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Finding Balance in Life’s Ups and Downs By Tina Hallis, Ph.D.

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1 Finding Balance in Life’s Ups and Downs By Tina Hallis, Ph.D.



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7 Positivity Broaden and Build See the bigger picture More creative Make better decisions/negotiations More resilient Build better relationships Positivity – Barbara Fredrickson

8 What determines our positivity? Circumstances Genetics How we think The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky

9 The Positivity Ratio Danger 123611 Danger Flourish Well-Being OK Barbara Fredrickson

10 Our emotions fluctuate Average Emotional Level The Emotional Toolkit: Seven Power-Skills to Nail Your Bad Feelings by Darlene Mininni

11 Worry – the Good & the Bad 11 Things within our control Thing outside our control Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy – Leo Buscaglia

12 ACTIVITY Make a list of worries – good in column A and bad in column B. How can you use the good worries?

13 Vicious cycle of stressful emotions

14 When stuck in a downward spiral - Distract yourself!! What did she mean by that? I can’t believe they said that What a mess!! What was that look? I should have said -

15 Just breathe

16 Rich Material: Reminders to appreciate

17 Change your story Adversity – describes the situation Belief – your belief about that situation (your interpretation) Consequences – resulting feelings and actions from that belief Dispute – rethink your beliefs to provide better consequences (feelings)

18 The Positivity Ratio Danger 123611 Danger Flourish Well-Being OK Barbara Fredrickson

19 Gratitude Serenity Interest Hope Pride Amusement Inspiration

20 Look for the positive in your day

21 ACTIVITY Think of 2-3 positive things that have happened in the past 24 hrs.

22 Add positive moments to your day Listen to a favorite song Talk to a friend Get outside Laugh (link)link Smile

23 Savor the simple things past present future

24 Mental nutrition Notice what you feed your mind... TV/news shows Music Books/magazines Friends Internet sites TED Talks – ( “A Better You” playlist

25 TED: “ A better you ” playlist Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are Richard St. John: Success is a continuous journey Larry Smith: Why you will fail to have a great career John Wooden: The difference between winning and succeeding Kathryn Schulz: On being wrong Ron Gutman: The hidden power of smiling Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days Tony Robbins: Why we do what we do Andy Puddicombe: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life 21

26 Practice

27 Choose what works for you Intentionally add positive moments Look for the positive in your day Savor the simple things Just breathe Use Rich Material to be a Benefit-Finder Change your story Distract yourself to avoid rumination

28 Expect set-backs Time Progress Time Progress

29 Reminders to stay positive  Password (IAG4MF2@)  Pictures/Quotes  Bracelet/ring  Weekly tips from The Positive Edge

30 Life circumstances Work Situation Our Perspective What influences our work experience? People Policies/syst ems Resources Genetics How we think Notice more than just the windows


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