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COM317.800 Taejin Jung, Ph.D. Week 3 : Ethical Concerns in PR Research.

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Presentation on theme: "COM317.800 Taejin Jung, Ph.D. Week 3 : Ethical Concerns in PR Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 COM317.800 Taejin Jung, Ph.D. Week 3 : Ethical Concerns in PR Research

2 Perceptions on PR Professions Questionnaire item PR Educator Journalism Educator Generally speaking, PR practitioners are not as trustworthy as journalist. PR practitioners’ sole objective is to persuade and control publics. PR practitioners typically adhere to an established code of ethics. Typically PR practitioners’ primary obligation is to the client/employer rather than the public interest. 1.8 1.9 3.4 3.0 2.9 2.6 2.9 4.1 [1 = Strongly disagree to 5 = Strongly agree]

3 Public Relations Ethics Ethical code - Something we live by in our daily interaction - “Enforcement” Licensed occupation may “remove” or “ban” the practice (e.g., Medicine, law, accounting…) PRSA’s “Code of Professional Standards for the Practice of Public Relations” - Created 1950 and the latest in 2000 (See supplement) - PRSA Member CODE of Ethics Guidelines The Arthur W. Page Society’s “the Page principles” - Tell the truth - Listen to the customer - Manage for tomorrow - Conduct PR as if the whole company depends on it - Remain calm, patient, and good humored

4 Ethics and The Conduct of Research Stanley Milgram’ study ( The American Psychological Association (APA) created code of ethics in dealing with human “subjects” Government reinforcement - “If you fail to conduct ethical research, your grant funding was withdrawn” Basic guidelines 1. Participants must agree to actively participate in the research. 2. The participant must be allowed to withdraw from the research project at any point. 3. Participants must understand what they are volunteering for. 4. The research must not harm the individual, psychologically or physically. 5. Participants’ actions, behaviors, and/or statements must remain confidential and anonymous.

5 The Ethics of Data Collection Perceived “anonymity” and “confidentiality” 1. Survey & Poll - Once data have been collected, the link should be broken. - There is no guarantee of confidentiality and anonymity in Internet or Intranet survey 2. Interview & FGI - When recording the data electronically, let participants know. - When transcribing data, use notation system

6 The Ethics in Reporting Data In no instance should an individual’s actual name, position, or any other unique identifier be used without first getting that individual’s consent. If you promise something, you must follow through. - “The finding will be published” - “The offer of an advanced copy or an executive summary” When you conduct research for a firm (client or organization), they own the data and the conclusions.

7 PRSA Code of Ethics Situation Workshop

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