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Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies (Term / Code Lists)

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies (Term / Code Lists)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies (Term / Code Lists)

2 Controlled Vocabularies What: list of standardised terms to choose from Aim: easier to transfer and interpret data, also allows automated interoperability MEDIN usage: Data Guidelines and Discovery Metadata Standard Vocabularies are available directly by manual lookup – e.g. SeaDataNet ‘served’ machine to machine - e.g. the NERC Vocabulary Server ReSTful interface

3 Example – Platform types Populates the platformType field in Detailed Metadata in Data Guidelines

4 Availability through website

5 Instruments, platforms, sea areas, geometries etc SeaDataNet client

6 MEDIN Keywords Keywords describe certain aspects of your dataset MEDIN recommends “BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary” – P02

7 SeaDataNet hierarchies Parameter relationships and discovery How best to choose your P02 term?

8 Located at: Uses Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) concepts to build URLs: Format is: /collectionVersion/status/ /collectionVersion/status/ Example: accepted/ accepted/ Fully computer readable. Output in XML NERC Vocab Service:

9 Other Useful Vocabularies

10 How to add? E-mail Sean Gaffney - check with appropriate governance group.

11 Practical Aim – to familiarise yourself with different controlled vocabularies 1)Navigate to the MEDIN webpage for controlled vocabularies 2) Find: a)Two different area codes for the Irish Sea (use SeaDataNet vocabularies) b)The AphiaID for UK species ‘Mytilus edulis’ (use MSBIAS) c)Code for the horizontal coordinate reference system WGS 84 [2D projection] (use EPSG) d)The entrykey, vocabulary name and associated date for a Keyword for “Man-made Structure” WIN AN AMAZING PRIZE

12 Answers a)1_4 (using SeaVoX gazeteer) [or 19 using SeaDataNet sea areas] * b)140480 c) EPSG: 4326 d) MMST SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary date last modified 2008-01-30 * - SeaVoX, not SeaDataNet sea areas, is the agreed MEDIN vocabulary for water bodies

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