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Hofstra University Conference on Compliance and Culture of Integrity Monitoring and Auditing Compliance and Ethics Programs October 29, 2014 Leonard A.

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Presentation on theme: "Hofstra University Conference on Compliance and Culture of Integrity Monitoring and Auditing Compliance and Ethics Programs October 29, 2014 Leonard A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hofstra University Conference on Compliance and Culture of Integrity Monitoring and Auditing Compliance and Ethics Programs October 29, 2014 Leonard A. David SVP and Chief Compliance Officer

2 CORPORATE COMPLIANCE Compliance programs developed/implemented by business organizations to control risk of violations of law and policy, promote ethical conduct and thereby maintain/enhance corporate reputation. Federal Sentencing Guidelines set legal incentives to develop compliance programs and specified key elements: –Establish standards and procedures –Executive Leadership to be knowledgeable re: content/operations and have it resonate throughout the organization - - “tone at the top.” –Senior personnel to be assigned overall program responsibility: effectively “cascade” it throughout the organization Systematically communicate, reinforce and train all employees on program - - should become part of “corporate DNA" 2

3 CORPORATE COMPLIANCE Some Factors in Increased Attention to Compliance Matters, Worldwide –Globalization –Focus on Compliance/Ethics –Trend toward Corporate Social Responsibility –Increased focus on GRC (governance, risk, control) –Terrorism –Corporate Misconduct Cases –Increased Communication and Dissemination of News and Information - - Demand for Transparency 3

4 CORPORATE COMPLIANCE “You don’t need a weathervane to know which way the wind blows.” Bob Dylan Subterranean Homesick Blues 1965 4

5 CORPORATE COMPLIANCE “Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not after me.” Anonymous 5

6 MAIN TAKEAWAY While there are many legal, regulatory, organizational and societal forces impacting development of compliance programs, there’s no “One Size Fits All.” There are a variety of ways to implement, monitor and audit each program based on size, resources, industry, commitment and level of engagement of each unique organization. 6

7 CASE STUDY – HENRY SCHEIN INC. Henry Schein Operates its Businesses in a Complex Global Regulatory Environment 7


9 WORLDWIDE BUSINESS STANDARDS 9 Our comprehensive legal and regulatory program is fundamental to our Company’s values- based culture Our Global Code of Conduct


11 MONITORING WWBS Handbook/Orientation Independent outsourced training and testing, and biannual refreshers, for all employees worldwide in multiple languages Alertline Quarterly Reports to Audit Committee Periodic Reports to Board of Directors Compliance Committee – meets quarterly –Dedicated senior personnel including CCO 11

12 MONITORING Cultural Survey Internal Audit Outside Auditors Tone at Top – CEO buy-in and leadership reinforcement at virtually every management, executive management and full Board meeting –Institutionalizes a corporate Culture of Compliance 12

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