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Debate Notes: Arguments Building the Affirmative and the Negative Constructive Arguments.

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Presentation on theme: "Debate Notes: Arguments Building the Affirmative and the Negative Constructive Arguments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Debate Notes: Arguments Building the Affirmative and the Negative Constructive Arguments

2 Building the Affirmative Constructive Argument The Objective of Affirmatives: – Support the position to be developed “We should adopt this” – Include a justification(s) for change, a plan, and the advantages of the plan “We should adopt this because…” – Need to win ALL arguments to carry the debate – Follows two basic ideas to advance

3 Basic Ideas to Advance 1.) Defends that the future without the adoption of the resolution is not as good as it could be -Must prove inherency, meaning that the action proposed would not come about through the natural progression of the present system (the status quo) -Calls for a change, the adoption of new policies or ideas -Proves that there is some reason to exert effort in behalf of the resolution

4 Basic Ideas to Advance 2.) Defends that the future with adoption of the resolution is more promising than the future without the resolution -Adoption of the resolution would make our world better rather than worse -Proves that the benefits outweigh the costs -The resolution not only resolves the problem it is designed to change, but also that the action does not bring about more harms than benefits

5 Example Arguments: Affirmative Write an affirmative constructive for the following arguments: – HHS should adopt school uniforms – Animal testing should be banned – The legal drinking age should be lowered to 18

6 Building the Negative Constructive Argument The Objective of Negatives: – Eliminate affirmative arguments (straight refutation) – Defend the present system (status quo) – Need to win only one argument (harm, inherency, plan meets need, or disadvantage) to carry the debate

7 Basic Ideas to Advance 1.) May choose to deny that the affirmative’s picture of the future without adoption of the resolution is correct, showing instead that probably little or no harm will exist. This position focuses on minimizing the affirmative’s rationale for adopting the resolution (resolving the affirmative harm)

8 Basic Ideas to Advance Examples: – Argues that the affirmative’s measurements of harm are inadequate or misleading – That the problem the affirmative isolates is not a problem at all because people desire risks – That no one really knows at present what the future will look like

9 Basic Ideas to Advance 2.) May choose to deny that voting for the resolution is necessary to bring about the good world the affirmative says will result if the resolution is implemented. This position focuses on negating the affirmative’s claim that there are unique reasons for adopting the resolution (denying affirmative inherence)

10 Basic Ideas to Advance Examples: – Argues that self-limiting factors within the present system will solve the problem – That the present system has adopted programs which, if given the chance to work, will solve the problem – That recent changes in conditions external to the harm will solve it in the future

11 Basic Ideas to Advance 3.) May choose to make the counterclaim that the future envisioned by the affirmative will not come about because the resolution is not very effective. This position focuses on negating the affirmative’s claims that any benefits at all will flow from the affirmative plan (the plan will not meet the needs)

12 Basic Ideas to Advance Examples: – Argues that other factors that cause the problem will persist – That the plan cannot work because of some internal flaw (like limited manpower or technology) – That the plan will be circumvented

13 Basic Ideas to Advance 4.) May argue that, contrary to the affirmative’s allegations, the plan will result in great harms. Maintains that the unintended consequences of the affirmative plan are more harmful than the benefits of adopting the resolution. This position focuses on constructing disadvantages to the affirmative plan.

14 Basic Ideas to Advance 5.) The negative may also offer a counterplan that focuses on a future world that is better than the one envisioned by the affirmative and that cannot exist if the affirmative plan is adopted.

15 Example Arguments: Negative Write a negative constructive for the following arguments: – Students should be able to leave school for lunch – All people should be vegetarians – Video games are too violent

16 Law Example Matt is accused of strangling and killing Bill behind the bleachers during a Heritage JV home volleyball game

17 Prosecution (Affirmative) Maintains that Matt was seen committing the murder That the murder was a crime That the court has a duty to punish Matt (Prosecution must prove all to be true)

18 Defense (Negative) Maintains that Matt did not commit the act That if Matt did commit the act, it cannot be defined as murder That even if it could be defined as murder, the quality of the action was such that it served some greater cause and is not deserving of punishment That even if all the above were correct, the court does not have the jurisdiction to punish Matt (Defense could make all of these arguments or only one)

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