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Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Internationalisation efforts in Hungary and abroad Pecs, 23 June 2015 Internationalisation and competitiveness.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Internationalisation efforts in Hungary and abroad Pecs, 23 June 2015 Internationalisation and competitiveness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Internationalisation efforts in Hungary and abroad Pecs, 23 June 2015 Internationalisation and competitiveness of Hungarian higher education Bernd Wächter Director, ACA

2 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA A few words on ACA A (mainly) European association of national organisations supporting internationalisation or ‘the club of the TPFs of Europe’ Promoting innovation through internationalisation Studies and expert opinion on (international) HE developments, for example -Student mobility in Europe and globally -English-taught programmes in Europe -Perceptions of European HE worldwide Seminars and conferences ACA Newsletter – Education Europe

3 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Roadmap Internationalisation Student mobility into and out of Hungary in a European perspective English-medium instruction Conclusions

4 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Internationalisation (1) The process of integrating an international, intercultural, or global dimension into the purpose, functions or delivery of post-secondary education Jane Knight (2003) …border-crossing activities Ulrich Teichler (20??)

5 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Internationalisation (2) A fuzzy / elusive concept A continuous widening of meaning over time At the beginning (post-war years): internationalisation = the international mobility of persons for purposes of learning and teaching Today: internationalisation = almost everything Increasingly, line between internationalisation and mainstream HE policy has become blurred.

6 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Internationalisation: a Wittgensteinian approach (3) International mobility of students and faculty (in many shapes and sizes) Recognition of degrees and study periods Curricular internationalisation / internationalisation at home, international and internationally comparative content, integrated study abroad phases, joint/double degrees, etc. English-medium provision Teaching foreign languages (???)

7 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Internationalisation: a Wittgensteinian approach (4) transnational education (cross-border, borderless or collaborative provision) International marketing and promotion Joint / coordinated structural and substantive system reform (Bologna Process, Lisbon Strategy, OECD processes) ICT-based learning (e-learning, distance learning, MOOCs, open learning and open educational resources (OER)

8 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Inbound degree mobility Hungary is not a leader in inbound degree mobility, but not at the bottom of the pile either Country%age of foreign students Cyprus26.9 UK19.5 CH19.3 AT16.7 DE / FR11.3 HU3.5 SK0.9 TR0.8 Europe 326.9

9 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Degree mobility inbound – selected countries (06/07) CountryForeign students Pop. in million Foreign students in 10,000 inhabitants UK460,000617.5 Cyprus6,00016.0 Austria44,00085.5 Switzerland41,00085.1 Hungary15,000101.5 Bulgaria9,00071.3 Slovenia1,00020.5 Poland16,000380.3

10 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Degree mobility – outbound Selected countries (06/07) CountryTotal enrolment (home nationality) Home nationality students abroad Home nationality students abroad as %age of domestic enrolment Cyprus16,25422,411137.9 Ireland173,59130,20417.4 Slovakia215,94225,46611.8 Malta9,2041,07411.7 Slovenia114,4332,6992.4 Turkey2,434,40756,5552.3 Hungary461,4628,5512.1 Spain1,717,68429,0271.7 UK1,902,82823,3931.2

11 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Degree mobility Outbound-inbound ratio (06/07) CountryOut-in ratio Slovakia12.67 Iceland4.82 Lithuania4.4 Cyprus3.75 Hungary 0.57 Austria0.30 Switzerland0.24 Belgium0.22 UK0.05

12 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Credit mobility (1) No regular annual international statistics like we have for ‘foreign students’ and ‘own nationals abroad’; Good statistics for ERASMUS (but what is the share of ERASMUS of all credit mobility?); Hungary in ERASMUS: almost fully balanced in- and out-flows, at slightly over 4,000 (2012/23 data). Outbound ERASMUS mobility is about 50% outbound degree mobility from Hungary. A relatively high value in European comparison, but partly due to low outflow of degree mobile students from Hungary. Inbound ERASMUS mobility about a quarter of inbound degree mobility.

13 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA English-medium instruction (EMI) In the most recent ACA mapping of EMI in Europe (2014), Hungary was on rank 12 of 28 (composite indicator). By the measure of the share of enrolment in EMI programmes of all programmes, it reached also a midfield place, with about 2%. Unsurprisingly (for you), Hungary reaches top values in disciplines such as human and vetenary medicine, dentistry and pharmacy.

14 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Overall picture Hungary occupies a midfield position when compared to countries with a similar level of economic development. However, averages are little revealing in this case. In fact, Hungary is a split case. Hungary is very successful in attracting foreign students in medicine and similar disciplines, where the country benefits from capacity limits in other countries (particularly Nordic ones), and where programmes are taught in English or in German. Beyond these disciplines and programmes, inbound mobility numbers are low and include a substantial share of ethnic Hungarians from nearby countries. Hungary should make strong efforts to internationalise its higher education sector: it needs to make up for young emigrants, to keep up its knowledge industry.

15 Mapping mobility Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA Thanks So much more to say …but not enough time Thank you for your attention.

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