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September 2014 Office of Academic Affairs, Assessment and Institutional Research.

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Presentation on theme: "September 2014 Office of Academic Affairs, Assessment and Institutional Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 2014 Office of Academic Affairs, Assessment and Institutional Research

2  Submission and approval process Revised form Document requirements Posting of proposals New deadlines  Concerns Raising concerns Addressing concerns  Coming soon – workflow

3 To encourage and facilitate innovation while promoting transparency and avoiding redundancy and inefficiency.

4 Review of Process

5 Four parts i. General program information (r) ii. Additional required information (r) iii. Equivalence, Confusion, Overlap or Redundancy with Existing Programs (as identified or raised) iv. Signatures r = required

6 1. Request to Establish, Terminate or Change an Academic Program (word) 2. Executive Summary (template) (word) 3. Proposal (word preferred) 4. One page curriculum overview (pdf) 8 semester grid (undergraduate) Semester-by-semester or list of courses with titles (graduate and professional)

7  Submit to  Review Undergraduate Studies Graduate Studies Academic Affairs, Assessment & IR (professional courses)

8  Schools encouraged to address issues of redundancy/overlap/confusion in preparation and submission stages of proposal  Responsibility of proposer to Seek endorsements Address concerns

9  TRAC: Temple Review of Academic Programs and Courses  10 day posting (aligned with BOT calendar)  Basic information and curriculum grid

10 Concerns must fit one of the following criteria: Proposed program equivalent/redundant with an existing program Proposed program confusion/overlap with an existing program Proposed program not aligned with areas/disciplines in the school/college Any individual can post a concern, however, schools and colleges are strongly encouraged to raise concerns through Dean’s Office (designee)

11  Concerns submitted via TRAC  Email notification to Individual responsible for proposal

12  No concerns program considered for AAC agenda  Concerns addressed during posting period program considered for AAC agenda  Concerns not addressed APAC

13  Program proposals submitted according to BOT-driven deadlines  Allow time for additional approvals (Graduate Board, tuition and fees)  Academic program items will only go before the Board in October, December, February/March, April/May [NOT JULY]

14  Resources  Contacts: Jodi Levine Laufgraben Michele O’Connor Zeb Kendrick Joan McGoldrick 

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