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METROBORDER Cross-Border Polycentric Metropolitan Regions

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Presentation on theme: "METROBORDER Cross-Border Polycentric Metropolitan Regions"— Presentation transcript:

1 METROBORDER Cross-Border Polycentric Metropolitan Regions
Building and Using Integrated Territorial Strategies ESPON seminar, Rome, Estelle EVRARD, University of Luxembourg on behalf of the Transnational Project Group

2 ‘CBPMRs‘ – where are they?
The spatial setting: The Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) of the cross-border polycentric metropolitan regions (CBPMRs)

3 Questions to address What is the added value of integrated approaches to the development of territories? What concepts and experiences exist in building integrated territorial strategies for macro-regions and across borders? How could integrated strategies be further promoted and contribute to current policy challenges?

4 Questions to address What is the added value of integrated approaches to the development of territories? What concepts and experiences exist in building integrated territorial strategies for macro-regions and across borders? How could integrated strategies be further promoted and contribute to current policy challenges?

5 Face growing functional interdependencies
Place of residence of high-tech and KIS workers employed in Luxembourg and number of persons working in the Luxembourg MUA, ... a cross-border logic ... with still visible border effects

6 Face growing functional interdependencies
Fig. 3 (p. 38): Cross-border commuters in metropolitan areas, 2000 and 2006 (sources and spatial units: see appendix, chapter 9)

7 Developing a common understanding of cross-border spaces
Greater Region – Upper Rhine Functional Urban Areas

8 Facing competition? Metropolitan accessibility?
Number of flights per day and airport for the two case study regions and their surrounding areas

9 Developing complementarities

10 Questions to address What is the added value of integrated approaches to the development of territories? What concepts and experiences exist in building integrated territorial strategies for macro-regions and across borders? How could integrated strategies be further promoted and contribute to current policy challenges?

11 Numerous challenges The five most important barriers for an enhanced cross-border cooperation in both case study regions (Delphi study)

12 Investigating multi-level governance
The ‚Summit of the Greater Region‘ as a multi-level cooperation The ‘Upper Rhine Conference‘ as a multi-level cooperation

13 Investigating multi-level governance
left: cross-border institutions and their perimeter within the Upper Rhine region right: cross-border institutions and their perimeter within the Greater Region

14 Investigating multi-level governance
What role for the EU? Results from the Delphi study (n GR= 156, n UR =89)

15 Investigating multi-level governance
Metroborder project: an interactive process with stakeholders – meetings and workshops: EU & consultation committee Greater Region Upper Rhine Consultation Committee, Walferdange, March 2010

16 Developping a common vision

17 Questions to address What is the added value of integrated approaches to the development of territories? What concepts and experiences exist in building integrated territorial strategies for macro-regions and across borders? How could integrated strategies be further promoted and contribute to current policy challenges?

18 Tailor-made institutionalisation of cross-border cooperation
Upper Rhine “Scenario 2:”Two-level cooperation”

19 Tailor-made institutionalisation of cross-border cooperation
Developing options for the Greater Region: “Economic metropolis” “Laboratory of Europe” “Mobile and accessible region” Institutional options for the EGTC Greater Region

20 Strengthening a common understanding of cross-border interdependencies
Political input e.g. Joint Declaration of the Summit of the Greater Region, 2011; „Spatial planning and Transports Sectorial Meeting“ (2013) Joint Declaration of the Summit of the Greater Region I / 2011 « Région métropolitaine polycentrique transfrontalière (RMPT) Les membres du Sommet prennent acte des résultats de l’étude Metroborder en les approuvant et insistent sur l’importance de sa mise en oeuvre en Grande Région. Celle-ci pourra en effet renforcer et développer sa compétitivité en tant que Région Métropolitaine Polycentrique Transfrontalière (RMPT) au sein de l’ensemble des régions métropolitaines européennes. Les membres du Sommet comprennent la création d’une RMPT comme une contribution à la cohésion territoriale et la mise en oeuvre de la stratégie ‘Europe 2020‘ » (Joint Declaration p. 9) Source: Sommet, 2013: 162

21 Cooperation with other networks
Communicating and looking for synergies Cooperation with other networks e.g. IMEG (Initiativkreis Metropolitane Grenzregionen) Source:

22 Conclusions Added value of integrated approaches to the development of territories Balance competition & cooperation Concepts and experiences to build integrated territorial strategies Multi-level governance (from the EU to the local level) Common strategy How could integrated strategies be further promoted and contribute to current policy challenges? Tailor made institutionalisation Communication and synergies with other networks

23 METROBORDER Cross-Border Polycentric Metropolitan Regions
Building and Using Integrated Territorial Strategies ESPON Seminar, Rome, Estelle EVRARD, University of Luxembourg on behalf of the Transnational Project Group

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