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L34 – Current Account Life-Cycle

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1 L34 – Current Account Life-Cycle
Process Diagram

2 Purpose, Benefits, and Key Process Steps
The purpose of this scenario is to describe and support testing of the complete entire account life cycle, from contract creation to account closure, including the business partner functionalities that are needed for this scenario. Benefits To conduct a current account life cycle, there are two mandatory steps: account creation and account closure. All other steps are optional and mostly independent from each other. Therefore, the scenario attempts to join all the most common processes that could be activated during the business relationship between a bank and a customer. Payment engine integration.

3 Purpose, Benefits, and Key Process Steps
Creating or changing business partners Creating or changing current accounts Creating or changing posting locks Changing an account holder Creating and processing payment transaction orders, including automatic and manual error handling and payment engine integration Changing the product of an existing account Forward Order functionality Standing Order functionality Account closure process with payment engine integration Simulating account settlement Displaying account balance and turnover figures Conducting end-of-day processing including: Changing the product version of an existing account

4 Required SAP Applications and Company Roles
SAP Banking Service 8.0 Company Roles Back office

5 Detailed Process Description
Current Account Life-Cycle with Payment Engine Entire account life cycle, from contract creation to account closure, including the business partner functionalities that are needed for this scenario. Account closure process with account closure order with transfer to reference account at an external bank when the account balance is positive or receive funds when it is negative. Using Payment Engine for SEPA Direct Debit when account balance is negative and transfer the positive account balance through SWIFT.

6 Process Flow Diagram Current Account Life-Cycle with Payment Engine (1/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name Entire account life cycle BP BCA_DATE_POST_SET/BCA_DATE_EOD_SET BCA_CN_ACCT_01 BCA_CN_ACCT_03 PRI_PPL_PROD_DISPLAY BCA_CN_ACCT_02 BCA_DEH_EVENT_CRE_BU 1 1 Creating a Business Partner A Maintain Business Partner B A B Checking Posting/System date C L85 DM in Bank Analyzer C D Creating a Current Account D Creating Current Accounts with Product Pricing Lists E E Managing Conditions H Displaying Current Accounts F F G Managing Limits I Checking the Product Pricing List G H Setting Locks for a Business Partner J I J next page

7 Process Flow Diagram Current Account Life-Cycle with Payment Engine (2/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name BCA_CN_ACCT_03 BCA_PAYMITEM_CREATE BCA_DEH_EVENT_CHANGE BCA_OR_CAH BCA_CN_KFG previous page K Displaying an Account K L Creating a Debit Payment Item L Changing a Lock M M N Creating and Executing an Order for the Account Holder Change O Displaying an Account N O Displaying an Account P P L85 DM in Bank Analyzer Q R Creating a Payment Item for Currency Exchange Q Displaying Balances and Key Figures R next page

8 Process Flow Diagram Current Account Life-Cycle with Payment Engine (3/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name BCA_PO_CREATE PCO_WL_ASS_MAINTAIN PCO02 BAPA_PCO2 BCA_DATE_POST_SET BAPA_PCO3 BCA_PAYMITEM_MAINTN previous page Creating a Payment Transaction Order for Exception Handling S S T Assigning Users to a Worklist T U Manual Resubmission U Creating a Payment Transaction Order V V W Automatic Resubmission of Posting Control Orders W X Setting Posting Date for Payment Transaction X Y Z Automatic Final Processing of Posting Control Orders Y Checking the Rejected Payment Order Z next page

9 Process Flow Diagram Lifecycle Current Account with Payment Engine (4/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name BCA_ACBAL_ACC_S BCA_OR_COP BCA_CN_ACCT_03 BCA_PO_FO_CREATE BCA_PO_FO_CHANGE BCA_PO_FO_DISPLAY BCA_PO_FO_DELETE BCA_PO_FO_POST BCA_PAYMITEM_MAINTN previous page Simulating an Account Settlement AA AA AB Product Change AB AC Displaying an Account AC AD AE Create a Forward Order AD Change a forward order AE AF AG Display a forward order AF AH Delete a forward order AG AI Check the transactions on the Account after Forward Order execution AI Execution of Forward Order before due date AH next page

10 Process Flow Diagram Lifecycle Current Account with Payment Engine (5/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name BCA_SO_CREATE BCA_SO_CHANGE BCA_SO_DISP BCA_SO_DELETE BCA_OR_TOC BCA_MANDATE_CRED_01 previous page Create a Standing Order AJ Change a Standing Order AK AJ Display a Standing Order AL AK AL Delete a Standing Order AM L85 DM in Bank Analyzer AM Closing an Account AN AN Account Balance is Negative, SDD Create a Mandate BI BI Choose in Payment Advice Type BJ Account Balance is Positive, SCT Choose in Payment Advice Type BK Account Balance is Positive, SWIFT Choose in Payment Advice Type BL next page

11 Process Flow Diagram Lifecycle Current Account with Payment Engine (6/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name End-of-Day Processing BCA_DATE_POST_SET BCA_DATE_EOD_SET BCA_ACBAL_ACC_M BCA_CN_KFG BCA_BAST_MASSRUN BCA_PO_FO_MULTI RBCA_SORD_RUN_PP BCA_PAYMITEM_MAINTN previous page 2 2 AO Setting Posting Date for Payment Transaction AO AP Setting Posting Date for End-of-Day Processing AP AQ AR Executing a Settlement AQ Displaying Balances and Key Figures AR L85 DM in Bank Analyzer AS Bank Statement AS AT AU Forward Orders AT Setting Posting Date for Payment Transaction AW AV Standing Orders AU AW Setting the Posting date for End-of-Day Processing AX AX Check the transactions on the Account after Standing Order execution AV next page

12 Process Flow Diagram Lifecycle Current Account with Payment Engine (7/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name BCA_OR_TOC_PP_BOTC BCA_CORR_PRINT_PP SP01 BCA_CN_ACCT_01 FSPRD2_Y BCA_COP_ACC_BCA_PVCA BCA_CN_ACCT_03 previous page Executing Due Account Closures AY AY AZ Account Balance is Negative, SDD Create a Payment transaction Order for SEPA SDD BF L81 Using Payment Engine for SDD BA Account Balance is Positive, SCT Create a Payment transaction Order for Domestic Bank Transfer/SEPA SCT BG BB L82 Using Payment Engine for Credit transfer (SWIFT & SEPA) Account Balance is Positive, SWIFT Create a Payment transaction Order for International Bank Transer BH BC BD L85 DM in Bank Analyzer BE Sending Correspondence Requests AZ Creating a Product Version BC Using the Output Controller BA Mass Product Version Change BD Creating Current Accounts BB Displaying an Account BE next page

13 Detailed Process Description
Current Account Life-Cycle without Payment Engine Entire account life cycle, from contract creation to account closure, including the business partner functionalities that are needed for this scenario. To conduct a current account life cycle, there are two mandatory steps: account creation and account closure. All other steps are optional and mostly independent from each other. Therefore, the scenario attempts to join all the most common processes that could be activated during the business relationship between a bank and a customer.

14 Process Flow Diagram Current Account Life-Cycle without Payment Engine (1/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name Entire account life cycle BP BCA_DATE_POST_SET/BCA_DATE_EOD_SET BCA_CN_ACCT_01 BCA_CN_ACCT_03 PRI_PPL_PROD_DISPLAY BCA_CN_ACCT_02 BCA_DEH_EVENT_CRE_BU 1 1 Creating a Business Partner A Maintain Business Partner B A B Checking Posting/System date C L85 DM in Bank Analyzer C D Creating a Current Account D Creating Current Accounts with Product Pricing Lists E E Managing Conditions H Displaying Current Accounts F F G Managing Limits I Checking the Product Pricing List G H Setting Locks for a Business Partner J I J next page

15 Process Flow Diagram Current Account Life-Cycle without Payment Engine (2/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name BCA_CN_ACCT_03 BCA_PAYMITEM_CREATE BCA_DEH_EVENT_CHANGE BCA_OR_CAH BCA_CN_KFG previous page K Displaying an Account K L Creating a Debit Payment Item L Changing a Lock M M N Creating and Executing an Order for the Account Holder Change O Displaying an Account N O Displaying an Account P P L85 DM in Bank Analyzer Q R Creating a Payment Item for Currency Exchange Q Displaying Balances and Key Figures R next page

16 Process Flow Diagram Current Account Life-Cycle without Payment Engine (3/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name BCA_PO_CREATE PCO_WL_ASS_MAINTAIN PCO02 BAPA_PCO2 BCA_DATE_POST_SET BAPA_PCO3 BCA_PAYMITEM_MAINTN previous page Creating a Payment Transaction Order for Exception Handling S S T Assigning Users to a Worklist T U Manual Resubmission U Creating a Payment Transaction Order V V W Automatic Resubmission of Posting Control Orders W X Setting Posting Date for Payment Transaction X Y Z Automatic Final Processing of Posting Control Orders Y Checking the Rejected Payment Order Z next page

17 Process Flow Diagram Current Account Life-Cycle without Payment Engine (4/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name BCA_ACBAL_ACC_S BCA_OR_COP BCA_CN_ACCT_03 BCA_PO_FO_CREATE BCA_PO_FO_CHANGE BCA_PO_FO_DISPLAY BCA_PO_FO_DELETE BCA_PO_FO_POST BCA_PAYMITEM_MAINTN previous page Simulating an Account Settlement AA AA AB Product Change AB AC Displaying an Account AC AD AE Create a Forward Order AD Change a forward order AE AF AG Display a forward order AF AH Delete a forward order AG AI Check the transactions on the Account after Forward Order execution AI Execution of Forward Order before due date AH next page

18 Process Flow Diagram Current Account Life-Cycle without Payment Engine (5/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name BCA_SO_CREATE BCA_SO_CHANGE BCA_SO_DISP BCA_SO_DELETE BCA_OR_TOC End-of-Day Processing BCA_DATE_POST_SET BCA_DATE_EOD_SET previous page Create a Standing Order AJ Change a Standing Order AK AJ AK Display a Standing Order AL AL Delete a Standing Order AM L85 DM in Bank Analyzer AM AN Closing an Account AN 2 AO 2 AP Setting Posting Date for Payment Transaction AO Setting Posting Date for End-of-Day Processing AP next page

19 Process Flow Diagram Current Account Life-Cycle without Payment Engine (6/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name BCA_ACBAL_ACC_M BCA_CN_KFG BCA_BAST_MASSRUN BCA_PO_FO_MULTI RBCA_SORD_RUN_PP BCA_PAYMITEM_MAINTN BCA_DATE_POST_SET BCA_DATE_EOD_SET BCA_OR_TOC_PP_BOTC previous page Executing a Settlement AQ Displaying Balances and Key Figures AR L85 DM in Bank Analyzer AQ AR Bank Statement AS AS Forward Orders AT AT AU Standing Orders AU AV Check the transactions on the Account after Standing Order execution AV AW Setting Posting Date for Payment Transaction AW AX AY Setting the Posting date for End-of-Day Processing AX Executing Due Account Closures AY next page

20 Process Flow Diagram Current Account Life-Cycle without Payment Engine (7/7) Banking Services from SAP Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer SAP Payment Engine Back Office Back Office Back Office Icon Name BCA_CORR_PRINT_PP SP01 BCA_CN_ACCT_01 FSPRD2_Y BCA_COP_ACC_BCA_PVCA BCA_CN_ACCT_03 previous page AZ BA Sending Correspondence Requests AZ L85 DM in Bank Analyzer BB Using the Output Controller BA BC BD Creating Current Accounts BB BE Creating a Product Version BC Mass Product Version Change BD Displaying an Account BE next page

21 Appendix

22 Process Diagram Legend
Lane Process Step Interface Manual Process Step A Optional Manual Process Step A User Role <name>* Process Step Outside Scope Item Scope A A User Interface (UI) 1 Process Step (manual or automatic) 1 A Optional Process Step (manual or automatic) 1 A Interface 1 Batch Script Automatic Process Step 1 Optional Automatic Process Step 1 Process Step Outside Software Optional Process Step Outside Software Connection Link Events Gateways Sequence flow 1 Inline / Standalone Page Link Incoming Link Data flow XOR 1 (<BBID>) Link to SAP Best Practices Process or Scope Item Outgoing Link Documents OR 1 Timer Event Output Document Accounting Document AND A Icon for the Link to SAP Best Practices Process or Scope Item 1 Message Complex** * <name>: SAP System (PPMS name), or non-SAP System, or lane for steps outside software ** Combination of XOR, AND, OR

23 Thank you


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