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Selecting Swine 3121 Adam Nash. The Incredible Pig Did you know? Fat from the pig was used to make nitroglycerine for War explosives After war, consumers.

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Presentation on theme: "Selecting Swine 3121 Adam Nash. The Incredible Pig Did you know? Fat from the pig was used to make nitroglycerine for War explosives After war, consumers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selecting Swine 3121 Adam Nash

2 The Incredible Pig Did you know? Fat from the pig was used to make nitroglycerine for War explosives After war, consumers were diet conscience and quit eating pig

3 See the difference? Selection has changed over time In the past, short fat lard types. Now: an extremely thick- muscled, long bodied, stress prone type Why ?

4 Selection of breeding animals: Overview Look for an animal who is: Structurally sound, Healthy, Big volume, Thick muscled and Efficient Be able to explain in your words.

5 I. Visual appraisal II. Production testing III. Pedigree evaluation Selection based on:

6 I.Visual Appraisal 1. Look at confirmation 2. Structural soundness of feet and legs- NPPC scoring system 3. Size and scale- weigh 200 at 6months, 4. Health and vigor

7 I.Visual Appraisal  NPPC scoring system 1. Unsound- Obvious restriction of movement 2. Intermediate- Structural condition is not serious enough to create risk in movement 3. Sound- free of major or minor structural weakness

8 II. Swine Performance data  Based on: Sow productivity, growth rate, feed efficiency and carcass merit

9 Heriability:  % rate that a trait/characteristic will be passed on to offspring  Low heritability means it is unlikely that trait will be passed on  High Heritability means that trait is easily passed on to each generation  Why do we care?

10 Heritability Fertility # weaned Wt. At weaning Rate of gain Efficiency of gain Fat over loin Loin-eye area % of lean cuts 0-15% 10-15% 15-20% 25-30% 30-35% 45-50% 30-40%

11 A sow is productive if? Prolific- min 8/9 offspring 2.5 to 4 lb birth wt. 21 day litter wt= milking ability Sow index- how good she is compared to her peers

12 Lets do the math L= # piglets born alive l= avg. # piglets born alive for comparable group W= 21 day weight for individual w= 21 day weight for comparable group Sow index:= 100+6.5(L-l)+1.0(W-w)

13 Lets do the math Sow index:= 100+6.5(L-l)+1.0(W-w) Betsy had 9 piglets Her comparable groups had an avg. of 7 Betsy’s piglets avg. 105 lbs. Her comparable group avg. 110 lbs. What do we know?

14 Performance data: Sow index Index can be used for a number of traits You just have to find out the coefficient

15 B. Growth weight Number of days required to reach a specific weight Usually 230 pounds

16 C. Feed efficiency Amount of weight gained per amount of food eaten

17 More math: Pig is fed 6 pounds of food per day. Pig is gaining 2 pounds per day. What is this pigs feed conversion? Takes 3 pounds of feed to gain 1 pound 3:1

18 Try this Pig needs to weigh 245 in 2 weeks Today he weighs 200 pounds He currently gets 6 lbs of food a day His feed conversion is 2:1 How much does he gain a day? Will he make weight?

19 Math Problem Gain: 3 pounds a day In 14 days he will weigh 242 What to do?

20 d. Carcass merit What are the types of Hogs? Primary Lean Cuts = hams, loins, picnics, Boston Butts Meat Type Hog: more than half the weight of a Number 1 animal is Primary Lean Cuts (PLC) Bacon Type Hog: less than 1/2 is PLC – large litter size – little value in U.S. except to increase litter size

21 d. Carcass merit USDA grades 1,2,3,4, Utility Based on yield of lean cuts: Backfat over last rib Muscling 1 is good and Utility is undesirable

22 What it comes down to: Hog Selection U Feed Conversion Rate: pounds of feed needed to make a pound of hog – no more than 4 lbs of feed per 1 lb of hog U Minimum Litter Size = 9 U First Litter should have a combined pig wt at 21 days of 95 lbs or more – 110 lbs for a mature sow

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