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The UK’s European university CO657 INTERNET OF THINGS Dr. Colin Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "The UK’s European university CO657 INTERNET OF THINGS Dr. Colin Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 The UK’s European university CO657 INTERNET OF THINGS Dr. Colin Johnson

2 Page 2 Image from SogetiLabs

3 Page 3

4 Page 4

5 Syllabus To understand the range of devices used for IoT and the different ways in which they can communicate with computers/phones/etc. To learn how to implement both the firmware for IoT devices and how to gather and process the data from those devices. To develop the practical skills needed to build a simple sensor network. To be have an overview of the research, practical applications, and commercial context of IoT Page 5

6 Assessment Coursework 1: To build a simple internet- accessible sensor. Coursework 2: To build a software application to gather information from a number of those sensors and visualise it. Coursework 3: To present a research paper at the student-led seminar and to engage in discussion throughout these seminars. Page 6

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