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Between Giants Battle in the Baltics. Thesis Acting on the secret protocols of the Molotov- Ribbentrop Pact, the USSR annexed the Baltic states in early.

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Presentation on theme: "Between Giants Battle in the Baltics. Thesis Acting on the secret protocols of the Molotov- Ribbentrop Pact, the USSR annexed the Baltic states in early."— Presentation transcript:

1 Between Giants Battle in the Baltics

2 Thesis Acting on the secret protocols of the Molotov- Ribbentrop Pact, the USSR annexed the Baltic states in early 1940. Following the doctrines of Generalplan Ost, the Nazi reciprocated with an invasion in 1941. This began a series of illegal occupations that lasted until the early 1990s, the results of which decimated the socioeconomics, religion, and culture of the region—something it is still recovering from— and led to sense of foreign policy paranoia that is still evident during the Ukraine crisis.

3 Soviet Annexation Stalin covets Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) as relics of former Russian Empire Acting on secret protocols of Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, USSR demands Baltic states allow Soviet military bases in their territories – Figuring this demand is ridiculous, it will give USSR causes bellum for an invasion Baltics acquiesce; USSR blockades Estonia (world doesn’t notice—done on same day Paris falls) USSR demands Lithuania form a new gov’t that is communist, and give free access to Red Army – Annexation is only a matter of time from there

4 Generalplan Ost Going back to the theory of lebensraum, – Nazis planned to use the East to “spread out” – conquest and subjugation of Baltics was a necessity – Germans had history (Teutonic Knights) ruling Baltics, esp. Lithuania  German was language of nobility Alfred Rosenberg-Estonian racial theorist-put plan into place for what to do with the German East. This is the core of Nazism: – Involved division into four districts – Elimination of the Jewish question – Elimination of Bolshevism & Pan Slavism – Establishment of master race; settlement of farmland Hans Frank began implementation in Poland; next step was USSR

5 Ethnic groupPercentage subject to elimination Poles80-85% Russians 50-60% to be physically eliminated and another 15% to be sent to Western Siberia. Belarusians75% Ukrainians65% Lithuanians85% Latvians50% Estonians50% Czechs50% Latgalians100%

6 Barbarossa & the Baltic Operation Hitler turn back on USSR and invades on June 22, 1941 Army Group North sweeps into Baltics – Most of Baltics pacified by early July – Final USSR forces not expelled until September Meets very little resistance from local population originally  people are happy to be free of USSR; many people, esp. in Lithuania have German roots Once fighting begins NKVD & SD wreak havoc on local population – “Horrific scenes took place in Russia held areas just before Wehrmacht’s arrival… hundreds of prisoners had been tortured to death… the floor was strewn with the tongues, ears and eyes of dead prisoners.”

7 Eastern Holocaust Einsatzgruppen comes behind Wehrmacht to deal with undesirables Massacre of the Jews in the East begins in Lithuania – Vilnius, Jerusalem of the North, sees of population of roughly 500,000 taken down to 1,500 – Lithuania goes from 1.5 million to 4,000 Most are simply taken out into the woods and shot Wehrmacht actively cooperates with Einsatzgruppen – One commander issues an order celebrating the “hard but just punishment for the Jewish sub-humans” – Rundstedt, Manstein write about awareness of massacres – Local population generally complacent, but Latvians actively round up and arrest undesirables  still reconciling this today Comes to the headway at Babi Yar in Ukraine 33,771 killed in two days Nazis then use East to experiment with mass extermination via gas

8 Baltic Offensive & Illegal Occupation Red army sweeps West and traps Army Group North in Courland Peninsula—ends occupation of Autumn of 1944 Never leaves—USSR annexes Baltics and incorporates them into Soviet Union—not free until 1991 Sovietization occurs—similar to other USSR states; native language and culture suppressed – Anti-Soviet Resistance begins, founding of Forest Brothers Despite being part of NATO, Baltics still very weary of Russian aggression today


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