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Marital Skills Resiliency Training (MSRT) Proposal presented to the Los Angeles City Council by Sergeant Tim Nordquist EMER 545 – Disaster Mental Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Marital Skills Resiliency Training (MSRT) Proposal presented to the Los Angeles City Council by Sergeant Tim Nordquist EMER 545 – Disaster Mental Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marital Skills Resiliency Training (MSRT) Proposal presented to the Los Angeles City Council by Sergeant Tim Nordquist EMER 545 – Disaster Mental Health Issues in Emergency Mangement California State University Long Beach Professor: Dr. Kendall Johnson

2 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Grant Application Department of Homeland Security Department of Health and Human Services $1,000,000 over 4 year Program Period Successful Pilot Program required Minimum of 50 couples 4 months of Pilot Program $30,000 needed for start up

3 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Rationale for MRST Public Safety Career Affects Marriages Stress of job impacts marriage Marriage is best source of support Emotional Labor Acute Stress Response Delayed Stress Response

4 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Rationale for MRST Negative Impacts of Marital Stress Reduced performance Increased Worker’s Compensation Claims Increased sick time usage Increased absenteeism Increased personnel complaints

5 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Disaster Management Plan National Incident Management System (NIMS) Mental health planning as part of plan Employee Wellness plan

6 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Program Description Monthly Training Sessions Held at offices of Behavior Science Services (BSS) Small groups of participating couples Facilitated by Police Psychologist, Sworn Assistant, Civilian Assistant

7 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Stress Factors Schedule and shift changes including working nights, weekends, and holidays Emotional labor and emotional exhaustion experienced by police officers Attitudes and values in the police culture Daily exposure to traumatic events Daily exposure to resistance to authority

8 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Resiliency Skills Mutual empathy Mutual respect Mutual appreciation Communication and listening skills Spending recreational time together Developing mutual interests Reduction of divided loyalties such as when officers are overcommitted to their jobs

9 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Resiliency Skills The danger of over-identification with the police role Increased intimacy Sexuality Financial management skills Chemical dependance

10 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Critical Gatekeepers Approved by the Director of Behavior Science Services (BSS) In order to effectively accomplish the mission of the LAPD, we must have physically and emotionally healthy employees.

11 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Budget Initial Request of $30,000 for Pilot Program Implementation Remainder of Costs to be covered by $1,000,000 Grant

12 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Recruitment Plan Brochure describing MRST Program Mailed to employee residences Addressed to “Family of” employee Target of recruitment will be spouse of employee

13 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Program Leaders 14 Police Psychologist – Program Leaders Expertise, accreditation, credibility Clinical experience Assigned to each station Assisted by sworn and civilian assistant leaders

14 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Program Evaluation Pre-Test 1.How happy are you in your marriage right now? 1- Very Unhappy2-Unhappy 3-Happy4-Very Happy 2.How happy do you think your spouse is in your marriage right now? 1- Very Unhappy2-Unhappy 3-Happy4-Very Happy 3.For Employees: How happy is your spouse with your career with the LAPD? For Spouses: How happy are you with your spouse’s career with the LAPD? 1- Very Unhappy2-Unhappy 3-Happy4-Very Happy 4.How helpful has the LAPD’s Marital Resiliency Skills Training Program been? 1- Not at all Helpful2-Slightly Helpful3-Very Helpful

15 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Program Evaluation Post-Test 1.How happy are you in your marriage right now? 1- Very Unhappy2-Unhappy 3-Happy4-Very Happy 2.How happy do you think your spouse is in your marriage right now? 1- Very Unhappy2-Unhappy 3-Happy4-Very Happy 3.For Employees: How happy is your spouse with your career with the LAPD? For Spouses: How happy are you with your spouse’s career with the LAPD? 1- Very Unhappy2-Unhappy 3-Happy4-Very Happy 4.How helpful has the LAPD’s Marital Resiliency Skills Training Program been? 1- Not at all Helpful2-Slightly Helpful3-Very Helpful

16 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Implementation Barriers Strategies to Overcome Barriers  Police officers’ negative perception of seeking assistance for relationship and mental health issues.  Positive image of MRST Program presented in the brochure mailed to all employee households.  Police officers’ perception that they must be strong and self- sufficient.  Police officer’s perception that seeking assistance means they are weak.  Address these misperceptions in the brochure mailed to all employee households.  Many couples cannot attend MRST Program activities due to child care issues.  Provide child care and highlight this provision in the brochure mailed to all employee households.

17 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Integration Enhance Services Provided by: Behavioral Science Services (BSS) Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Managed Health Network (MHN)

18 Marital Resiliency Skills Training Pilot Program Proposal Conclusion Benefits of MRST: Increased performance Reduced Worker’s Compensation Claims Reduced sick time usage Reduced absenteeism Reduced personnel complaints

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