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Resource Adequacy Forecast Adjustment(s) Allocation Methodology

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1 Resource Adequacy Forecast Adjustment(s) Allocation Methodology
Miguel Cerrutti Demand Analysis Office Energy Assessments Division R Workshop California Public Utility Commission San Francisco, February 9, 2015

2 Year-ahead load forecast adjustments Coincident factor (CF)
Outline The challenges Year-ahead load forecast adjustments Coincident factor (CF) adopted CF adjustment methodology Weather normalization (WN) and short-term load forecasting (STLF) Improvements

3 Assign a value for each LSE’s contribution to CAISO peak loads
Challenges Arrive at LSE-specific final year-ahead load forecasts for RA compliance Assign a value for each LSE’s contribution to CAISO peak loads Forecast weather normalized short-term peak loads for IEPR (summer) and RA (monthly) Ensure a transparent and repeatable process with well-supported and consistent key assumptions with RA and CEC

4 Year-ahead load forecast time line
LSEs file historical load data Year-ahead compliance filings due Final date to file year-ahead load forecast changes LSEs file year-ahead load forecast LSEs receive final year-ahead allocations LSEs receive initial year-ahead allocations October 30st March 20th August 19th July 31st April 24th September 18th

5 Pro rata adjustment to match CEC forecast within 1%
Year-ahead forecast adjustments Coincident adjustment – LSE-specific peak load contribution at time of CAISO’s monthly peak load Plausibility adjustment – reconcile aggregate LSEs monthly peak load forecasts against CEC’s monthly WN STLF for IOU service areas Prorated adjustments to LSEs forecasts to account for demand side energy savings paid for through distribution charges Pro rata adjustment to match CEC forecast within 1%

6 D.12-06-025 Coincident Factor O.P. 4
Coincident factor (CF) adjustment - CPUC adopted D Coincident Factor O.P. 4 “The resource adequacy program shall be modified so that the coincidence adjustment factor uses a load service entity-specific coincidence adjustment factor for annual resource adequacy requirements, and an energy service provider-composite coincidence factor for monthly resource adequacy requirements, as follows: *Annual Resource Adequacy Requirements – The California Energy Commission will calculate a Load Serving Entity-specific coincidence adjustment factor using Load Serving Entity hourly loads; and *Monthly Resource Adequacy Requirements – The California Energy Commission will calculate an Electric Service Provider-composite coincidence factor, which would be applied to each Electric Service Provider’s migrating load for the month; migrating load for community choice aggregators would be treated separately.”

7 CAISO’s EMS hourly load data (across 1-3 years)
Coincident factor (CF) – the data CAISO’s EMS hourly load data (across 1-3 years) five highest monthly CAISO system peak hours LSE hourly load data (across 1 – 3 years) monthly non-coincident peaks Average hourly peak loads Weather data Weather normalized daily LSE and system peaks

8 Include peak producing days – typical weather
Coincident factor (CF) - the process LSEs coincident peaks associated with the monthly five highest CAISO system peak hours Monthly CF as a median over the ratios of the five LSE’s coincident peaks to its non-coincident peak Include peak producing days – typical weather Monthly CF to develop LSEs peak forecasts coincident with the CAISO system peak hours

9 LSE’s with stable load shapes and/or correlated with system loads
Coincident factor (CF) - the process … continuation LSE’s with stable load shapes and/or correlated with system loads one year of current load data LSEs with unstable load shapes and/or not correlated with system loads at least three previous years of data average hourly peak loads LSEs with slightly higher load responses to more than normal weather patterns WN CF - daily time-series regressive model to normalize daily LSE and CAISO system peaks

10 Review and validity assessment Small sample problems
Coincident factor (CF) - the process … continuation Review and validity assessment Small sample problems no days closer to one-in-two conditions Over time inconsistent loads so unstable coincidence patterns – meaningless statistics Monthly load migration CF for aggregate of ESPs

11 Coincident factor (CF) - the process … continuation
LSE Moy CF 3CP 5CP Avg WN CF CP / WN CP NCP / WN NCP LSE1 10 .528 .937 .841 LSE2 11 .920 .868 .789 LSE3 8 .605 .718 .802 LSE4 6 .720 .719 .842 LSE5 12 .674 .859 ESP 7 .695 All ESP .923 .897 .884 LSE8 .836 .853 1.166 1.143 LSE9 .895 .845 .904 1.277 1.265 LSE10 .636 .916 1.438 .998 LSE11 .978 .914 .782 1.052 LSE12 3 .612 .765 1.341 .839

12 Accurate CF improves cost allocation
Coincident factor (CF) - benefits Better information with well reasoned-analysis suggests a more appropriate LSEs CF Accurate CF improves cost allocation Provides a realistic (as possible) LSE-specific CF without unfairly impacting the CFs of other LSEs Once a CF is assigned, it is considered fixed and is not changed CF is only corrected if it is found to be in error due to data filing or calculation errors

13 most current IEPR (e.g., for 2016 RA, 2014 IEPR update)
Weather normalized (WN) short-term load forecasting (STLF) WN STLF is used to reconcile the aggregate LSEs year-ahead forecasts in each IOU area for RA compliance (plausibility adjustment) Inputs to WN STLF most current IEPR (e.g., for 2016 RA, 2014 IEPR update) four years of CAISO hourly EMS data hourly demand response impacts 30 years weather conditions

14 First time-series regressive modeling prior three years
Weather normalized (WN) short-term load forecasting (STLF) – the process First time-series regressive modeling prior three years selecting functional form and explanatory effects using sample analysis (current year) Second time-series regressive modeling last three years estimating peak load sensitivities to selected effects Monte Carlo probabilistic simulation peak load sensitivities and 30 years weather one-in-two WN STLF for IEPR and one-in-ten (extreme weather) for CAISO’s LCR

15 Improving allocation of DR events and non-
Improvements Improving allocation of DR events and non- events to hourly loads, LSE’s year-ahead forecasts, and CEC’s forecasts unclear whether or not DR impacts are embedded in LSE’s historic hourly loads and year-ahead forecasts LSEs need to provide additional information about the extent and type of DR embedded in the hourly and forecast data For transparency, there will be an attempt to post the monthly five highest CAISO system coincident peak load hours

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