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More than 60 years working to advance health promotion and to achieve equity in health globally I NTERNATIONAL U NION FOR H EALTH P ROMOTION AND E DUCATION.

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Presentation on theme: "More than 60 years working to advance health promotion and to achieve equity in health globally I NTERNATIONAL U NION FOR H EALTH P ROMOTION AND E DUCATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 More than 60 years working to advance health promotion and to achieve equity in health globally I NTERNATIONAL U NION FOR H EALTH P ROMOTION AND E DUCATION Maggie Davies, IUHPE Vice President for Conferences 2nd International and 6 th National Iranian Congress on Health Education and Promotion Kermanshah, Iran – 19-21 May, 2015

2 1.Description of the work of the IUHPE As a global professional network As a dissemination & exchange hub As a facilitating agency of technical expertise C ONTENTS OF THE PRESENTATION

3 Created in 1951 Non-governmental status Gathers professionals from across the world in different disciplines ▪ Institutional members ▪ Individual members Encourages and facilitates exchange ▪ Conferences ▪ Media Provides technical expertise ▪ Public policy ▪ Research ▪ Advocacy ▪ Capacity building & training ▪ Practice

4 Promote global health and wellbeing Contribute to the achievement of equity in health between and within countries of the world Mission

5 Our vision of Health Health is a resource for the everyday life of individuals and of societies. It is an outcome of complex social and economic developments and constructs. It is created when individuals, families and communities are able to take control over their lives; and their needs are supported by the environment in which they live.

6 The importance of Health Promotion Health promotion is a vital part of the global social development agenda. It aims to help people to improve their own health and the underlying factors that influence health. The main determinants of health are people’s, social, economic and environmental living conditions, and the social and personal behaviours that are strongly influenced by those conditions

7 The importance of Health Promotion A key characteristic of health promotion is the planned articulation of a wide range of complementary actions in an organized context: academic, government or community. Its core activities include health literacy, health education and advocacy for horizontal policy approaches in all sectors of society which help to improve health, and conversely, to prevent it being threatened and undermined. The effectiveness of these activities is enhanced and underpinned by collaboration and alliance building among all sectors of society, applied research to improve the quality and effectiveness of health promotion, and training people to help them acquire skills to engage effectively in health promotion work.

8 Goals of IUHPE Increased health and wellbeing of populations throughout the world; Greater equity in health between and within countries of the world; Effective alliances and partnerships to produce improved health promotion outcomes; Broadly accessible evidence-based knowledge and practical experience in health promotion and health education; Excellence in policy and practice for effective, quality health promotion; High levels of capacity in individuals, organisations and countries to undertake health promotion and health education activities.

9 Health in All Policies Advocacy Translation of research Workforce development Social Determinants of Health Health Promotion Systems Sustainable Development Noncommunicabl e Diseases Four priority areas of work Using four priority strategies

10 The work of the IUHPE as a global professional network

11 Categories of membership National Health Promotion and Public Health Agencies : Organisations of national scope which are responsible for organising health promotion and health education in their country Academic Institutions Universities, Training Centres, Schools of Public Health and other Institutions who pursue research, and capacity building in an academic setting Regional Scope Institutions are responsible for undertaking, promoting and or supporting health promotion at the regional/local level Individual : who support IUHPE’s mission, goals and objectives Student : have a special membership rate and are able to enter a global network of other students and young professionals that want to influence the future of health promotion- Retired : have a special membership rate (in line with our equity fee scale)

12 10 things IUHPE members receive from the Organisation 1. Complimentary subscription to the journal Global Health Promotion 2. Discounts on five other journals in the IUHPE publication family 3. Discounts on IUHPE conference registration fees 4. Access the members only corner on the IUHPE website, at 5. Participation in IUHPE projects in areas of their interest 6. Complete access to the Global IUHPE network 7. Automatic invitations to participate in IUHPE global dialogues, at 8. Opportunities to influence global directions in health promotion as a voting member of the IUHPE General Assembly 9. Participation in key IUHPE health promotion activities in their region of the world 10. Stimulation of their professional life through invigorating contact with like-minded health promoters throughout the world

13 10 things IUHPE members give to the Organisation 1. Their voice in IUHPE dialogues on key issues of the day 2. Their experience, working on IUHPE projects that tap their areas of expertise 3. Their help to others, via your participation in the IUHPE Equity Membership Fee programme 4. Their leadership, in elected positions in IUHPE regions and global leadership positions 5. Their active, engaged participation at IUHPE conferences 6. Their scholarship, via publication in IUHPE journals 7. Their advocacy for health equity, via participation in IUHPE advocacy initiatives 8. Their spirit and friendship, by your participation in many IUHPE social activities 9. Their network, as they bring others into the IUHPE 10. Their commitment to fairness and social justice, as they use the many opportunities given by IUHPE to express their values with vigour and effectiveness

14 The work of the IUHPE as a dissemination & exchange hub

15 “Communication functions to provide connection to our members, partners and the public and to market the organization. All of the IUHPE members, Officers and staff have a role in communication IUHPE messages” Communications

16 The IUHPE Journal Family

17 Global Health Promotion Scope: GHP is a multilingual journal which publishes authoritative peer-reviewed articles and practical information for a worldwide audience of professionals interested in health promotion and education. Types of manuscripts published: Original articles (5,000 words) Commentaries (2,000 words) Addresses Abstract translation Thematic Supplement issues

18 Thematic reports & publications Health Promotion Effectiveness Tobacco Control Shaping the Future of Health Promotion School Health Mental Health Health systems Physical Activity Community Health Social Determinants of Health The Ottawa Charter NCDs

19 IUHPE online platform A new and interactive gathering of important resources:  IUHPE website including presentation of all activities, projects and working group  IUHPE member database a social network to facilitate networking and exchange  Views of Health Promotion Online - VHPO a trilingual (English, French and Spanish) dialogue forum  An accreditation system for practitioners and institutions to be accredited with a ‘quality label ’  A collaborative working space for all IUHPE working and governance bodies ▪ shared file system ▪ chat and online dialogue facilities ▪ shared calendar  A teleconference platform to organize online courses/seminars  A tools repertoire tools and resources to develop and implement partnership activities


21 Online presence Views of Health Promotion Online Online Dialogue of the IUHPE

22 “IUHPE Conferences are renowned events bringing together leading professionals from all corners of the world to take stock of the present state of knowledge and experiences, bring forward future challenges and shape the agenda to advance developments in health promotion” IUHPE world and regional conferences

23 Promoting Health and Equity  Assessing progress  Sharing strategies  Exchanging research results  Reflecting on innovative practices and policies At all levels of governance Keynote speaker: Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva, Brazil (tbc);

24  Ethical and cultural imperatives in interventions that promote health and equity  Urban change to make differences locally, paying attention to emerging voices  Health in all policy and intersectoral action: innovations in theory, evaluation and research  Pathways to achieve sustainable and healthy human development on a global scale  Creating shared research questions to bridging the research/practice gap Five sub-themes

25 Call for Abstracts : 15 April through 4 September, 2015 Topics for submission:  Areas related to the Conference subthemes  Areas related to the IUHPE organizational priorities  Areas related to IUHPE global working groups, networks and interest groups  Areas related to the development of HP research and practice

26 Submission formats: Symposia Workshops Oral/Posters Presentations Alternative Showings

27 Important Dates  Abstract Submission Opens: 15 th April 2015  Submission Deadline: 4 th September 2015  Abstract Notification: December 2015  Author Registration Deadline : February 2016

28 The work of the IUHPE as a facilitating agency of technical expertise

29 Including:  Physical activity promotion,  Equitable access to active and sustainable transportation  Healthy villages/cities/schools/work places  Food availability and affordability  Tobacco control  Injury prevention  Mental health  Violence NCDs Prevention and Control from a Health Promotion Perspective

30 Social Determinants of Health IUHPE’s work on SDH includes:  Health in All Policies (HiAP)  Whole-of-government approaches  Intersectoriality  The fight against poverty & Support to MDGs  The recommendations of the WHO Commission on SDH Report  The structural drivers of inequitable distribution (power/ money /resources/ human rights)  Health promotion in emerging economies  Health Impact Assessment  Health equity

31 It supports the work and infrastructure that underpins the other health promotion work that the IUHPE does. It includes:  Capacity building / competencies  Advocacy  Health literacy  Surveillance  Communications  Evidence of the effectiveness of health promotion  Evaluation  Transferability Health promotion system

32 Health Promotion in Sustainable Development IUHPE’s work on Sustainable Development includes :  Food system  Climate change  Whole systems approaches  Partnership across sectors  Urbanization & urban planning and poverty  Environmental approaches  Disaster prevention and post- disaster management

33 Including:  Physical activity promotion,  Equitable access to active and sustainable transportation  Healthy villages/cities/schools/work places  Food availability and affordability  Tobacco control  Injury prevention  Mental health  Violence NCDs Prevention and Control from a Health Promotion Perspective

34 Social Determinants of Health IUHPE’s work on SDH includes:  Health in All Policies (HiAP)  Whole-of-government approaches  Intersectoriality  The fight against poverty & Support to MDGs  The recommendations of the WHO Commission on SDH Report  The structural drivers of inequitable distribution (power/ money /resources/ human rights)  Health promotion in emerging economies  Health Impact Assessment  Health equity

35 It supports the work and infrastructure that underpins the other health promotion work that the IUHPE does. It includes:  Capacity building / competencies  Advocacy  Health literacy  Surveillance  Communications  Evidence of the effectiveness of health promotion  Evaluation  Transferability Health promotion system

36 Health Promotion in Sustainable Development IUHPE’s work on Sustainable Development includes :  Food system  Climate change  Whole systems approaches  Partnership across sectors  Urbanization & urban planning and poverty  Environmental approaches  Disaster prevention and post- disaster management

37 Health Impact Assessment Salutogenesis Health Literacy Food Systems WARFS Climate Change SDH Interface Research Competencies & Workforce Development IUHPE GLOBAL WORKING GROUPS SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH Evidence of Health Promotion Effectiveness

38 The IUHPE Student and Early Career Network (ISECN) Membership IUHPE Student & Early Career members + Practitioners and Researchers Worldwide representation with regional contact members Mission  To connect, enable and mobilize students & Early Career to contribute to the IUHPE mission  To strengthen health promoters capacity → global health & health equity Objectives  Ensuring representation /participation of students and young professionals in the IUHPE  Becoming active in shaping the IUHPE (and Health Promotion) of the future  Linking one another within the global network → learning and professional growth

39 What does ISECN do?  Providing opportunity for meaningful engagement through its Working Groups: Ethics Working Group Equity and Diversity Working Group New Media Working Groups Working Groups on Creating interactive communication tools for ISECNers.  Organization of Workshop, Sub-plenaries session, etc. at Regional/Global Conferences  Development of online tools (website and blogs)  Management of Views of Health Promotion Online-VHPO  Providing opportunitie for linking colleagues → joint projects/publications How does ISECN create contact between members?  Quarterly global conference call on specific issues/topics  Regular Communications through the ISECN listserv, Facebook, Twitter, etc.  Monthly Newsletter  ISECN Website

40 Cochrane Public Health Review Group (PHRG) - EuroHealthNet - Global Advocacy for Physical Activity (GAPA) - International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI) - International School Health Network (ISHN) International Network of Health Promotion Foundations (INHPF) - World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) - Participation in international networks

41 International School Health Network (ISHN) - International Network of Health Promotion Foundations (INHPF) - World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) - Participation in international networks (cont.)

42 Working for more than 50 years to connect and support everyone committed to advancing health promotion and to achieving equity in health globally Advancing health promotion & achieving equity in health globally

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