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Big Data Trends in the Google Era Application to Greek Politics Business and Environmental Technology Lab Environmental Engineering Department, Democritus.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Data Trends in the Google Era Application to Greek Politics Business and Environmental Technology Lab Environmental Engineering Department, Democritus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Data Trends in the Google Era Application to Greek Politics Business and Environmental Technology Lab Environmental Engineering Department, Democritus University of Thrace Amaryllis Mavragani & Konstantinos Tsagarakis

2 Big Data  Large volumes (growing exponentially)  Wide range of data sets  High processing speed

3 Google Tools  Google Trends  Google Correlate  Keyword Planner

4 Google Tools Are these tools credible enough for academic research? The answer seems to be positive

5 Google Tools Many published papers using Google Trends Scientific fields include:  Economics and Finance  Medicine  Behavior  Social Sciences

6 Aims & Scope We use these Google Tools to look into specific terms in greek politics

7 Google Trends  Keyword search  Select time period  Select location (Country/Worldwide) Outputs:  A ‘What’s Trending’ graph  Breakdown by City or Region  Related Searches – Breakdown by Top & Rising

8 Grexit A well-known term derived by the words ‘Greece’ & ‘Exit’ i.e. Greece exiting Euro

9 Google Trends

10 Default The greek word for default is “ Χρεοκοπία ”, though very commonly misspelled as “ Χρεωκοπία ”

11 Default

12 Google Trends

13 Different Spellings

14 Google Trends

15  Noisy Data  Varoufakis: Greek Economics Minister  Incident with video with middle finger  Not clear if real or fake

16 Google Trends


18 Google Trends requires careful use and analysis  Normalized values Differences in results:  Misspelling  Use or not of accents

19 Google Correlate Keyword search Outputs:  Keyword’s correlation with other words or phrases  Line Chart  Scatter Plot

20 Google Correlate





25  Odd correlations  Upload own time series  Instant correlation results  Line Chart & Scatter Plot

26 Keyword Planner  Keyword search  Breakdown by Device  Breakdown by Location

27 Keyword Planner


29  Absolute volumes of searches  Breakdown by device allows further analysis  Only goes two years back

30 Conclusions Google tools  Easy  Fast  Accessible

31 Conclusions Google tools  Careful analysis  Languages  Misspelling  Accents  Odd correlations

32 Thank you

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