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Workshop Semiparametric frailty models
coxph and coxme
The data set: Time to first insemination
Database of regional Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) Milk recording service Artificial insemination Select sample Subset of 2567 cows from 49 dairy farms
Fixed covariates data set insemfix.dat
Time-varying covariates data set insemtvc.dat
Fitting semiparametric models with fixed covariates
setwd("c://docs//onderwijs//survival//Flames//") insemfix<-read.table("insemfix.dat",header=T) coxph(Surv(timeto,stat)~heifer+frailty(herd)) HR=exp(-0.24)=0.79 Call: coxph(formula = Surv(timeto, stat) ~ heifer + frailty(herd)) coef se(coef) se2 Chisq DF p heifer e-08 frailty(herd) e+00 Iterations: 10 outer, 23 Newton-Raphson Variance of random effect= I-likelihood = Degrees of freedom for terms= Likelihood ratio test=281 on 41.9 df, p=0 n= 2579
Exercise Can we maximise the penalised partial likelihood at once?
Depict the penalised partial likelihood as a function of theta The PPL is the second item of the named list loglik, e.g., for our example insemfix$loglik[2]
Penalised partial log likelihood
detloglik<-function(x) {coxph(Surv(timeto,stat)~heifer+frailty(herd,theta=x),data=insemfix)$loglik[2]} thetlist<-seq(0.05,0.15,0.005) logliklist<-sapply(thetlist,detloglik) plot(thetlist,logliklist,type='l',xlab='theta',ylab='penalised partial loglikelihood')
Exercise Do we obtain the maximum profile likelihood?
Depict the profile likelihood as a function of theta Theta can be fixed at x by frailty(herd,theta=x) The marginal likelihood can be obtained as insemfix$history[[1]]$c.loglik
Profile log likelihood
detloglik<-function(x) {coxph(Surv(timeto,stat)~heifer+frailty(herd,theta=x),data=insemfix)$history[[1]]$c.loglik} thetlist<-seq(0.05,0.15,0.005) logliklist<-sapply(thetlist,detloglik) plot(thetlist,logliklist,type='l',xlab='theta',ylab='profile loglikelihood')
Adjusting outer number of iterations
coxfit<-coxph(Surv(timeto,stat)~heifer+frailty(herd,eps= ),data=insemfix,outer.max=100) coxfit Call: coxph(formula = Surv(timeto, stat) ~ heifer + frailty(herd, eps = 1e-08), outer.max = 100) coef se(coef) se2 Chisq DF p heifer e-08 frailty(herd, eps = 1e e+00 Iterations: 21 outer, 39 Newton-Raphson Variance of random effect= I-likelihood = Degrees of freedom for terms= Likelihood ratio test=277 on 39.5 df, p=0 n= 2579
Time-varying covariates data
Contribution to the denominator: tij=10 : 2.29 tij=55 : 2.61
Fitting Cox models with time-varying covariates (1)
#Read data setwd("c://docs//onderwijs//survival//Flames//") insemtvc<-read.table("insemtvc.dat",header=T) coxph(Surv(begin,end,stat)~ureum+frailty(herd,eps= ), outer.max=100,data=insemtvc)
Fitting Cox models with time-varying covariates (2)
> coxph(Surv(begin,end,stat)~ureum+frailty(herd,eps= ), outer.max=100,data=insemtvc) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(begin, end, stat) ~ ureum + frailty(herd, eps = 1e-07), data = insemtvc, outer.max = 100) coef se(coef) se2 Chisq DF p ureum frailty(herd, eps = 1e Iterations: 35 outer, 82 Newton-Raphson Variance of random effect= I-likelihood = Degrees of freedom for terms= Likelihood ratio test=2066 on 166 df, p=0 n= 93608
Alternative semiparametric models
Unadjusted and marginal semiparametric model Stratified semiparametric model Semiparametric frailty model
Unadjusted semiparametric model
ureumtv.unadjust <-coxph(Surv(begin,end,stat)~ureum,data=insemtvc) summary(ureumtv.unadjust) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(begin, end, stat) ~ ureum, data = insemtvc) n= 93608 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p ureum exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 ureum Rsquare= 0 (max possible= ) Likelihood ratio test= on 1 df, p=0.0926 Wald test = on 1 df, p=0.0929 Score (logrank) test = on 1 df, p=0.0929
Marginal semiparametric model
ureumtv.marg<-coxph(Surv(begin,end,stat)~ureum+cluster(herd),data=insemtvc) summary(ureumtv.marg) Call: coxph(formula=Surv(begin,end,stat)~ureum+cluster(herd),data=insemtvc) n= 93608 coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z p ureum exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 ureum Rsquare= 0 (max possible= ) Likelihood ratio test= on 1 df, p=0.0926 Wald test = on 1 df, p=0.338 Score (logrank) test = on 1 df, p=0.0929, Robust = p=0.339
Stratified semiparametric model
ureumtv.strat<-coxph(Surv(begin,end,stat)~ureum+strata(herd),data=insemtvc) summary(ureumtv.strat) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(begin, end, stat) ~ ureum + strata(herd), data = insemtvc) n= 93608 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p ureum exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 ureum Rsquare= 0 (max possible= ) Likelihood ratio test= on 1 df, p= Wald test = on 1 df, p= Score (logrank) test = on 1 df, p=
Semiparametric frailty model
ureumtv.frail<-coxph(Surv(begin,end,stat)~ureum+frailty(herd,eps= ),outer.max=100,data=insemtvc) summary(ureumtv.frail) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(begin, end, stat) ~ ureum + frailty(herd, eps = 1e-07), data = insemtvc, outer.max = 100) n= 93608 coef se(coef) se2 Chisq DF p exp(coef) lower.95 upper.95 ureum frailty(herd, eps = 1e Iterations: 35 outer, 60 Newton-Raphson Variance of random effect= I-likelihood = Degrees of freedom for terms= Rsquare= (max possible= ) Likelihood ratio test= on 166 df, p=0 Wald test = on 166 df, p=1
Conclusions With adjustment, either by stratification or frailties, significant ureum effect Without adjustment, either with or without variance adjustment, no significant ureum effect Why? Plot herd specific ureum effect as a function of mean herd ureum concentration
Exercise Plot percentage events as a function of mean herd ureum concentration Using following scheme Derive average ureum conc. for each cow avureum.cow<-tapply(insemtvc$ureum,list(insemtvc$cowid),mean) Derive average ureum conc. for each herd Derive percentage events Plot
Mean ureum and %insemination
setwd("c://docs//onderwijs//survival//Flames//") insemtvc<-read.table("insemtvc.dat",header=T) herd<-insemtvc$herdnr;timeto<-(insemtvc$end*12/365.25) stat<-insemtvc$stat;heifer<-insemtvc$par2 avureum.cow<-tapply(insemtvc$ureum,list(insemtvc$cowid),mean) herd.cow<-tapply(insemtvc$herd,list(insemtvc$cowid),mean) avureum.herd<-tapply(avureum.cow,list(herd.cow),mean) numinsem.herd<-tapply(insemtvc$stat,insemtvc$herd,sum) totanim.herd<-tapply(insemtvc$stat,insemtvc$herd,length) percinsem<- 100*numinsem.herd/totanim.herd plot(avureum.herd,percinsem,xlab="Ureum",ylab="Insemination (%)")
Exercise Plot frailty term as a function of mean herd ureum concentration Using following scheme Save frailties from Cox frailty model Derive average ureum conc. for each herd Plot
Mean ureum and frailties
ureumtv.frail<-coxph(Surv(begin,end,stat)~ureum+ frailty(herd,eps= ),outer.max=100,data=insemtvc) avureum.cow<-tapply(insemtvc$ureum,list(insemtvc$cowid),mean) avureum.herd<-tapply(avureum.cow,list(herd.cow),mean) herd.cow<-tapply(insemtvc$herd,list(insemtvc$cowid),mean) stat.herd<-tapply(insemtvc$stat,list(insemtvc$herd),sum) results<-data.frame(frailty=ureumtv.frail$frail,ureum=avureum.herd,stat=stat.herd) results0<-results[results$stat==0,] plot(results$frailty,results$ureum,xlab="Frailty",ylab="Mean ureum concentration") points(results0$frailty,results0$ureum,pch=3)
Mean ureum and frailties plot
Exercise Derive herd specific ureum effects
Fit the model for each herd separately
Herd specific treatment effect
avureum.cow<-tapply(insemtvc$ureum,list(insemtvc$cowid),mean) herd.cow<-tapply(insemtvc$herd,list(insemtvc$cowid),mean) avureum.herd<-tapply(avureum.cow,list(herd.cow),mean) fitmod<-function(herdnr) {coxph(Surv(begin,end,stat)~ureum,subset=(insemtvc$herd==herdnr),data=insemtvc)$coef} ureumeffect.herd<-sapply(herd.cow,fitmod) Error in fitter(X, Y, strats, offset, init, control, weights = weights, : Can't fit a Cox model with zero failures
Exercise Refit the frailty model and the marginal model leaving out the herds without inseminations
Results deleting farms without inseminations
insemtvcr<-insemtvc[insemtvc$herd!= & insemtvc$herd!= & insemtvc$herd!= & insemtvc$herd!= & insemtvc$herd!= & insemtvc$herd!= ,] ureumtvcr.unadjust<-coxph(Surv(begin,end,stat)~ureum,data=insemtvcr) summary(ureumtvcr.unadjust) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(begin, end, stat) ~ ureum, data = insemtvcr) n= 90232 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p lower .95 upper .95 ureum Rsquare= 0 (max possible= ) Likelihood ratio test= on 1 df, p= Wald test = on 1 df, p= Score (logrank) test = on 1 df, p=
Results deleting farms without inseminations - alternative
insemtvcr<-insemtvc[insemtvc$herd!= & insemtvc$herd!= & insemtvc$herd!= & insemtvc$herd!= & insemtvc$herd!= & insemtvc$herd!= ,] ureumtvcr.unadjust<-coxph(Surv(begin,end,stat)~ureum,data=insemtvcr) summary(ureumtvcr.unadjust) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(begin, end, stat) ~ ureum, data = insemtvcr) n= 90232 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p lower .95 upper .95 ureum Rsquare= 0 (max possible= ) Likelihood ratio test= on 1 df, p= Wald test = on 1 df, p= Score (logrank) test = on 1 df, p=
Deleting farms without inseminations
#alternative herdstat<-data.frame(herd=names(stat.herd),numinsem=stat.herd) insemtvcr2<-merge(insemtvc,herdstat,by="herd")
Exercise Fit the frailty model assuming the lognormal distribution for the frailties
Fitting the shared normal frailty model
coxph(Surv(begin,end,stat)~ureum+frailty(herd,dist="gaussian",eps= ),outer.max=100,data=insemtvc) Call: coxph(formula = Surv(begin, end, stat) ~ ureum + frailty(herd, dist = "gaussian", eps = 1e-05), data = insemtvc, outer.max = 100) coef se(coef) se2 Chisq DF p ureum frailty(herd, dist = "gau Iterations: 6 outer, 21 Newton-Raphson Variance of random effect= 0.411 Degrees of freedom for terms= Likelihood ratio test=2030 on 166 df, p=0 n= 93608
Lognormal frailties versus normal random effects
Assume U has lognormal distribution, with U=exp(W) and W~N(m,s2) The gamma density with mean 1, variance q is given by For q = 0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, plot the gamma density function and lognormal density chosing values for m and s2 so that Var(exp(W))= q and m = 0 Var(exp(W))= q and E(U)=1
Lognormal frailties versus normal random effects (2)
With m equal to 0, we have With E(U)=1, we have
Plotting densities theta<-c(0.1,0.5,1,1.5)
s1<-log((1+sqrt(1+4*theta))/2) s2<-log(theta+1) m2<- -0.5*s2 u<-seq(0,3,0.01) for (i in 1:length(u)){ dlnorm.theta0.1.EWeq0<-dlnorm(u,0,sqrt(s1[1])) dlnorm.theta0.5.EWeq0<-dlnorm(u,0,sqrt(s1[2])) dlnorm.theta1.EWeq0<-dlnorm(u,0,sqrt(s1[3])) dlnorm.theta1.5.EWeq0<-dlnorm(u,0,sqrt(s1[4])) dlnorm.theta0.1.EUeq1<-dlnorm(u,m2[1],sqrt(s2[1])) dlnorm.theta0.5.EUeq1<-dlnorm(u, m2[2],sqrt(s2[2])) dlnorm.theta1.EUeq1<-dlnorm(u, m2[3],sqrt(s2[3])) dlnorm.theta1.5.EUeq1<-dlnorm(u, m2[4],sqrt(s2[4])) dgam.theta0.1.EUeq1<-dgamma(u,1/theta[1], 1/theta[1]) dgam.theta0.5.EUeq1<- dgamma(u,1/theta[2], 1/theta[2]) dgam.theta1.EUeq1<- dgamma(u,1/theta[3], 1/theta[3]) dgam.theta1.5.EUeq1<- dgamma(u,1/theta[4], 1/theta[4]) }
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