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MTS Working Group Webinar Mtg
April 9, 2015
Agenda Introduction - Paul De Martini DRP Methodology - Mark Esguerra
Q Plan - Paul De Martini
Optimal Location Values & Methodology
Distribution Planning Process
Annual Distribution Plan For Each DPA & Substations/Feeders Bi-Annual DRP & Integration Capacity Analyses DRP Locational Value Methodology Identification of Optimal Locations Geographical Areas Not Required for “Walk” Phase
Value Analysis: Avoided Costs and Benefits
Illustrative Benefits Avoided Costs Note: Analysis excludes some avoided costs/benefits that do not have a locational dimension. Therefore, analysis is not intended to estimate full stack of avoided costs and benefits associated with DER “Integration Costs”. These include investments to realize locational benefits such as grid modernization, procurement, and other related costs.
Final CPUC Guidance on Optimal Location Benefit Analysis
Requirements: IOU Unified Locational Net Benefits methodology Based on E3 Cost-Effectiveness Calculator, but enhanced to include following location-specific values (minimum):
MTS Identified DER Value Components (1/2)
For reference, yellow highlighted value components relate MTS defined values to CPUC Final Guidance for initial DRPs Societal & Environmental value components left to IOUs to identify locational linkage Value Component Definition Wholesale WECC Bulk Power System Benefits Regional BPS benefits not reflected in System Energy Price or LMP CA System Energy Price Estimate of CA marginal wholesale system-wide value of energy Wholesale Energy Reduced quantity of energy produced based on net load Resource Adequacy Reduction in capacity required to meet Local RA and/or System RA reflecting changes in net load and/or local generation Flexible Capacity Reduced need for resources for system balancing Wholesale Ancillary Services Reduced system operational requirements for electricity grid reliability including all existing and future CAISO ancillary services RPS Generation & Interconnection Costs Reduced RPS energy prices, integration costs, quantities of energy & capacity Transmission Capacity Reduced need for system & local area transmission capacity Generation/DER Deliverability Increased ability for generation and DER to deliver energy and other services into the wholesale market Transmission Congestion + Losses Avoided locational transmission losses and congestion as determined by the difference between system marginal price and LMP nodal prices Wholesale Market Charges LSE specific reduced wholesale market & transmission access charges Make distribution capacity more granular
MTS Identified DER Value Components (2/2)
Definition Distribution Subtransmission, Substation & Feeder Capacity Reduced need for local distribution system upgrades Distribution Losses Value of energy due to losses between wholesale transaction and distribution points of delivery Distribution Steady-state Voltage Improved steady-state (generally >60 sec) voltage, voltage limit violation relief, reduced voltage variability, compensating reactive power Distribution Power Quality Improved transient voltage and power quality, including momentary outages, voltage sags, surges, and harmonic compensation Distribution Reliability + Resiliency+ Security Reduced frequency and duration of outages & ability to withstand and recover from external natural, physical and cyber threats Distribution Safety Improved public safety and reduced potential for property damage Customer, Environmental & Societal Customer Choice Customer & societal value from robust market for customer alternatives CO2 Emissions Reductions in federal and/or state carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) based on cap-and-trade allowance revenue or cost savings or compliance costs Criteria Pollutants Reduction in local emissions in specific census tracts utilizing tools like CalEnviroScreen. Reduction in health costs associated with GHG emissions Energy Security Reduced risks derived from greater supply diversity Water Use Synergies between DER and water management (electric-water nexus) Land Use Environmental benefits & avoided property value decreases from DER deployment instead of large generation projects Economic Impact State and/ or local net economic impact (e.g., jobs, investment, GDP, tax income) Make distribution capacity more granular
E3 Cost Effectiveness Methodology
Utilize E3’s Distributed Energy Resources Avoided Cost Model (DERAC) But, Current DERAC model has “system level” values that need to be modified/replaced with relevant locational specific values. E3 Value Components System/Local E3 DERACT Method Generation Energy System Forward market prices based on fixed and variable operating costs of CCGT. Losses System loss factors Generation Capacity Residual capacity value for a new simple-cycle combustion turbine Ancillary Services Percentage of generation energy value T&D Capacity Marginal system-wide sub-transmission and distribution costs from utility ratemaking filings Environment Synapse Mid-level carbon forecast developed for use in electricity sector IRPs Avoided RPS Cost of marginal renewable resource less the energy market and capacity value associated with that resource
Proposed Adaptation of E3 DERACT for Locational Benefits Analysis
Value Components E3 DERACT CPUC Guidance Recommendation DERACT Values Generation Energy System N/A Losses Generation Capacity Flexible RA Use MTS Method in DERACT based on Local Capacity Requirement Ancillary Services T&D Capacity Yes, Local Use MTS Method in DERACT Environment Avoided RPS Additional Values Transmission Capacity None Dist. Voltage & Power Quality Dist. Reliability, Resiliency & Security Safety Renewable Integration Costs Yes, System
MTS Recommendations Utilize E3’s DERACT model as starting point, but leverage MTS locational methods in lieu of system values as applicable For example, Local RA will be used for Generation Capacity value Generation related integration costs incorporated using interim integration adder adopted by CPUC – System value Societal & Public Safety will be included as qualitative factors until quantitative data is available. Review and compare T&D deferral benefit calculations among the IOUs For all categories, DERs may increase cost (e.g., integration systems cost). Net Benefit for specific technologies will account for any increased costs.
Final Commission Guidance and MTS WG Recommendations
Q MTS WG Scope
MTS WG 2015 Structure Q2 2015 Activity
Advisory Board (Quarterly, or as needed) MTS Working Group (Monthly – webinar) Technical sub-groups (as needed virtual & in person) Complete discussion on alignment of DPP with CA planning and CPUC ratemaking Define initial services (incl. functional requirements) for deferred capital, voltage/reactive power management and reliability/resilience. Plus identify sourcing structures related to these services (e.g., procurement, tariffs, programs, other) Define incremental operational functions to integrate and optimize DER related to the values identified in the CPUC final guidance. This includes identifying technology and new processes leveraging industry practices and CA developments (incl. measurement, ISO/IOU coordination processes, information protocols, etc.)
DRP Methods Background
Avoided Sub-transmission, Substation and Feeder Capital & Operating Expenses
Definition Avoidable costs incurred to increase capacity on sub- transmission, substation and/or distribution feeders to ensure system can accommodate forecast load growth Value Calculation Approach Use utility capacity 10-year plans by substation and/or future plans that result from the DRP that include enhanced ICA analysis and locational benefits methodologies. Benefit/Avoided Cost is the deferred cost of capital value of deferring capacity work Examples Substation upgrades Transformer upgrades Distribution feeder reconductoring/reconfiguration
Avoided Distribution Voltage and Power Quality Capital and Operating Expenses
Definition Avoidable costs incurred to ensure power delivered is within required operating specifications (i.e. voltage, flicker, etc.) Value Calculation Approach Use existing information in conjunction with DRP scenarios analysis to identify projected avoided overloads of distribution transformers and services, and any reactive requirements that cannot be met by smart inverters alone. Examples Breakdown maintenance investments that result from historical and projected customer complaints, or information from smart meters. Best achievable avoided cost in this category are unnecessary transformer and service replacements due to overloading.
Avoided Distribution Reliability and Resiliency Capital & Operating Expenses
Definition Avoidable costs incurred to proactively prevent/mitigate routine outages (reliability) and major outages (resiliency) Avoidable costs incurred in responding to routine outages (reliability) and major outages (resiliency) Distribution Resiliency costs defined as spending needed to meet reliability expectations that are above/beyond distribution planning criteria to address major outage events. Value Calculation Approach Avoided costs to improve reliability/resiliency based on statistics (i.e. SAIDI, CAIDI, SAIFI) by substation/local area Examples: Reduction of O&M expenses due to reduced duration of outages and labor required for restoration Forecasted future capital reductions based on longer equipment replacement life cycles (better system efficiency) Reduced outages due to the use of microgrids Note: In order to achieve improved reliability, more investments are needed in areas for microgrid development, control and communications with DER technologies for a portfolio solution, DMS, DERMS, advanced protection, etc.
Avoided Transmission Capital and Operating Expenses
Definition Avoidable costs incurred to increase capacity on transmission line and/or substations to ensure system can accommodate forecast load growth Value Calculation Approach Use existing CAISO TPP plan by substation and/or Perform load forecasting vs. capacity analysis to forecast needed capacity upgrades before exceeding NERC reliability criteria Benefit/Avoided Cost is value of deferring transmission capacity work Examples Substation upgrades Transformer upgrades Transmission line reconductoring/reconfiguration Voltage regulation investments
Avoided Flexible Resource Adequacy Procurement
Flexible RA determined at system level. Instead of Flexible RA, recommend using Local RA. Alternate Definition (Avoided Local RA Procurement) Avoidable incremental costs incurred to procure Resource Adequacy (RA) in CAISO-identified local areas (e.g. LCR) Value Calculation Approach Use latest CAISO local capacity requirements to identify incremental capacity needs beyond current generation and identify deficient sub- areas. Benefit/Avoided Cost is value of deferred Local Capacity or transmission Examples Local RA Procurement PG&E: Needs to purchase Bay Area Local RA at a premium in area to fulfill Local RA requirements
Avoided Renewable Integration Costs
Renewable Integration determined at system level. Not location specific Definition Avoidable incremental costs to integrate renewables onto electric system. Value Calculation Approach Current cost calculation is an interim method for calculating renewable integration costs at a system level, which is to be replaced in 2015. Utilities to coordinate efforts with development of the updated RPS Calculator and Renewables Integration Charge to factor in locational specific values
Societal Avoided Costs
Definition Avoidable incremental costs that are borne by the public, as well as environmental benefits (improvements in air and water quality and land impacts) that can be clearly linked to deployment of DERs. Value Calculation Approach Until more data is available in this area, qualitatively identify societal value of a location Use CalEnviro Screening tool as a qualitative method In some cases, DERs impose costs on society, such as increased taxes for those not participating with DERs Examples Criteria Pollutant Emissions/Local Air Assessments/ Health Impacts
Avoided Public Safety Costs
Definition Avoidable incremental public safety related costs that can be clearly linked to deployment of DERs. Cost Calculation Approach Until more data is available in this area, qualitatively describe the Public Safety Benefits In some cases DER could potentially increase costs and hazards for safety related items Note: Safety is a fundamental consideration in distribution planning related to ageing infrastructure replacement, capacity additions and reliability/resiliency. Not clear at this time if there is a discrete locational avoided cost element. Also, due to the ongoing replacement of ageing infrastructure the inherent safety aspects of the distribution system are improving.
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