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MARKETING STRATEGY O.C. FERRELL MICHAEL D. HARTLINE 11 Marketing Implementation and Control.

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Presentation on theme: "MARKETING STRATEGY O.C. FERRELL MICHAEL D. HARTLINE 11 Marketing Implementation and Control."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARKETING STRATEGY O.C. FERRELL MICHAEL D. HARTLINE 11 Marketing Implementation and Control

2 11-2 Strategic Issues in Marketing Implementation (1 of 2) The Link Between Strategic Planning and Implementation –Interdependency –Evolution –Separation

3 11-3 The Separation of Planning and Implementation Exhibit 11.2

4 11-4 Strategic Issues in Marketing Implementation (2 of 2) The Elements of Marketing Implementation –Shared Goals and Values –Marketing Structure –Systems and Processes –Resources –People (Human Resources) Employee selection and training Employee evaluation and compensation policies Employee motivation, satisfaction and commitment –Leadership

5 11-5 The Elements of Marketing Implementation Exhibit 11.3

6 11-6 Approaches to Marketing Implementation Implementation By Command Implementation Through Change Implementation Through Consensus Implementation as Organizational Culture

7 11-7 Internal Marketing and Marketing Implementation The Internal Marketing Approach –Goals of Internal Marketing (1) Help employees understand their roles (2) Create motivated and customer-oriented employees (3) Deliver external customer satisfaction The Internal Marketing Process –Internal Customers –External Customers Putting Internal Marketing Into Action

8 11-8 The Internal Marketing Process Exhibit 11.5

9 11-9 Evaluating and Controlling Marketing Activities Four possible causes of differences between intended strategy and realized strategy: –(1) The marketing strategy was inappropriate or unrealistic. –(2) The implementation was inappropriate for the strategy. –(3) The implementation process was mismanaged. –(4) Substantial changes occurred in the environment between development and implementation.

10 11-10 A Framework for Marketing Control Exhibit 11.6

11 11-11 Formal Marketing Controls Input Controls –Recruiting, selecting, and training employees –Resource allocation decisions Process Controls –Commitment to the strategy –System for evaluating and compensating employees Output Controls –Formal performance standards –Marketing audits

12 11-12 Informal Marketing Controls Employee Self-Control –Employees manage their own behaviors –Establish personal objectives and monitor results Social Control –Standards, norms, and ethics found in workgroups –Peer pressure causes employees to conform Cultural Control –Behavioral and social norms of the entire firm –Shared values throughout the firm

13 11-13 Scheduling Marketing Activities Basic steps in creating a schedule and timeline: –(1) Identify the activities to be performed –(2) Determine the time required to complete each activity –(3) Determine which activities must precede other activities –(4) Arrange the proper sequence and timing of all activities –(5) Assign responsibility

14 11-14 A Hypothetical 3-Month Marketing Implementation Schedule Exhibit 11.8

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