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Month-End Close Walk-Thru August 7, 2014 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Month-End Close Walk-Thru August 7, 2014 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Month-End Close Walk-Thru August 7, 2014 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

2 Team Introductions 2FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru panel:  Jeff Brandyberry  Rebecca King  Tom Marez  Kirk McCain  Jackie Ratliff  Gail Riggins  David Smart Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014 Mock Month-End Close Sponsors:  Cathy Leal and Tracy Milner  Nevil Pesika and Josh SanSouci

3 3FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.  Session Objectives  Month-End Close Schedule  Month-End Close Tasks  Communications  Open/Close Periods  Outstanding Transactions  Reconciliations  Labor Distribution  Allocations  Month-End Reports  July 2014 ‘Mock’ Month-End Close  Schedule  Tasks  Questions Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

4 Session Objectives 4FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.  To provide Departments with a walk-thru of the timeline and tasks for the execution of a Wave 1 FI$Cal month-end close  To provide Departments with specific details regarding timeline and tasks for the ‘mock’ (practice) month-end close of July 2014 (test environment) Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

5 Month-End Close Schedule - - Closing Concepts 5FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.  Multiple open accounting periods  Closing is performed by: Business Unit Subsystem (module) Ledger Group (GL only)  Closing an accounting period in a subsystem  Prevents entry of transactions in that period  Closing an accounting period in the General Ledger  Prevents entry or posting of transactions in that period Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

6  Journal generate and post subsystem transactions  Suspend Journal Generation (stabilize GL balances)  Resume Journal Generation  Load and reconcile payroll  Process Allocations (journal creation)  Perform Agency Reconciliation  Enter Labor Distribution Activity Sheets  Review, modify, and post Allocation journals  Prepare PFA  Process, revise, and post Labor Distribution  Prepare Transaction Request(s)  Verify journal generation of subsystem transactions  Run preliminary allocations (e.g. Calc Log only - no journals ) Month-End Close Schedule - - Closing Phases 6FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Subsystem ClosingPost-ClosingGeneral Ledger Closing SUBSYSTEM CLOSEDSUBSYSTEM CLOSED GENERAL LEDGERCLOSEDGENERAL LEDGERCLOSED Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

7 Month-End Close Schedule – Final 7FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

8 Month-End Close Schedule – Qtr 1 8FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

9 Month-End Close Schedule – Month 1 9FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

10 Month-End Close – Task Detail 10FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

11 Month-End Close Tasks - Communications 11FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.  Initial Month-End Close Communication  Brief description of key FI$Cal month-end close tasks  Standard FI$Cal month-end close schedule (static dates)  Posted to FI$Cal website; e-mailed to Departments  Monthly follow-up Month-End Close Communications  Pre-Close = month-specific close tasks/schedule (including any changes to standard ‘static’ dates)  Posted to FI$Cal website  Post-Close = notification when subsystems are closed and again when General Ledger is closed  Posted to FI$Cal website; e-mailed to Departments Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

12 Month-End Close Tasks – Open/Close Periods 12FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.  Open/Close accounting periods for combinations of:  Business Unit  FI$Cal Departments  PeopleSoft module (i.e. subsystem)  AM, AP, AR, BI, CM, GL, PC, and PO  Ledger Group  ACCRUALADJ, CASH, MODACCRL, STATISTIC  FI$Cal open/close accounting periods task will be scheduled (static) for each month.  Execute across all business units by ledger group.  Subsystems will be opened/closed as a group.  General Ledger accounting period close date will be later than subsystems period close date. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

13 Month-End Close Tasks – Open/Close Periods 13FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Ledger GroupAccounting Period Open Date(s)Months Open MODACCRL1 st calendar day of the month Prior calendar month not yet closed Current calendar month STATISTIC 1 st calendar day of the fiscal year for all months in that fiscal year. Prior calendar month not yet closed Remaining calendar months to end-of-fiscal year Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014 July / August 2014 month-end close exception: Communicate with FSC (by logging an incident at least 24 hours in advance) if due to extenuating circumstances the Department will not be ready to close their General Ledger by the published closing date.

14 Month-End Close Tasks – Open/Close Periods 14FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014 During July Subsystem Closing phase, subsystems open for July and August. During July General Ledger Closing phase, subsystems open for August.

15 Month-End Close Tasks – Open/Close Periods 15FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

16 Month-End Close Tasks – Outstanding Transactions 16FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.  Subsystem(s) Outstanding Transaction Queries  Execute pre-built queries to identify current outstanding transactions.  ZZ_OUTSTANDING_VOUCHER  ZZ_OUTSTANDING_DEPOSIT  ZZ_OUTSTANDING_BILL  ZZ_OUTSTANDING_JOURNAL  Review outstanding transactions and determine whether or not a transaction needs to be processed through to General Ledger post status prior to close of the month.  Ensure that the applicable outstanding transaction(s) are successfully posted to the General Ledger by the subsystem month-end close date. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

17 Month-End Close Tasks – Outstanding Transactions ZZ_OUTSTANDING_VOUCHER 17FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

18 Month-End Close Tasks – Subsystem Reconciliations 18FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.  Subsystem(s) Reconciliation Queries  Each subsystem will execute pre-built queries to identify Accounting Entries not sent to the General Ledger and then take the following actions: (a) Determine approval or other subsystem processing required to obtain subsystem status of ‘ready-to-be-distributed’. (b) Report incident to FI$Cal Service Center and request inclusion of the transaction(s) in the journal generate process (prior to subsystem accounting period close). (c) After journal generate has completed, re-run subsystem ‘not sent’ reconciliation queries. Begin again with action (a) if needed.  Each subsystem will also execute pre-built queries to identify the Journal ID’s of the Accounting Entries sent to the General Ledger. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014


20 Month-End Close Tasks – Subsystem Reconciliations ZZ_AP_ACCTENTRIES_NOTSENTTO_GL 20FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

21 Month-End Close Tasks – Subsystem Reconciliations ZZ_AP_ACCT_ENTRIES_SENT_TO_GL 21FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

22 Month-End Close Tasks – Subsystem Reconciliations 22FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.  Ledger vs Journal Integrity Report (GLS7010)  This report lists the discrepancies between the General Ledger and the journal tables.  The parameters for this report include the Unit, Ledger, Fiscal Year and Accounting Periods.  In addition, specify which ChartFields to include on the report.  Available to users with the GL Reporter roles. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

23 Month-End Close Tasks – Labor Distribution (FSC) 23FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.  FSC (GL) Labor Distribution tasks for FI$Cal  Load past month’s:  Employee Data Interface File  Payroll Interface File (into Staging tables)  Review message log errors, e.g. missing Reporting Unit  Resolve errors and reload file  Reconcile Payroll file with SCO  Receive SCO Payroll Clearance Summary (CLR3012)  Run Payroll Reconciliation Report (RPTGL035)  Compare amounts: CLR3012 to RPTGL035  Research and resolve discrepancies  Load reconciled Payroll file (into Production tables) Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

24 Month-End Close Tasks – Labor Distribution 24FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

25 Month-End Close Tasks – Labor Distribution 25FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

26 Month-End Close Tasks – Labor Distribution (Dept) 26FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.  Department’s Labor Distribution tasks for FI$Cal  Create/post gross monthly disbursement payroll journal  Enter Personal Activity Sheets (if needed)  Run Labor Distribution process  Fix Labor Distribution validation errors and re-run process  Missing employees (and other configuration) Payroll Table Error Report  Combo-Edit Errors ChartField Edit Error Report  Budget Check Errors Labor Budget Check Error Report Labor Budget Exceptions page  Verify payroll clearing account = zero dollar balance. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

27 Month-End Close Tasks – Labor Distribution 27FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

28 Month-End Close Tasks – Labor Distribution 28FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

29 Month-End Close Tasks – Labor Distribution 29FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

30 Month-End Close Tasks – Labor Distribution 30FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

31 7 th Inning Stretch 31FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

32 Month-End Close Tasks – Allocations 32FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.  Allocations - - Configuration  Prior to any allocations processing, FSC and Departments should review and update (as needed) allocation configuration.  Allocations - - Month End Processing  Subsystem Closing phase  Departments can execute allocations.  Consider use of “Calc Log only” processing until allocation inputs are complete for the month.  General Ledger Closing phase  Departments execute allocations - - Calc Log and Output processing to create allocation journals.  Review results and post allocations journals. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

33 Month-End Close Tasks – Allocations - - Calc Log 33FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

34 Month-End Close Tasks – Allocations - - Output 34FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

35 Month-End Close Tasks – Allocations - - Output 35FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

36 Month-End Close Tasks – Month-End Reports 36FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.  Post-Allocation reports - - run / review / take action  Agency Reconciliation Report  FI$Cal reconciles all appropriation month-end balances to the SCO appropriation month-end balances. The agency accruals (A/R, A/P, cash in transit, etc.) will be applied to the SCO ending cash basis appropriation balance. to perform SCO Reconciliation prepare transaction requests and submit to SCO  GL Reporter has access to this report.  PFA Report  Report produces GL, PC, Labor, and AP reclassifications which will be submitted to SCO as a PFA. prepare PFA request and submit to SCO  GL Reporter has access to this report. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

37 Month-End Close Tasks – Month-End Reports Agency Reconciliation Report 37FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

38 Month-End Close Tasks – Month-End Reports Plan of Financial Adjustment 38FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

39 July 2014 ‘Mock’ Month-End Close 39FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014  July 2014 ‘mock’ month-end provides a timeframe, a ‘copy of production’ environment, and a FI$Cal support team for Departments to learn and practice execution of month-end close tasks.  Location = 2000 Evergreen (Ruby)  Timeframe = August 11 th thru 22 nd  9:00AM – 4:30PM daily  Environment = CV1  Testing UserID’s will be provided to participants  Each morning there will be a daily kick-off discussion to review task expectations for that day and to share answers to questions applicable across Departments.

40 July 2014 ‘Mock’ Month-End Close - Schedule 40FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

41 July 2014 ‘Mock’ Month-End Close - Tasks 41FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Task DatesTask NameTask Reference Materials (Job Aids) Aug 11–12Subsystem Processing and Reconciliations FI$Cal.185 Using the Outstanding Transaction Queries FI$Cal.095 Resolve Journal Edit and Budget Check Errors FI$Cal.024 Correcting Budget Checking Errors FI$Cal.187 Month End Common Accounting Entries FI$Cal.033 Review and Correct Suspended GL Entries FI$Cal.037 Reconciling Between Sub-Modules Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

42 July 2014 ‘Mock’ Month-End Close - Tasks 42FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Task DatesTask NameTask Reference Materials (Job Aids) Aug 13–15Running Labor Distribution FI$Cal.182 Using the Excel-to-CI Personal Activity Sheet FI$Cal.183 Using the Personal Activity Sheet Online Page FI$Cal.184 Run Labor Distribution FI$Cal.084 Using the Labor Dist Error Reports and Page Aug 18–19Processing Allocations FI$Cal.008 Maintaining Allocations FI$Cal.009 Running the Month End Process FI$Cal.188 Create and Process Journal Entries Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

43 July 2014 ‘Mock’ Month-End Close - Tasks 43FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Task DatesTask NameTask Reference Materials (Job Aids) Aug 20–22Month-End Reports, Agency Reconciliations, and Ledger Adjustments FI$Cal.186 Using the Agency Reconciliation Report FI$Cal.038 Performing PFA Process in FI$Cal FI$Cal.001 Spreadsheet GL Journal Upload Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

44 Questions 44FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity. Month-End Close Walk-Thru – 07AUG2014

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