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European Studies 1 Government and politics Certain key concepts October 2008ES1.

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1 European Studies 1 Government and politics Certain key concepts October 2008ES1

2 October 2008ES1 Power In the broadest sense, ‘the ability to achieve a desired outcome, sometimes referred to as the power to do something In politics, power is usually thought of as a relationship, the ability to influence the behaviour of others in a manner not of their choosing; it is referred to in terms of having power over people

3 ES1 Dimensions of ‘power’ Power as decision-making:Keith Boulding, Three Faces of Power (1989), distinguishes between –1. The stick – use of force or intimidation –2. The deal – productive exchanges involving mutual gain –3. The kiss - creation of obligations, loyalty and commitment

4 20008ES1 Dimensions of power (2) Power as agenda setting –The ability to prevent decisions being made; this involves the ability to set o control the political agenda and so prevent issues/proposals being aired in the first place

5 ES1 Dimensions of power Power as thought control –Ability to influence another by shaping what he or she thinks, wants, or needs; this is power expressed as ideological indoctrination or psychological control

6 Liberty/Freedom Positive and negative freedom: –Free to the degree to which no human being interferes with my activity (freedom from) –Be one’s own master (freedom to) The interpretations of freedom are important in the debate between conservatism, liberalism and socialism 2008ES1

7 2008ES1 Justice Power exercised in accordance with the law, and most associate law not only with order but with justice – law must have a moral dimension to be acceptable What therefore is a ‘just’ society? –Justice to be found in a democratic socieety which respects the moral equality of the individuals composing it

8 2008ES1 Right versus Left Political movements and thinkers are classified as right-wing or left-wing; this goes back to the french National Assembly when pro-monarchist conservatives sat on the right and the revolutionary republicans sat on the left of a semi-circular formation; Right: seen as against political, economic and social change; monarchist, clerical, favours the interests of established propertied classes Left: in favour of change; identified with republicanism, anti-clericalism and the interests of the es – workers….

9 2008ES1 Right… Left…Centre In contemporary liberal democracies – we need to note the existence of a large democratic Centre, committed to existing constitutional system, but accepting the legitimacy of gradual social and economic change Distant from the centre are –Far Right – want change in an ultra-nationalist, perhaps racist direction –Far Left – want change in an anti-capitalist direction

10 2008ES1 The state The state - the authoritative decision- making institutions for an entire society; all other groups are legally subject to it; it is legally sovereign; its authority is compulsory; it is the ultimate regulator of the legitimate use of force

11 2008ES1 The Nation-State The nation-state - this is when the two overlap –nation - people sharing a common identity, tradition, culture and language –state - the political and legal entity through which collective decisions made and enforced An abstract entity - we defend it in song, in sport, in war, in peace, flags and emblems

12 2008ES1 Sovereignty In its simplest sense, the principle of absolute and unlimited power –The predominant theory of the state today is that of ‘sovereign states’ whose legitimacy is based on idea that each nation has a right to self-determination –People of a nation are seen to consent to the establishment of a government over them which supports a system of law appropriate to their culture and traditions

13 2008 ES1 Government Government - a condition of orderly rule; as groups/organisations become more complex, stable patterns of decision- making emerge

14 2008ES1 The machinery of government Governments - the Taoiseach and cabinet who have executive authority on behalf of society and the state

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