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Bill Buchanan Ready Kids Conference Louisville June 2014 Count Down to 2017-18 New Eligibility Requirement for Kindergarten.

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Presentation on theme: "Bill Buchanan Ready Kids Conference Louisville June 2014 Count Down to 2017-18 New Eligibility Requirement for Kindergarten."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bill Buchanan Ready Kids Conference Louisville June 2014 Count Down to 2017-18 New Eligibility Requirement for Kindergarten

2 Presentation Targets Today we will: Review the requirements of Senate Bill 24 (KRS 158.030 amended) Explore new requirements for preschool and kindergarten age eligibility Discuss strategies and resources for successful implementation

3 What is School Readiness? In Kentucky school readiness means each child enters school ready to engage in and benefit from early learning experiences that best promote the child’s success

4 Schools must have policy allowing parents to petition the board to enroll a child who does not meet the kindergarten age requirement effective in 2012-2013 True or False? True

5 True or False? Evaluation of a child who does not meet the age requirement to determine readiness for kindergarten is optional False

6 What is Senate Bill 24? Amends KRS 158.030 Changes primary school entry age date from October 1 to August 1 beginning in 2017-2018 Requires schools to adopt a policy allowing parents/guardians to petition local board to enroll a child who does not meet the kindergarten age requirement effective in 2012-2013 Policy must include an evaluation process to determine a child’s readiness for school

7 What may the evaluation process include? Aligns with the definition of school readiness Includes multiple measures of a child’s readiness for school Considers transition points all children experience Provides professional development to kindergarten teachers concerning characteristics and needs of young children with high potential

8 May a team be formed to make recommendations? Includes teachers, parents, psychologists, gifted/talented coordinator Reviews relevant information from multiple sources Bases decision on evaluation of data from all developmental domains

9 What resources are available? Alignment of Kentucky Early Childhood Standards and Kentucky Core Academic Standards Documents-for-Kentucky's-Primary-Program.aspx Kentucky Early Childhood Continuous Assessment Guide Resources.aspx National Association of Gifted Children Program Standards

10 The minimum age requirement for Kentucky State-Funded Preschool changes from October 1 to August 1 in 2017-18 True or False? False

11 True or False? The minimum age requirement for Head Start doesn’t change until 2017-18 False

12 New minimum age requirement for state-funded preschool program takes effect July 15, 2014 Moves from October 1 to August 1 Income eligibility requirement will change from 150% of poverty in 2014-15 to 160% of poverty in 2015-16 What Changed?

13 If at-risk child turns four by October but determined eligible by July 15, 2014, they may attend preschool for one year only At-risk children turning four between Aug 1 and Oct 1, 2014, choosing not to enroll in 2014, will be eligible for both preschool and kindergarten in 2015, and must choose one program or the other What About At-Risk Kids?

14 704 KAR 3:410 allows districts to enroll up to 4 months in advance If eligible, complete Infinite Campus preschool tab – Up to 150% poverty – “Other” box enter “PS715” At-Risk Enrollment?

15 Existing practice regarding 3 year olds with disabilities does not change Current student turning 5 between Aug 1 and Oct 1 may attend either preschool or kindergarten depending on ARC placement decision – If the placement is preschool, student is enrolled as a primary student in 2014-15 with preschool as the setting Child with Disabilities?

16 Disabilities Enrollment? Districts are required to provide instruction to children with disabilities based on IDEA and KY special education regulations (707 KAR 1:002-380) The Individual Education Program (IEP) tells what supports, services, instruction and amount of time in a regular education classroom must be provided Children coming from First Steps continue to be served with the IEP in place by their third birthday

17 Head Start is required to follow the same eligibility date used by the school district to determine enrollment School districts and Head Start programs must work together closely to avoid duplication of services and supplanting of federal funds to maximize use of Head Start funding to serve as many four year old children as possible What About Head Start?

18 What resources are available? KDE Preschool Web Page ault.aspx ault.aspx Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center 1305/1305.4%20age%20of%20children%20and% 20family%20income.htm 1305/1305.4%20age%20of%20children%20and% 20family%20income.htm

19 True or False? True KRS 158.030 was amended in 2012, changing the primary cut-off age from October 1 to August 1

20 True or False? True 48 percent of children have moderate to serious problems transitioning to kindergarten

21 An amendment to KRS 158.030 in 2012 changes the kindergarten and primary program age cut-off from October 1 to August 1 What Changed?

22 Entering kindergarten later is associated with academic achievement, benefits are even greater for disadvantaged children Rand Corporation, 2005 Smooth transition is another indicator of school success Shulting, Malone, Dodge, 2005 Why is this important?

23 Readiness of Children - approaches to learning, health and physical well being, social/emotional, language, cognitive Readiness of Schools - knowledgeable and caring staff, quality environment, strong partnerships Readiness of Communities - safe neighborhoods and homes, access to health/social services, access to quality child care, linkage across systems Kentucky’s Early Childhood Standards Successful Transition

24 Develop transition plan with family, school and community input Increase and support high quality early childhood program services Connect schools and early childhood programs Provide professional learning opportunities for all stakeholders Quality Transition

25 Community Early Childhood Councils (CECCS) 201213-Map.asp x National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) KINDERGARTEN KINDERGARTEN National Center on Quality and Teaching system/teaching/center/transition/plan.html system/teaching/center/transition/plan.html What resources are available?

26 The road to college and career readiness begins in early childhood.

27 Additional Information Bill Buchanan School Readiness Branch Manager

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