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The Production Game 1 Players: Principal, agent The Order of Play: The principal offers a wage rate, w The agent decides whether to accept of reject the.

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Presentation on theme: "The Production Game 1 Players: Principal, agent The Order of Play: The principal offers a wage rate, w The agent decides whether to accept of reject the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Production Game 1 Players: Principal, agent The Order of Play: The principal offers a wage rate, w The agent decides whether to accept of reject the contract. If the agent accepts, he has to decide on effort, e Output equals q (e), with q‘> 0 Payoffs: If the agents rejects  agent = U and  principal = 0 If the agents accepts  agent = U (e,w) and  principal = V (q-w)

2 The Production Game 2: Full information. Agent moves first In this version, every move is common knowledge and the contract is a function w(e). The Order of Play: The agent offers the principal a contract w(e). The principal decides whether to accept of reject the contract. If the principal accepts, the agent exerts effort e. Output equals q (e), where q‘> 0

3 The Broadway Game 1 Players: Producer and Investors The Order of Play: The investors offer a wage contract w(q) as a function of revenue q. The producer accepts or rejects the contract. The producer chooses Embezzle or Do not embezzle. Nature picks the state of the world to be Success or Failure with equal probability.

4 The Broadway Game 1 Payoffs: The producer is risk averse and the investor is risk neutral. The producer’s payoff is U(100) if he rejects the contract, where U’ > 0 and U’’ < 0, and the investors’ payoff is 0. Otherwise:  producer = U(w(q)+50) if he embezzles  producer = U(w(q)) if he is honest  investors = q-w(q)

5 The Broadway Game 1 Profits in Broadway Game: Probabilities of profits in Broadway Game: Table 7.2 and 7.3 from Rasmussen, E. (2001): Games & Information. Blackwell, Malden. 3rd Edition

6 The Lucky Executive Game Players: A corporation and an executive The Order of Play: The corporation offers the executive a contract which pays w(q)>= 0 depending on profit, q. The executive accepts the contract, or rejects it and receives his reservation utility of U = 5. The executive exerts effort e of either 0 or 10. Nature chooses profit (see next slide).

7 The Lucky Executive Game Payoffs: Both players are risk neutral. The corporation’s payoff is q – w. The executive’s payoff is w – e if he accepts the contract. Table of outputs: Table 8.1 from Rasmussen, E. (2001): Games & Information. Blackwell, Malden. 3rd Edition

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