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Law Chapter 2 Review.

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1 Law Chapter 2 Review

2 True or False The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776, by the delegates of the original colonies meeting in Philadelphia.

3 True or False True

4 True or False The Fourteenth Amendment applied to all state governments the restrictions that had previously limited only the powers of the federal government.

5 True or False True

6 True or False Even though political parties are very important in the selection of candidates for federal offices, they are not mentioned in the Constitution.

7 True or False True

8 True or False Almost universal access by anyone with a computer to the information contained on the Internet was facilitated primarily through a program developed in the spare time of Tim Berners-Lee.

9 True or False True

10 True or False The Senate can block any action of the House, but the House cannot block any action of the Senate.

11 True or False False

12 Multiple Choice When the Constitution was declared effective and binding on March 4, 1789, only __ states had ratified it A.)7 B.)9 C.)11 D.)13

13 Multiple Choice B.) 9

14 Multiple Choice The U.S. Constitution provided that persons may not be deprived of without the due process of law: A.) Life, Liberty, and Property B.) Food, Clothing, and Shelter C.) Health, Happiness, and Prosperity D.) Life, Liberty, or the Pursuit of Happiness

15 Multiple Choice A.) Life, Liberty, and Property

16 Multiple Choice The American Declaration of Independence
A.) Denounced royal rule and the “divine right of kings” throughout the world. B.) Called for a strong central government of the American colonies, to be based in Washington, D.C. C.) States that all men endowed by their Creator with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. D.) All of these.

17 Multiple Choice C.) States that all men endowed by their Creator with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

18 Multiple Choice If convicted under due process of law, a criminal may be deprived of A.) Liberty, by imprisonment B.) Property, by fine or order to make restitution C.) Life, by execution D.) All, or a combination, of these

19 Multiple Choice D.) All, or a combination, or these

20 Multiple Choice Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery? A.) First B.) Thirteenth C.) Fourteenth D.) None of the above

21 Multiple Choice B.) Thirteenth

22 Completion While listening to a national newscast, Masami learned the President of the United States was being impeached for bribing some members of the House of Representatives. The legislative body that would have the sole power to conduct the impeachment trial to follow is the __________.

23 Completion Senate

24 Completion The groundwork for the Internet was laid in the 1960’s during the Cold War by the U.S. Department of _________.

25 Completion Defense

26 Completion The _____________ is the federal agency that governs health and safety in the workplace.

27 Completion Occupational Safety and Health Administration

28 Completion A right vital to the protection of all the others, the right of _________ was, nonetheless, only legitimized by a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1960’s.

29 Completion Privacy

30 Completion Four of the original 13 states were reluctant to ratify the U.S. Constitution because they felt the Constitution failed to protect certain human rights. This deficiency was corrected by the ______________

31 Completion Bill of Rights

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