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Jam line Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 11 b 20060 Cassina de Pecchi (MI) Italia Tel. 0039/0295299106 Fax. 0039/0295299315 Sito.

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Presentation on theme: "Jam line Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 11 b 20060 Cassina de Pecchi (MI) Italia Tel. 0039/0295299106 Fax. 0039/0295299315 Sito."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jam line Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 11 b 20060 Cassina de Pecchi (MI) Italia Tel. 0039/0295299106 Fax. 0039/0295299315 E-mail: Sito web:

2 The washing is act by a burbling system created by a blower that shakes the fruit in the water. The washing machine is provided by a porter elevator which feed the fruit to a sorting belt. Fruit preparation

3 The fruit, after the washing and the sorting, is destoned, chopped, blanched and in the end send to a pulper refiner to obtain a cream.

4 The fruit cream is collect in a tank and mixing with the sugar. The mixing is send to a concentration vacuum or to a cooking bowl. Cooking of the Jam

5 Filling and packaging line Jam jars are filled and capping in an automatic system.

6 Pasteurization The jars conteining the jam were pasteurized in a tunnel of pasteurization.

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