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D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 1 Undulator System Components Status Dean Walters.

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1 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 1 Undulator System Components Status Dean Walters

2 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 2 Undulator System Components Status Components Vacuum Components Chamber Quad Spool Bellows EVAC Flanges Diagnostics RFBPM Beam Finder Wire Beam Loss Monitor

3 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 3 Vacuum Chamber End bi-metal flange welding From: E Trakhtenberg G Weimerslage

4 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 4 Vacuum Chamber Graphical Display of Surface finish Data Very Desirable Acceptable Should be Avoided From: E Trakhtenberg G Weimerslage The average of all vacuum chambers is 14.86 mrad in Z′ and 35.14 mrad in X′, the rms of Z’ is 15.5 mrad and X’ is 36.9 mrad. Selecting the best 33 chambers yields an rms for Z’ of 13.9 mrad and X’ of 34.2 mrad. Extrusions 7, 10, 16, 28 and 35 were sacrificed to verify surface finish in the middle of the extrusions 15.5 36.9

5 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 5 Quad Spool Design Flexible mini-bellows Surface finish measurements of the central tube show a roughness of Sq=.18 µm Issue with aluminum plating covering the seal face of the EVAC flange, the vendor has addressed this during the course of the production run. Fifteen units have now been shipped The production run is due to be complete by the end of June

6 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 6 Bellows Module Initially the supplier had problems with the welding of the SST adapter to the flange. The supplier solved the problem by using the micro-TIG welding process. All (35) units have assembled, baked, packaged, and shipped to SLAC. The last group went to SLAC on 6 June 2008

7 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 7 EVAC Flange System Flange Permeability Flanges from the manufacturer have been found to have a high (1.21) magnetic permeability. Testing has shown that while the permeability is high it will not interfere with devices in the beamline. Flange Sealing Experience SLAC has started to assemble girders and has had to make vacuum seals using EVAC Flanges. Their initial results have been good and bad. One thing that has been seen is that the pits in the copper gaskets are thought to be a source of leaks. ANL is now inspecting all gaskets for pits before sending to SLAC. SLAC is experiencing what ANL went through before consistent results were achieved. Through testing at ANL it was found that lubrication of the chain clamp is important, ANL is using Dicronite lubricate on all chains in the Undulator Vacuum System.

8 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 8 BFW Assembly Mounted on Adjustable Support Adjustable Mounting Support (Modified since) Vacuum Pump Connector (2.75” Conflat Flange) Card Position Monitor (Limit switches) Air Supply Shut Off Valve Pneumatic Solenoid Valve Precision Screw Electrical Connectors for Wire Signals Vacuum Chamber Connection Flange (NW-50 CeFix w/Clamp) Beam Port Pneumatic Cylinder Alignment Fiducials Frame Compression Spring Positioner Potentiometer Housing Assembly model courtesy: J. Bailey, ANL

9 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 9 Moving Slide Assembly (Solid Body) Cylinder Bore Fixed to Frame Kinematic Stop Bottom Plate Secured to Slide Block Kinematic Stop Top Plate Fixed to Frame (Adjustable using precision Screws) Electrical Connector and Feedthrough Secured to Slide Rod Top of Return Spring Fixed to Frame Slide Block Secured to Slide Rod Card Mount Block Secured to Slide Rod Assembly model courtesy: J. Bailey, ANL

10 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 10 Revised Design Precision Screw Spring Loaded Positioner Locking Screw with Lock Washer Clearance between slide rod and frame Top Kinematic Plate attached to Frame Frame Precision Screws Assembly model courtesy: J. Bailey, ANL

11 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 11 Beam Finder Wire Repeatability Testing

12 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 12 “Keyence” Displacement Sensors (Typ.) Repeatability Test Arrangement BFW Repeatability Test Arrangement and Results Physics Requirements: 65 Micron Horizontal & 30 Micron Vertical (RMS)

13 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 13 Production of the BFW

14 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 14 Vacuum Conditioning

15 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 15 Beam Finder Wire Status and Schedule

16 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 16 RFBPM Production Altair End Caps Production End Caps are in spec electrically and mechanically Problems with polishing resolved Production ramping up with 10 sets first received 4/22/08 Measuremen t LCLS BPM End Caps #1 LCLS BPM End Caps #2 RMS (nm) Sa (nm) PV (nm) RMS (nm) Sa (nm) PV (nm) 121.917.341145.730.62066 223.518.665948.632.51898 323.618.954843.029.41674 423.918.743347.933.21880 Average23.218.451346.331.41880

17 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 17 K1K2 Au-Ge Au-Sn Au-GE Au-Sn H 2 Sn-Ag-Cu K1 K2 Order of Joining Single Piece Transitions K2K1 Au-Cu Au-Ge Au-Sn Au-Ge Au-Sn H 2 Sn-Ag-Cu Au-Sn H 2 Sn-Ag-Cu This allows windows to be jointed, tested, and selected before joining to the cavity body. Strongest Design Solder Joint Considerations

18 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 18 Joining Window to Transition Use of a Moly ring limits the expansion of the copper which then limits the compression of the glass window.

19 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 19 Brazing Fixture This is the body mounted in the fixture for joining the Transitions to the Body

20 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 20 RFBPM Windows QC Results

21 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 21 Monitoring Windows Quality

22 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 22 Repair of Soldered Assembly

23 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 23 BPM Window Statistics Transition and window soldered with Georo filler material Sub Assemblies are Vacuum checked before brazed to body In the last run of windows being brazed to transitions there were 11 of 13 defect free parts made. Transitions are soldered with Orotin to the bodies

24 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 24 RFBPM Status and Schedule

25 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 25 Beam Loss Monitor Beam Line Detector: Detailed and Assembly Drawings: (engineering review and tolerancing). Detector Head. Detector BFW Mounting Bracket. Undulator Motion Tracking Adapter.

26 D Walters Undulator System June 17, 2008 26 Conclusions Except for the Beam Loss Monitor all other components are in production Items that have completed production Vacuum Chamber Vacuum Chamber Support Beam Finder Wire Support BPM Support Bellows Module : Final Unit 6/6/08 Items still in the process of production BPM cavity - (36% complete) : Final Unit 7/31/08 Beam Finder Wire - (45% complete) : Final Unit 7/8/08 Quad Spool - (45% complete) : Final Unit 6/24/08 Long Break Spool and its support : Final Unit 6/18/08

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