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` Intro and Agenda Seamus Oates, Executive Headteacher / CEO TBAP TSA Annual Conference “Placing AP at the heart of our self- improving school led system”

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Presentation on theme: "` Intro and Agenda Seamus Oates, Executive Headteacher / CEO TBAP TSA Annual Conference “Placing AP at the heart of our self- improving school led system”"— Presentation transcript:

1 ` Intro and Agenda Seamus Oates, Executive Headteacher / CEO TBAP TSA Annual Conference “Placing AP at the heart of our self- improving school led system” - The TBAP Model Seamus Oates, TBAP Executive Headteacher

2 Intro and Agenda Seamus Oates, Executive Headteacher / CEO TBAP Today Values, Vision, Objectives, Priorities, Structures, Sponsor Model The TBAP Way - Bridge AP Academy Staff, Learners, Curriculum, Outcomes The TBAP Future “ I didn’t know my eyes could see so far!” 2020 Vision… TBAP Foundation

3 The TBAP Family Seamus Oates, Executive Headteacher / CEO

4 TBAP Today Area20102015 GovernanceManagement Committees / LATBAP Board and LABs AP Academies06 MI Centres14 Outreach Teams03 Staff55200 Partner LAs15 Budget2.4 million14 million Learners125450 Shared Systems0ICT, HR, Finance, Facilities, Behaviour /Achievement, Teaching and Learning, Curriculum, Exams, CPD, MIS, Monitoring and Evaluation TBAP Today Seamus Oates, Executive Headteacher / CEO

5 Academic Subject Leads Learner Support Professionals Leadership Team High Quality Teachers SEN eMonitoring Time Limited Intervention Personalised Planning Academic Mentoring Pastoral Partnerships Therapeutic Intervention Curriculum Enhancement Family Support Flexible Curriculum The TBAP Way - Bridge AP Academy

6 The TBAP Curriculum 85: 20 SEN 5 Academic Pastoral Performance Management Data Led Intervention GCSE & BTEC Level 2 GCSE & BTEC Level 2 Reintegration 87.9% Attendance 100% Accreditation

7 The Learners Say…

8 The TBAP future TBAP 2020 Vision Jo Sennitt, Executive Support Great as a starting point Success for children by any means Precise Inclusion “ I didn’t know my eyes could see so far “ The Future - 2020 Vision Jo Sennitt, Executive Support

9 Supporter £0-£1000 Supporter £0-£1000 Friend £1000- £10,000 Friend £1000- £10,000 Residence 1.5 m - 2m Benefactor £10,000 + Benefactor £10,000 + TBAP Foundation Overseas Trip 15-20 K Overseas Trip 15-20 K Wing of new school 500-750k Wing of new school 500-750k Fund Raiser Annual Salary 50K Fund Raiser Annual Salary 50K After- School Equipment £150 After- School Equipment £150 Interview Suit £50 Interview Suit £50

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