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Amazing Trees Trees are the oldest and the largest living things on earth. Some are weird, some extraordinary, some gorgeous, and some shaped by the.

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2 Amazing Trees

3 Trees are the oldest and the largest living things on earth. Some are weird, some extraordinary, some gorgeous, and some shaped by the human hand to fascinate and amuse. Please enjoy these images– or better yet, take a walk in the woods and greet them in person with appreciation.

4 A Corious Tree

5 Baobob tree


7 Arbutus Tree and Bark

8 Bamboo Trees. Sri Lanka

9 Costa Rica

10 Toborochi tree


12 Punta Arenas, Chile

13 Quiver tree

14 Rainforest undergrowth. Tangled lianas (woody vines) covered in moss, Peru

15 Strangler Fig Tree. Wrapping tendrils around the host tree.

16 144 year-old wisteria in Japan.

17 At 1,990 square meters (about half an acre), this huge wisteria is the largest of its kind in Japan.

18 Japanese Maple in Portland, Oregon, USA.

19 Tree of Tule, over 2000 years old.





24 Rainbow eucalyptus


26 Angel Oak Tree in Angel Oak Park on Johns Island, Southern Carolina


28 Trees on Slope Point, the southern tip of New Zealand, grow at an angle because they’re constantly buffeted by extreme antarctic winds.



31 The dragonblood tree named because of its crimson red sap, used as a dye for violin varnish, an alchemical ingredient, and a folk remedy for various ailments.

32 The flamboyant tree, Madagascar.

33 A grove of ‘candelabra’ redwoods.


35 This huge 125-year-old rhododendron is technically not a tree – most are considered to be shrubs.

36 Photos: WWW. Music : Paul Robeson, “Trees” (1938)


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