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ECE 442 Power Electronics1 Cycloconverter. ECE 442 Power Electronics2 Transformer Polarity as shown, S 1 and S 2 ON + -

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 442 Power Electronics1 Cycloconverter. ECE 442 Power Electronics2 Transformer Polarity as shown, S 1 and S 2 ON + -"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 442 Power Electronics1 Cycloconverter

2 ECE 442 Power Electronics2 Transformer Polarity as shown, S 1 and S 2 ON + -

3 ECE 442 Power Electronics3 Transformer Polarity as shown, S 3 and S 4 ON - +

4 ECE 442 Power Electronics4 Transformer Polarity as shown, S 3 and S 4 ON + -

5 ECE 442 Power Electronics5 Transformer Polarity as shown, S 1 and S 2 ON - +

6 ECE 442 Power Electronics6 S1S2S1S2 S3S4S3S4 S3S4S3S4 S1S2S1S2 vLvL v xformer v L has a lower frequency than v xformer S1S2S1S2 S3S4S3S4 S3S4S3S4 S1S2S1S2 S1S2S1S2 S3S4S3S4 Look At The Voltages

7 ECE 442 Power Electronics7 Replace The Load With A Battery

8 ECE 442 Power Electronics8 + - Turn S 1 and S 2 ON

9 ECE 442 Power Electronics9 + - Turn S 3 and S 4 ON

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