Sverige avsätter 38 miljarder kronor för internationellt utvecklingssamarbete. Prioriteringar områden som tillgång till mat, energi, vatten och sanitet. Det är områden som ger grundläggande förutsättningar för ekonomisk och social utveckling och samtidigt påverkas av klimatförändringar. --riktar sig till kvinnor och barn. Insatser för en miljö- och klimatmässigt hållbar utveckling är prioriterade inom Sveriges utvecklings-samarbete. Sveriges klimatbistånd (som håller en internationellt sett mycket hög nivå) bidrar direkt till utvecklingsländernas möjligheter att anpassa sig till klimatförändringarna och att bygga kapacitet för att hantera dessa. Medlen har också kanaliserats via Världsbankens klimatfonder som finansierar storskaliga projekt i förnybar energi och energieffektisering för att ställa om ländernas energisystem i en mer hållbar riktning. Sverige ger också årliga bidrag till multilaterala utvecklingsbanker som används till investeringar i förnybar energi och energieffektivisering. Det görs bland annat genom investeringar i fungerande ekosystem, sanitet, uthålligt jordbruk och tillgång till vatten. From Sida’s website. Photo: Bengt af Geijerstam
Over 60 years of Swedish Policy for Global Development
Kort not om PGU gammalt på SLU – äldre än Sida By the way – 75% sem för doktorand om ” Exporting Agrarian Expertise: Development aid at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and its predecessors, ” Nils Lagerlöf with two of his students from the 1954/55 course in animal reproduction for a group of veterinarians from India and Thailand at the Royal Veterinary College in Stockholm. Photographer Lars Drejare. From the photo archives of the Veterinary Museum in Skara. Curtesy Karl Bruno, division of Agrarian History
SLU only Swedish university with it’s own strategy for global development The program Agricultural Sciences for Global Development; SLU Global implements the strategy Efficiency in farming systems Restoration of degraded rural landscapes Urban and peri-urban farming Here I will talk about how we organized the theme leader positions 40%, the SLU-Global Office, close work with SUS, Grants Office, Foma, Samverkan We have focus on five interdisciplinary areas SLU first to write international strategy, reports every year about PGU activities. About 190 million SEK (or 22% of all external funding) is for research/education dealing with global issues.
Externally financed projects at SLU; 9% have global development focus
Co-authored publications with African and DAC countries -18% of SLU’s total publications.
(n = 903 publ.) (n = 419 publ.) Jämför SSA med DACS (alla länder) exkl. SSA i antal publ.
SLU’s co-authors around the world
Fördelning av länder och institut utifrån publikationer.
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