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4. Cesar Chavez.   SWBAT assess the writings of Cesar Chavez and describe the poor working conditions of migrants workers in the California fruit fields.

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Presentation on theme: "4. Cesar Chavez.   SWBAT assess the writings of Cesar Chavez and describe the poor working conditions of migrants workers in the California fruit fields."— Presentation transcript:

1 4. Cesar Chavez

2   SWBAT assess the writings of Cesar Chavez and describe the poor working conditions of migrants workers in the California fruit fields. Lesson Objective

3   Migrant Workers  Any person who travels from their country to find work in another country.  Work in America  Why, today, are there so many people who come to America from Mexico?  Chart & Share Out  Discussion  Why are immigrants often greeted with hostility and anger rather than with kindness and acceptance (think about Nativism)? Word of the Day/Initial Activity

4   Focus Question: How does Cesar Chavez describe the harsh working conditions in California farms?  Read Speech to the United Farm Workers of America Pt. 1  How is being a migrant worker a dangerous occupation to have?  Write a claim, provide 1 piece of evidence and analyze  Extension Activity  Why would migrant workers travel from Mexico to California to work in such horrible conditions?  Share Out Activity 1: Speech to the United Farm Workers of America Pt. 1

5   2 minute to write down a response to this question:  How are the experiences of migrant, Mexican workers similar to the experiences of the New Immigrants during industrialization?  Turn & Talk: 30 seconds per partner  Share Out Migrant Workers QuickWrite/ Turn & Talk

6   Focus Question: How did Cesar Chavez attempt to organize migrant workers into a union?  Read Speech to the United Farm Workers of America Pt. 2  How does Cesar Chavez believe that Mexican-Americans can obtain equal rights in America?  Write a claim, provide 1 piece of evidence and analyze  Extension Activity  How could a migrant workers’ union be able to affect the way the growers treated their workers?  Share Out Activity 2: Speech to the United Farm Workers of America Pt. 2

7   1. Cesar Chavez  a. Mexican-American migrant worker who witnesses the horrible work and living conditions on US farms (mostly California)  a. Will convince workers to unionize and strike against “growers” (farm owners who take all the profit).  b. Used non-violent tactics similar to MLK  2. United Farm Workers Organization Committee (UFWOC)  a. Union founded in 1966  b. Based in California and Florida and represented Hispanic- American workers  c. Later became the United Farm Workers (UFW)  d. Leads to higher pay and better work conditions on farms Mini-Lesson

8   Exit Ticket "Martin Luther King Jr. Delivers I Have a Dream' Speech to Civil Rights Demonstrators in D.C.” "Rachel Carson Awakens Conservationists with Her Book, Silent Spring" "Cesar Chavez Organizes Migrant Farm Workers” A valid conclusion based on these headlines is that a.individuals have a great impact on movements for change reforms progress faster with support from big business c.the press discouraged efforts at reform in the 1960s d.mass movements often continue without strong leaders 2) Share with me one thing that you find interesting from class today. Why do you find it interesting? 3) Share with me one-way in which the information from class today affects your life today. Summary

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