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Inclusion is not just about including children with disabilities Inclusion is not just about including children with disabilities. It is about embracing.

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3 Inclusion is not just about including children with disabilities
Inclusion is not just about including children with disabilities. It is about embracing the idea that diversity is a reality and, therefore, each child is a unique learner.

4 Inclusive Education

5 What is inclusive Education?
Inclusive education is about embracing all, making a commitment to do whatever it takes to provide each student in our class a right to belong, not to be excluded.

6 Some Facts : Inclusive education happens when children with and without disabilities participate and learn together in the same classes. Research shows that when a child with disabilities attends classes alongside peers who do not have disabilities, good things happen. When children are educated together, positive academic and social outcomes occur for all the children involved. Inclusive education occurs when there is ongoing advocacy, planning, support and commitment.

7 As per Guidelines of Inclusive Education of Children with Disabilities (IECD) each school is advised : to ensure that no child with special needs is denied admission in Mainstream Education to monitor the enrollment in schools of disabled children to provide support through assistive devices and the availability of trained teachers to modify the existing physical infrastructure and teaching methodologies to meet the needs of all children including Children with Special Needs to ensure that 3% reservation of persons with disabilities is done in all institutions receiving funds from Government (Under The Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995)

8 to ensure that all schools are made disabled friendly by 2020 and all educational institutions including hostels, libraries, laboratories and buildings will have barrier free access for the disabled to ensure availability of Study material for the disabled and Talking Text Books, Reading Machines and computers with speech software to ensure an adequate number of sign language interpreters, transcription services and a loop induction system will be introduced for the hearing handicapped students to revisit classroom organization required for the education of Children with Special Needs to ensure regular in-service training of teachers in inclusive education at the elementary and secondary level.

9 Principles guiding quality inclusive education
All children belong every child and family is valued equally deserve the same opportunities and experiences. Inclusive education is about children with disabilities – whether the disability is mild or severe, hidden or obvious – participating in everyday activities, just like they would if their disability were not present. It’s about building friendships, membership and having opportunities just like everyone else.

10 Principles guiding quality inclusive education
children learn in different ways: Inclusion is about providing the help children need to learn and participate in meaningful ways. Help from friends or teachers works best. Other times, specially designed materials or technology can help. The key is to give only as much help as needed.

11 Principles guiding quality inclusive education
It is every child’s right to be included Inclusive education is a child’s right, not a privilege. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act clearly states that all children with disabilities should be educated with non-disabled children of their own age and have access to the general education curriculum.

12 The Benefits of Inclusive Education

13 Benefits of inclusion for children and families:
1.Families’ visions of a typical life for their children can come true. All parents want their children to be accepted by their peers, have friends and lead “regular” lives. Inclusive settings can make this vision a reality for many children with disabilities. 2. Children develop a positive understanding of themselves and others. When children attend classes that reflect the similarities and differences of people in the real world, they learn to appreciate diversity. Respect and understanding grow when children of differing abilities and cultures play and learn together.

14 Benefits of inclusion for children and families:
3.Friendships develop. Schools are important places for children to develop friendships and learn social skills. Children with and without disabilities learn with and from each other in inclusive classes. 4. Children learn important academic skills. In inclusive classrooms, children with and without disabilities are expected to learn to read, write and do math. With higher expectations and good instruction children with disabilities learn academic skills.

15 Benefits of inclusion for children and families
5. All children learn by being together. Because the philosophy of inclusive education is aimed at helping all children learn, everyone in the class benefits. Children learn at their own pace and style within a nurturing learning environment.

16 Common Misconceptions About Inclusive Education

17 Three common myths about inclusion are:
Myth 1: Separate is better Reality: Segregation doesn’t work. Whether children are separated based on race, ability, or any other characteristic, a separate education is not an equal education. Research shows that typical children and children with disabilities learn as much or more in inclusive classes.

18 Three common myths about inclusion are:
Myth 2: Children must be “ready” to be included. Reality: All children have to the right to be with other children their own age. A child with disabilities does not have to perform at a certain grade level or act exactly like the other children in their class to benefit from being a full-time member in general education.

19 Three common myths about inclusion are:
Myth 3: Parents don’t support inclusive education. Reality: Parents have been and continue to be the driving force for inclusive education.  The best outcomes occur when parents of children with disabilities and professionals work together. Effective partnerships happen when there is collaboration, communication and, most of all, TRUST between parents and professionals.

20 Making Inclusion a Reality


22 Signs of Learning Disabilities
There are most definitely signs, and parents should be encouraged to heed these early warning signs and investigate quickly. Late speech, pronunciation problems, difficulty with rhyming Trouble learning numbers, letters, days of the week, colors and shapes Difficulty learning and understanding left-right, up-down, before-after, first-last, yesterday-tomorrow Extreme restlessness, lack of ability to concentrate, impulsive behavior Difficulty following directions or learning routines Awkwardness when running, jumping, skipping; may bump into objects, fall frequently Difficulty with buttoning, zipping, using scissors, catching or hitting a ball etc.

23 Types of Learning Disorders
As per Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) : “A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, speak, read, write, spell or do mathematic equations.”

•The most common types are difficulties with basic reading and language skills and speech disorders. 80% of children with learning disorders have reading problems. •A learning disability should not be confused with other disabilities such as mental retardation, autism, ADHD, or behavioral disorders. •A child who has had a lack of educational opportunities, has frequently changed schools, has attendance problems or who is learning English may be misdiagnosed with a learning disorder.

25 Dyslexia What is dyslexia?
A good way to understand dyslexia is to establish what it is not. It’s not a sign of low intelligence or laziness. It’s also not due to poor vision. It’s a common condition that affects the way the brain processes written and spoken language. Dyslexia is primarily associated with trouble reading. Some doctors, specialists and educators may refer to it as a “reading disorder” or a “reading disability.” But it can also affect writing, spelling and even speaking.

26 Conditions related to dyslexia
Here are some conditions that can coincide with or be mistaken for dyslexia: • ADHD can make it difficult to stay focused during reading and other activities. Roughly a third of students with attention issues also have dyslexia. It’s also worth noting that teachers sometimes overlook signs of dyslexia and assume a child has ADHD. 7]

27 Auditory processing disorder affects kids’ ability to sort through the sounds they hear. They may struggle to understand what people are saying. Reading can also be tough for them. That’s because so much of reading involves connecting sounds with letters. Kids with auditory processing disorder often have trouble recognizing the difference between letters like b and d and sounding out new words.

28 Visual processing issues can make it hard to see the difference between letters or shapes. Kids with visual processing issues may complain of blurry vision or of letters “hopping around on the page.” They may try to compensate by squinting or closing one eye. They often reverse letters when writing and struggle to stay within the lines.

29 Dysgraphia can affect children’s ability write and spell
Dysgraphia can affect children’s ability write and spell. It can also make it hard to organize their thoughts on paper. Many kids with dysgraphia also have dyslexia. •Dyscalculia makes it hard to do math. Many kids have serious difficulties in both reading and math and may have dyscalculia in addition to dyslexia.[8] Trouble learning to count is associated with both conditions. •Executive functioning issues can affect children’s ability to organize and stay on task. Kids with weak executive functioning skills may struggle with reading comprehension.

30 What you can do to promote inclusion for your child:
Encourage your child to participate in activities where she can meet children her same age with different abilities. When looking for activities, consider your child’s interests. The local school, library, and recreation or community centers are good places to check out.

31 Search the Internet for activities or organizations that your child may want to join.
Two community Web sites with numerous resources are : The Family Village and Kids Together, Information for Children and Adults with Disabilities.

32 Help your child develop friendships with classmates or other neighborhood children.
Set up opportunities for your child to be with children he likes or children who show an interest in him. Teach your child how to make and keep friends. For other recommendations, visit the article Let’s Play Together: Fostering Friendships Between Children with and Without Disabilities.

33 Share your goals and expectations for your child.
Before you meet with the school and decide upon your child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP), meet with his teachers, therapists and others to discuss your goals, expectations, and future placement preferences for him.

34 Know the rights you and your child have to an inclusive education.
For more information on your rights, visit the article Family Rights: The Educational Rights of Children with Disabilities.

35 Rights of a disabled child
Every child in this country who has a disability — no matter the nature of the disability — has the right to a public education at no cost to their families. Schools must try to meet the individual needs of each child with disabilities by providing special education and related services.

36 Rights of a disabled child
The federal law that gives children with disabilities from birth to age 21 the right to a free and appropriate education is called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Free means at no cost to the families. Appropriate means that the educational services must be individually designed to meet each child’s unique needs.

37 What schools can do to promote successful inclusive education:
Consider inclusive education first. Special education services can be provided in many different settings. Schools are required to consider the general education class before considering any other setting for your child to receive special education services. Support each child’s learning. Teachers support learning in inclusive classrooms in three ways. First, they teach so that students with differing abilities and learning styles can understand and participate. Second, they modify assignments when they are too difficult. Third, they model respect and encourage friendships.




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