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Farewell to Manzanar By Jeanna Wakatsuki Trista Sullivan.

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Presentation on theme: "Farewell to Manzanar By Jeanna Wakatsuki Trista Sullivan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Farewell to Manzanar By Jeanna Wakatsuki Trista Sullivan

2 Government Government Hypocrisy Classification of Japanese-Americans

3 Camps Gave inside look on the camps Horrible condition latrines Thrown together makeshift lodging Limited space, blankets, light Mess halls, their employees, and conditions

4 Post-Camps Ghettos towns and housing projects for Japanese Little or no work Working until death

5 Authors Awards Humanities Prize The Christopher Award National Woman’s Political Caucus Wonder Woman

6 Overview Farewell to Manzanar gives a very informative and personal insight on Jeanne Wakatsuki’s family and life throughout their time living in Manzanar. After Jeanne lives through the internemt and the wars and segregation are over, she becomes the first in her family to go to college, she marries out of her race, and has two kids. She ends her story taking her two kids to Manzanar where she grew up at their age.

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