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Developmental psychology. Jean Piaget (1896-1980)—theory about how a child’s mind develops.

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Presentation on theme: "Developmental psychology. Jean Piaget (1896-1980)—theory about how a child’s mind develops."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developmental psychology

2 Jean Piaget (1896-1980)—theory about how a child’s mind develops

3 Developmental psychology Jean Piaget (1896-1980)--an influential theory for how a child’s mind develops in stages Erik Erikson (1902-1994)—eight stages of personality development, covering all of life

4 Developmental psychology Erikson’s theory: Each stage of life presents you with a major “task” to be accomplished…

5 Developmental psychology Erikson’s theory: Every stage presents you with a major “task” to be accomplished… …which will come back to haunt you if you don’t accomplish it.

6 Late childhood (Erikson’s Stage Four)

7 Late childhood (Ages 6-12)

8 Major task: Capability and confidence

9 Late childhood (Ages 6-12) Major task: Capability and confidence Question: “Can I do it?”

10 Late childhood (Ages 6-12) Major task: Capability and confidence Question: “Can I do it?” Mental development:

11 Late childhood (Ages 6-12) Major task: Capability and confidence Motto: “I can do it!” Mental development: from pure guessing to logical reasoning

12 Late childhood (Ages 6-12) Major task: Capability and confidence Motto: “I can do it!” Mental development: from pure guessing to logical reasoning from concrete to abstract

13 Late childhood (Ages 6-12) Major task: Capability and confidence Motto: “I can do it!” Mental development: pure intuition to logical reasoning from concrete to abstract (counts on fingers) (counts on fingers)

14 Late childhood (Ages 6-12) Major task: Capability and confidence Motto: “I can do it!” Mental development: pure intuition to logical reasoning from concrete to abstract (counts on fingers)(“number” as a concept)

15 Late childhood (Ages 6-12) Major task: Capability and confidence Motto: “I can do it!” Mental development: from pure guessing to logical reasoning from concrete to abstract Memory becomes very powerful.

16 Late childhood (Ages 6-12) Major task: Capability and confidence Motto: “I can do it!” Mental development: pure guessing to logical reasoning, concrete to abstract, powerful memory Needs: Sequenced tasks at which he/she can succeed.

17 Adolescence (Ages 12-18) Major task: Identity

18 Adolescence (Ages 12-18) Major task: Identity Question: “Who am I?”

19 Adolescence (Ages 12-18) Major task: Identity Early adolescence – “Where do I fit in?” home – church - peer group

20 Adolescence (Ages 12-18) Major task: Identity Early adolescence – “Where do I fit in?” home – church - peer group Later - “What’s special about me?” occupation, etc.

21 Adolescence (Ages 12-18) Major task: Identity Mental: Ability to think abstractly is very highly developed.

22 Adolescence (Ages 12-18) Major task: Identity Mental: Ability to think abstractly is very highly developed. “Know-it-all”/questioning

23 Adolescence (Ages 12-18) Major task: Identity Mental: Ability to think abstractly is very highly developed. “Know-it-all”/questioning Wide swings in mood, energy level

24 Adolescence (Ages 12-18) Major task: Identity Mental: Abstract reasoning very highly developed “Know-it-all”/questioning Wide swings in mood, energy level Needs: “safe” opportunities to question and explore

25 Young adulthood (Ages 19-40) Major task: intimacy

26 Young adulthood (Ages 19-40) Major task: intimacy Question: “Who cares about me?”

27 Young adulthood (Ages 19-40) Major task: intimacy Question: “Who cares about me?” Mental: Abstract reasoning + life experience

28 Young adulthood (Ages 19-40) Major task: intimacy Question: “Who cares about me?” Mental: Abstract reasoning + life experience Needs: Help with major life tasks—finding a career, starting a family, etc.

29 Young adulthood (Ages 19-40) Major task: intimacy Question: “Who cares about me?” Mental: Abstract reasoning + life experience Needs: Help with major life tasks—finding a career, starting a family, etc. PRACTICAL

30 Young adulthood (Ages 19-40) Major task: intimacy Motto: “You and I together!” Mental: Abstract reasoning + life experience Needs: Help with major life tasks Life experience that must be honoured

31 Maturity (Ages 40-65) Major task: staying creative and productive

32 Maturity (Ages 40-65) Major task: staying creative and productive Question: “OK, now what?”

33 Maturity (Ages 40-65) Major task: staying creative and productive Question: “OK, now what?” –Family situation is stable.

34 Maturity (Ages 40-65) Major task: staying creative and productive Question: “OK, now what?” –Family situation is stable. –Career: maximum achievement

35 Maturity (Ages 40-65) Major task: staying creative and productive Question: “OK, now what?” –Children grown –Career: maximum achievement –Realization that many of “my dreams” aren’t going to happen (“midlife crisis”)

36 Maturity (Ages 40-65) Major task: staying creative and productive Question: “OK, now what?” –Family situation is stable. –Career: maximum achievement –Realization that many of “my dreams” aren’t going to happen (“midlife crisis”) Great fear: stagnation

37 Maturity (Ages 40-65) Major task: staying creative and productive Question: “OK, now what?” Mental: Recognizes (and fears) loss of abstract reasoning ability…

38 Maturity (Ages 40-65) Major task: staying creative and productive Question: “OK, now what?” Mental: Recognizes (and fears) loss of abstract reasoning ability… …but growth in wisdom makes up for it.

39 Maturity (Ages 40-65) Major task: staying creative and productive Question: “OK, now what?” Mental: Recognizes (and fears) loss of abstract reasoning ability… …but growth in wisdom makes up for it. Needs: RESPECT for accumulated wisdom

40 Maturity (Ages 40-65) Major task: staying creative and productive Question: “OK, now what?” Mental: Recognizes (and fears) loss of abstract reasoning ability… …but growth in wisdom makes up for it. Needs: RESPECT for accumulated wisdom Opportunities to help others by “passing it on.”

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