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Word Level Predicate Abstraction and Refinement for Verifying RTL Verilog Himanshu Jain Daniel Kroening Natasha Sharygina Edmund Clarke Carnegie Mellon University
Hardware design Hardware design Introduction Level of abstraction Gate level (netlists) Structural/RTL ………… System Behavioral Formal verification support
Verification support Languages like Verilog, SystemVerilog, SystemC are close to software Languages like Verilog, SystemVerilog, SystemC are close to software Verification tools must reason about: Verification tools must reason about: –Programming languages constructs –Bit-vector semantics (concatenation, extraction) –Concurrency, Objects, Templates
This work Gate level (netlists) Structural/RTL ………… System Behavioral Model check
Handling state space explosion Abstraction for handling state space explosion Abstraction for handling state space explosion Localization reduction [Kurshan ’94] Localization reduction [Kurshan ’94] –Tracks values of certain variables (visible) Predicate Abstraction [Graf and Saidi ’97] Predicate Abstraction [Graf and Saidi ’97] –Keeps tracks of certain predicates on data –Captures relationship between variables –Successfully used in software verification
Abstraction-Refinement loop Verilog Program Abstract model Model Checker Abstraction refinement Verification InitialAbstraction No error or bug found Simulator Propertyholds Simulationsucessful Bug found Refinement Spurious counterexample Counterexample
Our approach Apply predicate abstraction at RTL Level Apply predicate abstraction at RTL Level –Allows abstraction using word-level predicates Example: x < y – z, x = {z,z}Example: x < y – z, x = {z,z} Use a SAT solver for computing abstraction Use a SAT solver for computing abstraction –Semantics of bit-wise operators take into account Obtaining suitable word level predicates Obtaining suitable word level predicates –Syntactic weakest pre-conditions of Verilog statements
Related work SAT-Based Predicate Abstraction [Wang et al.] SAT-Based Predicate Abstraction [Wang et al.] –Works at netlist level –Refinement introduces bit-level predicates Vapor tool [Andraus et al.] Vapor tool [Andraus et al.] –Works on RTL level designs –Abstraction to CLU models (equality of terms, uninterpreted functions, predicates) Lots of other related work Lots of other related work
An example module main (clk) input clk; reg [10:0] x, y; initial x= 100, y= 200; always @ (posedge clk) begin x <= y; y <= x; end endmodule Property: AG (x = 100 Ç x = 200) Verilog program
Abstraction-Refinement loop Verilog Program Abstract model Model Checker Abstraction refinement Verification InitialAbstraction No error or bug found Simulator Propertyholds Simulationsucessful Bug found Refinement Spurious counterexample Counterexample
Predicate Abstraction module main (clk) input clk; reg [10:0] x, y; initial x= 100, y= 200; always @ (posedge clk) begin x <= y; y <= x; end endmodule Property: AG (x = 100 Ç x = 200) Initial set of predicates: {x = 100, x = 200} Verilog program Transition relation: x’ = y Æ y’ = x Word Level
Computing Most Precise Abstraction + x’ := y y’ := x + Current state Next state Transition Relation Computing abstract transitions
Obtain transitions Computing abstract transitions 10 00 01 11 … and so on …
Abstract Model module main (clk) input clk; reg [10:0] x, y; initial x= 100, y= 200; always @ (posedge clk) begin x <= y; y <= x; end endmodule Property: AG (x = 100 or x = 200) Initial set of predicates: {x = 100, x = 200} Verilog program Initialstate Failure Failurestate 10 00 01 11
Abstraction-Refinement loop Verilog Program Abstract model Model Checker Abstraction refinement Verification InitialAbstraction No error or bug found Simulator Propertyholds Simulationsucessful Bug found Refinement Spurious counterexample Counterexample
Model checking module main (clk) input clk; reg [10:0] x, y; initial x= 100, y= 200; always @ (posedge clk) begin x <= y; y <= x; end endmodule Verilog program Failure Failurestate 10 00 01 11 Initialstate Abstract Model
Model checking module main (clk) input clk; reg [10:0] x, y; initial x= 100, y= 200; always @ (posedge clk) begin x <= y; y <= x; end endmodule Verilog program Failure Failurestate 10 00 01 11 Initialstate Abstract Model Abstract counterexample
Abstraction-Refinement loop Verilog Program Abstract model Model Checker Abstraction refinement Verification InitialAbstraction No error or bug found Simulator Propertyholds Simulationsucessful Bug found Refinement Spurious counterexample Counterexample
Simulation module main (clk) input clk; reg [10:0] x, y; initial x= 100, y= 200; always @ (posedge clk) begin x <= y; y <= x; end endmodule Verilog program Failure Failurestate 10 00 Initialstate Counterexample is spurious Abstract counterexample
Abstraction-Refinement loop Verilog Program Abstract model Model Checker Abstraction refinement Verification InitialAbstraction No error or bug found Simulator Propertyholds Simulationsucessful Bug found Refinement Spurious counterexample Counterexample
Refinement Let length of spurious counterexample be k Let length of spurious counterexample be k Take weakest pre-condition of property for k steps with respect to transition functions Take weakest pre-condition of property for k steps with respect to transition functions
Refinement (x’ = 100 Ç x’ = 200) Holds after one step x’ := y y’ := x (y = 100 Ç y = 200) weakestprecondition AG (x = 100 Ç x = 200) Property length =1 + spuriouscounterexample New predicates y = 100, y = 200
Abstract again module main (clk) input clk; reg [10:0] x, y; initial x= 100, y= 200; always @ (posedge clk) begin x <= y; y <= x; end endmodule Property: AG (x = 100 or x = 200) Updated set of predicates: {x = 100, x = 200, y=100, y=200} Verilog program 1001 0110Initialstate Model check New abstraction
Model checking module main (clk) input clk; reg [10:0] x, y; initial x= 100, y= 200; always @ (posedge clk) begin x <= y; y <= x; end endmodule Property: AG (x = 100 or x = 200) Updated set of predicates: {x = 100, x = 200, y=100, y=200} Verilog program 1001 0110Initialstate Property holds! New abstraction
Result module main (clk) input clk; reg [10:0] x, y; initial x= 100, y= 200; always @ (posedge clk) begin x <= y; y <= x; end endmodule Property: AG (x = 100 or x = 200) Verilog program Property holds!
Making it work in practice Computation of predicate abstraction Computation of predicate abstraction –Handling of large no. of predicates With 50 predicates there can be 2 100 predicate relationships!!
Predicate Partitioning Current state predicates p 1 := x = 100 p 2 := x = 200 p 3 := y = 100 p 4 := y = 200 + x’ := y y’ := x + p’ 1 := x’ = 100 p’ 2 := x’ = 200 p’ 3 := y’ = 100 p’ 4 := y’ = 200 Next state predicates Transition relationPartition+ + p 1 := x = 100 p 2 := x = 200 y’ := x p’ 3 := y’ = 100 p’ 4 := y’ = 200 p 3 := y = 100 p 4 := y = 200 x’ := y p’ 1 := x’ = 100 p’ 2 := x’ = 200 + +Æ
Predicate Partitioning Speeds up abstraction computation Speeds up abstraction computation Introduces over-approximation Introduces over-approximation Refinement Refinement –Handles over-approximation due to predicate partitioning –Generate new predicates
Refinement by removing spurious transitions Abstract transition: ) Spurious Constrain abstraction [Das and Dill]: : (b 1 =0 Æ b 2 =1 Æ b’ 1 =0 Æ b’ 2 =0) Proof of unsatisfiabilty (UNSAT) core: : (b 2 =1 Æ b’ 1 =0)
Refinement by generating new predicates Identify predicates whose weakest pre-condition needs to be computed x’ := y y’ := x (x=1) Æ : (x=2) : (x’=1) Æ: (x’=2) Init: x=1, y=2 PROOF OF UNSATISFIABILITY Predicate whose Weakest pre-condition is needed
Refinement by generating new predicates x’ = 2 x’ := (x < 5) ? (x + 2) : x ((x < 5) ? (x + 2) : x ) = 2 Blowup in weakest pre- conditions size Only add atomic predicates Add x <5 as a new predicate and run the loop again
A counterexample of same length x’ = 2 x’ := (x < 5) ? (x + 2) : x ((x < 5) ? (x + 2) : x ) = 2 But now we get a value for x < 5 from abstract counterexample (say true) x’ := x + 2 x + 2 < 3 simplify New predicate
Experimental results Benchmark#LatchesVCEGAR P/I P/I Cadence SMV (using -absref3) ICU281.3s5/10.1s ICRAM2KB16427450.7s3/825s ICRAM4KB32796843.3s3/8 too many BDD variables ARITH1002023.5s3/3182.4s ARITH2004029.6s3/32147s ARITH500100232.2s3/3timeout ARITH10002002122.6s3/3timeout
Experimental results (VIS benchmarks) Benchmark Lines of code #Latches#Variables VCEGAR Time #Predicates#Iteration cachecoherence5494317049s259 mpeg decoder 1 121556780029s93 usb_phy10545044104s4722 ethernet6059116015s3015 SDLX8984181139s4330 ITC99_b12558125119188s3223
Summary Verification at RTL level without going to netlists Verification at RTL level without going to netlists Predicate abstraction using word-level predicates Predicate abstraction using word-level predicates –Handling large no. of predicates (predicate partitioning) –Weakest pre-conditions for obtaining new predicates –Techniques are completely automatic VCEGAR VCEGAR –Encouraging results on industrial benchmarks –
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