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[insert title here] [Author] [Date] ieConnect Impact Evaluation Workshop Rio de Janeiro, Brazil June 22-25, 2015 Roads, Jobs, and Labor Mobility in Brazil.

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Presentation on theme: "[insert title here] [Author] [Date] ieConnect Impact Evaluation Workshop Rio de Janeiro, Brazil June 22-25, 2015 Roads, Jobs, and Labor Mobility in Brazil."— Presentation transcript:

1 [insert title here] [Author] [Date] ieConnect Impact Evaluation Workshop Rio de Janeiro, Brazil June 22-25, 2015 Roads, Jobs, and Labor Mobility in Brazil Melanie Morten (Stanford University) 22 June 2015

2 Brazil: wages differ across regions Young (2014): inequality within a country 45% explained by rural-urban wage gaps Only 17% by education

3 Do roads help people reach good jobs? Use the natural experiment of Brasilia Solves an important problem Do roads get built because there is a lot of demand? Or, do roads cause demand? Here: roads built to connect Brasilia with state capitals The places along the way get roads “by accident” We then look to see if migration patterns depend on access to roads

4 Brazil: Rodovias radiais (radial highways)

5 Heat map: bilateral travel times

6 Results: roads are important for migration Baseline migration rates: 7% Reducing the road cost by half causes: Migration increases by 20% Welfare increases by 4% Dispersion of welfare reduces by 3.5% Full paper: trade and housing markets Take home: roads help people move to where they are better off Same issues important many other places: Figures: Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, Indonesia

7 Tanzania

8 Kenya

9 Malawi

10 Indonesia

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