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Agile-SCRUM. Introduction to SCRUM Sanil Xavier What is Scrum?

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Presentation on theme: "Agile-SCRUM. Introduction to SCRUM Sanil Xavier What is Scrum?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agile-SCRUM

2 Introduction to SCRUM Sanil Xavier

3 What is Scrum?

4 What is SCRUM? Scrum is an agile methodology/process to manage and control development work. Scrum is a team-based approach to iteratively, incrementally develop products when requirements are rapidly changing. Scrum is a process that controls the chaos of conflicting interests and needs. Scrum is a way to improve communications and maximize co-operation. Scrum is a way to detect and cause the removal of anything that gets in the way of developing and delivering products. Scrum is a way to maximize productivity. Scrum is a way for everyone to feel good about their job, their contributions, and that they have done the very best they possibly could. Scrum is scalable from single projects to entire organizations. Originally invented by Toyota in 1986. Eric will distribute whitepapers and documentation.

5 Scrum in software development Sprint = Product increment = new executable product functionality Product Releases PBIs Tasks Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint N Release X Realize

6 The Sprint lifecycle Sprint Planning Meeting Daily Scrum Meeting Sprint review Meeting Sprint retrospective Meeting Backlog Estimation Meeting Sprint: 3 to 4 weeks maximum Product Owner and Team negotiate PBIs (what) for that Sprint. Product Owner sets priorities of PBIs. Team commits amount of work for PBIs and decomposes PBIs in tasks (how) with time. Team commits PBIs to the Committed Backlog (contract). Tasks can change during the Sprint but not committed PBIs and their priority (contract). Demonstration to Product Owner and other stakeholders. Product Owner declares which PBIs are done, others back to backlog. Feedback from stakeholders converted to new PBIs. What went well? What could be improved? What did we learn? What still puzzles us? What actions will we take? Repeated daily during X days PO not allowed to change Committed PBIs, team can request

7 Sprint Planning Meeting

8 SCRUM “daily” (standup) meeting: 4 questions to answer! Short duration meeting if daily (e.g. 15 min), without the Product Owner: 1.What did you committed to do for this meeting? 2.What have you done since the last meeting? 3.What will you do between now and the next meeting? 4.What are the blocking issues if any? Plus possible extras questions like: 5.Are there any PBIs to add in the (uncommitted) backlog? 6.Are there any results/decisions that are of importance for the other team members? To do before the meeting: Short email with the answers sent before the meeting to the team. Update your PBI (remaining PBI effort and remaining time of tasks) before the meeting. Report to the entire team

9 Scrum artifacts: PBIs and Product Backlog Product Backlog Item Release boundary High priority Low priority Product increment selected during Sprint Planning Meeting, will move to Committed Backlog a.k.a the Sprint Backlog. Product Backlog Product Backlog a.k.a Uncommitted Backlog: Force-ranked list of desired functionality Visible to all stakeholders Any stakeholder (including team) can add items Constantly re-prioritized by Product Owner Items at top are more granular than items at bottom Maintained during Backlog Refinement Meeting Product Backlog Item (PBI) : Specifies the WHAT, not the HOW, of a customer feature. Can be added, removed, re-prioretized at any time. Often written in “User Story” form Has acceptance criteria (“done”) Effort is estimated by Team Business value is estimated by Product Owner

10 Scrum artifacts: PBIs and Tasks Product Backlog Item Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 PBI’s task : Specifies “how” to achieve the PBIs’ “what” About one day or less of work (more here) Remaining effort re-estimated daily, typically in hours Task point person volunteers to see that it gets done Has associated effort, e.g. PDs, days, points (relative units), etc Each task has associated remaining time (in hours)

11 Scrum artifacts: Sprint Backlog a.k.a Committed Backlog Information radiator or physical task board

12 Why SCRUM for the Competence Center? Internal benefits: Very good for dynamics in a team (impediments, etc). Very good to synchronize the work in a distributed team: We are around 5 countries already: Belgium, France, Poland, India and Egypt. We could add 2 more countries (MH and Singapore). We also need to be agile and to adapt dynamically our work and tasks. Already used in IPTC in the past (and Kurt is a fan) and in ALU (trainings). External benefits: Provides clear and clean external interface with our main customer: Hervé. Responsibilities and the way to work with Hervé are then very clear. Every stakeholder can have access to the information. Sprint delivers a valuable and useful functionality or increment of the product.

13 Our SCRUM organization (initial decisions to be taken) We use it for all work of the team. What is a WP? Is this a Product? We can have multiple releases of a WP if necessary. What is a WP’s task? Likely to have multiple PBIs per WP’s task. What is a Sprint (product increment)? Is this covering one or several WP’s task(s)? At what granularity do we accept to be interrupted? Not in Sprints for sure. Define the initial backlog (preferably this week). Sprint planning meeting (this week or next Monday). Define Sprint duration (typically few weeks but depends on WP durations). Define Scrum daily meeting frequency: weekly at least, e.g. every Monday morning. SCRUM roles: Product Owner: Eric at beginning, then Hervé for Q2++ Scrum Master: Eric, Rajeev as soon as ready. Scrum development members: all the Q2C2 team (not PO).

14 SCRUM tool: ScrumWorks Easy to manage uncommitted backlog, committed backlog, impediments, etc. Freeware (we have to check duration limitation) or paying version (Pro). Pro version supports Program Management and other collaborative features. We could start right now with the Basic version (I used it for +- 3 years). Server: we need a server where to install it (Kristof). Desktop client (better) and Web client. 3 main windows: 1.The product backlog (both committed and uncommitted) window. 2.The Sprint detail window. 3.The impediment window

15 Example of ScrumWorks’s Backlog window

16 Sprint burndown chart: total remaining team task hours for that Sprint. Theoretically re- estimated daily.

17 Example of ScrumWorks’s Impediments window Impediment: “What prevents you from performing your work as efficiently as possible?”

18 Two SCRUM contracts to summarize responsibilities

19 Questions ?

20 20 | 8920 SQM for IPTV Questions, feedback and next steps?

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