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Punjabi WordNet. Development of Punjabi WordNet User enter a word in textbox and click submit button. The system will display the corresponding result.

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Presentation on theme: "Punjabi WordNet. Development of Punjabi WordNet User enter a word in textbox and click submit button. The system will display the corresponding result."— Presentation transcript:

1 Punjabi WordNet

2 Development of Punjabi WordNet User enter a word in textbox and click submit button. The system will display the corresponding result for the searched word.

3 Development of Punjabi WordNet We have also provided some words here by clicking on any word user can view the details about that word.

4 Strategy for Extraction Synset Information Table: wn_word Table: wn_synset_words Table: wn_synset Table: wn_synset_example Table: wn_synset_words Table: wn_word Table: wn_master_category

5 Table: wn_synset Table: wn_synset_words Table: wn_word Here in this example we have two types of category for the searched word. We can map category_value through category_id. Strategy for Extraction Synset Information Cont.

6 Output

7 Output-2

8 WordNet Relation Lexical and Semantic Relations Lexical relations are the relations between members of two different synsets. For example: Antonymy is a lexical relation, {rise, ascend} and {fall, descend} are opposites but not antonyms. {rise} and {descend} are not antonyms. Semantic relations are the relations between two whole synsets. For example: Hypernym/Hyponym relation. {organism, being} is hypernym of {plant, flora} and {plant, flora} synset is hyponym of {organism, being}

9 Table: wn_semantic_relations Table: wn_relation_types WordNet Relation Implementation Table: wn_word Table: wn_synset_words

10 Table: wn_relation_types Table: rel_hypernymy_hyponymy WordNet Relation Implementation cont. Table: wn_synset Table: wn_synset_example Table: wn_word Table: wn_synset_words

11 Output.

12 Output-2

13 Output-3

14 Demonstration of Punjabi WordNet http://localhost:8080/Thapar_WordNet/

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