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Solutions to child poverty Dr Russell Wills Children’s Commissioner.

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1 Solutions to child poverty Dr Russell Wills Children’s Commissioner




5 Numbers 25% - 270,000 children living in poverty in NZ –11% in 1986 Cost of child poverty - 3% of GDP –NZ$6 billion Five 15-65 year olds per retiree –2.5 in 2031 OECD 1.6 children per couple –NZ 2.6

6 Principles Evidence-based, robust, pragmatic Investment approach –Invest now to prevent problems in future Fiscally conservative Invest for greatest effect –First 5 years of life

7 Continue Immunisation -> 8 months ↑ Maori & Pacific in ECE ↑ Maori & Pacific w NCEA L2 & 4 Prevent rheumatic fever ↓ serious child assaults Insulating and heating HNZC homes

8 Income Reform IWTC -> 0-5y Work out of poverty –ECEC must be available & high quality Universal Child Payment –More for 0-5 –Universal -> most in need –Low compliance costs –Current contact details available for transient

9 Housing Of children in poverty –20% HNZC –50% private rental ↑ social housing Add housing to National Infrastructure Plan WOF for rentals –Accommodation Supplement only for compliant houses –Accelerate depreciation on improvements

10 Health Access to antenatal care Triple enrolment as opt-off Single enrolment database ↑ connectivity between systems

11 Education Schools as community hubs Food in schools –Partner w NGO & business –School culture matters –Does not stigmatise –Need not -> dependency –Integrated into curriculum –Mechanism to engage families

12 Business Family-friendly workplaces Partner with schools & NGOs Joint ECEC & after-school care provision

13 What next? Read the report! – –share it Make a submission Write an op-ed, blog, Facebook Talk to your friends –What are you prepared to sacrifice so children’s needs are met?


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