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DIXIE STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY IMPACT ON RETENTION David Roos, Ed.D. Executive Director, Enrollment Management * 435.652.7704.

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Presentation on theme: "DIXIE STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY IMPACT ON RETENTION David Roos, Ed.D. Executive Director, Enrollment Management * 435.652.7704."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIXIE STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY IMPACT ON RETENTION David Roos, Ed.D. Executive Director, Enrollment Management * 435.652.7704

2 “Student-Faculty interaction has a stronger relationship to student satisfaction with the college experience than any other involvement variable, or indeed, any other student or institutional characteristic.” - Alexander Astin

3 THE FACULTY … have more frequent and continuous contact with students than any other campus representative. evaluate student performance and judge whether students are achieving outcomes. can more closely observe student behavior and recognize at-risk behaviors. - Joseph Cuseo

4 COMMUTER CAMPUS … Less than 10% of our students reside on campus. Primary interactions are with faculty. Students drive to campus, go to class, and then often go home or to a job or off-campus apartment.


6 Get to know your students by name, and call on them by their first name often. Set high expectations for the class, and provide regular feedback. Create opportunities for students to be engaged in class (e.g. small group discussions). Identify students who are struggling (academically, emotionally, attendance, etc.) and use the Early Alert system (Star Fish) to involve advisors and mentors. IN-CLASS RETENTION TIPS …

7 WHAT IS STARFISH? Online program to simplify the reporting of at- risk student behavior or to praise students. After faculty “raise a flag”, student receives automated e-mail and the Student Success Center is notified. Student is contacted by retention mentors who offer support and information (depending on issue raised by faculty).

8 BUT WHAT HAS THE BIGGEST IMPACT? Taking time to get to know and/or meet with your students individually. This can be done before class, after class, or during your scheduled office hours. Even a few minutes during the semester can make a huge difference. How are your classes going? What are you thinking of majoring in? Do you have any concerns about this class? Do you have any questions about services offered on campus? Any frustrations or concerns?

9 What if faculty interactions resulted in only 100 more retained students? 92% Utah residents = 92 * $2,228 * 2 = $409,952.00 8% Non-Residents = 8 * $6,396 * 2 = $102,336.00 -------------------------- Total = $512,288.00 More importantly, consider the impact on the individual student who completes their goal of earning a college degree. Critical thinking skills? Future Earning Potential?

10 Additional faculty resources:

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