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ARM C Language & Assembler. Using C instead of Java (or Python, or your other favorite language)? C is the de facto standard for embedded systems because.

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Presentation on theme: "ARM C Language & Assembler. Using C instead of Java (or Python, or your other favorite language)? C is the de facto standard for embedded systems because."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARM C Language & Assembler

2 Using C instead of Java (or Python, or your other favorite language)? C is the de facto standard for embedded systems because of: Precise control over what the processor is doing. Modest requirements for ROM and RAM, so much cheaper system. Predictable behavior, no OS (e.g. Garbage Collection) preemption. Why are we... ? Looking at assembly language? Helps our understanding of Processor’s organization. The compiler translates C into assembly language. To understand whether the compiler is doing a reasonable job, you need to understand what it has produced. Sometimes we may need to improve performance by writing assembly versions of functions.

3 Translation Process Translation: source code (files) → Object Files Object Files contain machine code and symbols (e.g. memory addresses, external variables and functions references)

4 Parser R eads in C code, Checks for syntax errors, Forms intermediate code (tree representation) High-Level Optimizer Modifies intermediate code (processor-independent) Code Generator Creates assembly code step-by-step from each node of the intermediate code Allocates variable uses to registers Low-Level Optimizer Modifies assembly code (parts are processor-specific) Assembler Creates object code (machine code) Translation performed in steps

5 Linking Process Linker/Loader Creates executable image from object file Output (executable) file contains machine code plus info where to load it in memory.

6 After Linking Hex File (programming file) is used to program the Flash Memory

7 Load & Store Architecture ALL Data operations performed on CPU Registers only

8 Load & Store Example in Assembly Task: Add 5 to the variable stored at SRAM address ADDR1 LD R0, #ADDR1 ; load variable’s address value to R0 LD R1, [R0] ; Load the variable value into R1 ADDS R1,R1, #5 ; add 5 to current value of R1 (“S” stands for update flags) STR R1,[R0] ; replace old value with new value in R1

9 C code Disassembly int counter = 0; /* Global variable */ int main() { counter = counter +5; return 0; } ; C-lib start-up code allocates the variable counter to RAM address ; 0x2000408 and initializes its value to zero. ; Then the main function is called using the BL _main (branch and link) _main: LDR.N R0, 0x2000408 ;.N stands for 16 bit instruction LDR R0, [R0] ; get the value of the counter variable ADDS R0, R0, #5 ; add 5 (immediate addressing) LDR.N R1, 0x20000408 STR R0,[R1] ; store the new value of the counter MOVS R0, #0 ; return value stored in R0 BX LR ; return from main (branch and exchange)

10 Using Pointers to Set SRAM Address int * p_counter = (int*) 0x20000408; int main(){ *p_counter = 0; /* contents at address 0x20000408 loaded with zero */ *p_counter = *pcounter +5; /* and subsequently incremented by 5 */ return 0; } Program Memory Dump of the main function: ROM Addr Machine Code 0xd8 : LDR.N R0, 0x2000408 0xda: LDR R0, [R0] 0xdc: ADDS R0, R0, #5 0xde: LDR.N R1, 0x20000408 0xe0: STR R0,[R1] 0xe2: MOVS R0, #0 0xe4: BX LR 0xe6: 0x2000408 DC32 counter

11 Pointer Arithmetic's int * pv = (int*) 0x20000456; int * uv = (int*) 0x2000045A; int v = 0x12345678; int u = 0x87654321; *pv = v; *pv = *pv + 1; pv = pv + 1; What will be the byte values stored at byte addresses in range 0x20000456 to 0x2000045D ? Answer: 79 56 34 12 21 43 65 87

12 Ampersand Operator & & operator acting on variable returns “address” of variable. Example: int u = 0x45; int* pu = &u; *pu = *pu +1; What will be the value of u ? Answer: 0x46

13 Using Pointers int counter = 0; int main() { int *p_int; p_int = &counter; while (*p_int < 21) { ++(*p_int); } p_int = (int *)0x20000002; *p_int = 0xDEADBEEF; return 0; } What will be the value of counter variable ? Answer: counter =21 What value will be stored at address 0x20000002 ? Answer: 0xDEADBEEF

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